单词 | arabesque |
释义 | arabesque [英 [??r??besk] 美 [??r??b?sk] ] arabesque的意思、解释 复数形式:arabesques; arabesque 基本解释 名词阿拉伯图案; 阿拉伯式花饰; 错综图饰; 阿拉贝斯克芭蕾舞姿(独脚站立,手前伸,另一脚一手向后伸) 形容词阿拉伯式图案的 arabesque什么意思 arabesque 网络解释 1. 谍海密码战:索非亚.罗兰也曾经是影片女主角的人选之一,罗兰的合约问题最后没有让她获得这个机会.但7年之后,罗兰还是参与了导演斯坦利.多南(Stanley Donen)受启发而拍摄的悬疑片(Arabesque),而这部电影的男主角也 2. 阿拉伯风格曲:该段音乐选自德彪西在1888年创作的两首钢琴曲(Arabesque)的第一首,该曲结构匀称,段落分明,运用了中古调式,曲调有鲜明的五声音阶因素,和声也较新颖. arabesque 双语例句 1. arabesque什么意思 1. There is an action called arabesque spin. This is an extremely elegant action just like a scenery painting. 在花样滑冰中有一个动作叫做燕式旋转,这是一个非常优雅的动作,就像一幅风景画。 2. 27 Arabesque Nujabes Rest in Peace... 我妈每次对着我骂草泥马的时候都是那么的坦荡。 3. As they body pop and arabesque their way into your hearts you`ll certainly remember their names...FAME! 透过流行音乐和节拍强劲的舞蹈表演,让您必定记住他们的名字…我要高飞! 4. The Arabesque is synonymous to majestic strokes that have to be delicately adapted to the desired corporate image. 阿拉伯威严是光辉绚丽的代实词,它必须被警惕高地应用在令人等待的母司抽象上。 5. There were arabesque figures with unsuited limbs and appointments. 到处都是光怪陆离的形象,四肢和打扮都不伦不类的人。 6. The Arabesque solution is the answer to a designer's desire for uniqueness. 阿拉伯风为设计师渴望独一无二给出了答案。 7. 7. A few years ago, right before my eyes, a man with matted hair created an artificial world, a simulation of swaying fernlike arches rising off of an arabesque floor of maroon tiles and a tall red chimney going nowhere in particular. 那实际上是一个模拟的场景,在这个场景中,一座蕨类植物一样的拱顶,还有一个不知道具体要通往哪里的高耸的红色烟囱摇摇晃晃地从一个栗色砖铺就的、阿拉伯风格的地面升起。 8. The fluctuating shapes of a cloudscape, the complex arabesque of a camera movement, the blink of a character's eyebNigel Andrews 云彩形状的多变形式,摄像机运动的复杂阿拉伯图案,演员眼睛的眨动b奈杰尔·安德鲁斯 9. The fluctuating shapes of a cloudscape, the complex arabesque of a camera movement, the blink of a character's eyeNigel Andrews 云彩形状的多变形式,摄像机运动的复杂阿拉伯图案,演员眼睛的眨动奈杰尔·安德鲁斯 10. 39 Arabesque Nujabes Rest in Peace... 曾以为我在卖艺,原来我是在卖身。 11. arabesque的反义词 11. 18 Arabesque Nujabes Rest in Peace... 啊?这样啊?我原来是这样想的,santa去送礼物的时候,孩子们不是在床脚挂着长筒袜么,santa以袜子的款式来辩雌雄啊····0-,0 12. arabesque 12. That jade-green lotus leaf became her body desire to hide to bare yet at this time of dressing out with Arabesque, It concealed and appeared her soft and charming body. 那翠绿的荷叶此时成了她身上欲遮还露的轻罗缦纱,时隐时现出她曼妙的身体。 13. More than one dreamer of that epoch often allowed his thoughts and his eyes to penetrate indiscreetly between the bars of that ancient, padlocked gate, twisted, tottering, fastened to two GRE en and moss-covered pillars, and oddly crowned with a pediment of undecipherable arabesque. 一道加了扣锁的弯曲晃动的古式铁栏门,竖在两根绿霉侵渍的柱子中间,顶上有一道盘绕着离奇不可解的阿拉伯式花饰的横楣,当年不止一个好作遐想的人曾让自己的目光和思想从那些栏杆缝里穿过去。 14. More than one dreamer of that epoch often allowed his thoughts and his eyes to penetrate indiscreetly between the bars of that ancient, padlocked gate, twisted, tottering, fastened to two green and moss-covered pillars, and oddly crowned with a pediment of undecipherable arabesque. 一道加了扣锁的弯曲晃动的古式铁栏门,竖在两根绿霉侵渍的柱子中间,顶上有一道盘绕着离奇不可解的阿拉伯式花饰的横楣,当年不止一个好作遐想的人曾让自己的目光和思想从那些栏杆缝里穿过去。 15. But the decorative vocabulary of the Ushaks--the medallion shapes, the arabesque forms filling them, and the vines and small-scale floral elements filling the interstices between the medallions--marks a total departure from the tradition represented by the Holbeins, Lottos, and their predecessors. 但是,那些装饰性的乌沙克词汇(中间填充者团花图案和阿拉伯式图案,团花图案之间的间隙填充者藤蔓和小型花卉图案)却标志着其完全脱离了由霍尔拜因人、洛托人以及他们之前的人所代表的传统。 16. Its predominant vein was, in poe's own phrase, " the grotesque and arabesque. " 它的最主要的特点,用坡自己的话说,就是“怪诞和奇异。” 17. The ballerina remained suspended in a faultless arabesque. 这位芭蕾舞女演员一直保持着完美的阿拉贝斯克舞姿不动。 18. I like carpets with arabesque patterns. 我喜欢带有阿拉伯式花饰的地毯。 19. The solitary child lived on, surrounded by this arabesque work of his musing fancy, and no one understood him. 这孤独的孩子就这样继续生活着;他沉思的想象所构造出的奇异的形象围绕着他;没有人了解他。 20. arabesque的反义词 20. Plie and then two, arabesque. 弯曲然后两个阿拉伯步。 arabesque 词典解释 1. 阿拉贝斯克舞姿(芭蕾基本舞姿之一,单腿直立,另一腿往后抬起,两臂前伸) An arabesque is a position in ballet dancing. The dancer stands on one leg with their other leg lifted and stretched out backwards, and their arms stretched out in front of them. e.g. The ballerina remained suspended in a faultless arabesque. 这位芭蕾舞女演员一直保持着完美的阿拉贝斯克舞姿不动。 2. 阿拉伯式花饰 In art, an arabesque is a design of flowing lines. e.g. ...a clay water jug decorated with painted arabesques. 绘有阿拉伯式花饰的泥制水罐 arabesque 单语例句 1. Arabesque knitted and printed patterns, creep up the dresses until they reach a floral boom. arabesque 英英释义 noun 1. an ornament that interlaces simulated foliage in an intricate design 2. position in which the dancer has one leg raised behind and arms outstretched in a conventional pose |
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