单词 | archway |
释义 | archway [英 [?ɑ:t?we?] 美 [?ɑ:rt?we?] ] archway的意思、解释 复数形式:archways; archway 基本解释 名词拱门,拱道 archway是什么意思 archway 网络解释 1. 拱门:回到乘筏继续往左,用世界之石开启栅门,上岸进入拱门(archway). 将梯子放在雕像前,爬上去后打开它胸前的金属板(chestplate),查看里面,然后依刚刚看到的图案先将转轮(wheel)和雕像组件(statuepart)依次放在中央的木钉, 2. archway 2. 拱廊:archives 档案室 | archway 拱廊 | arcuated architecture 拱式建筑 3. archway在线翻译 3. 拱门,拱道:gatepost 门柱 | archway 拱门,拱道 | porch 门廊,游廊 4. archway的解释 4. 拱道:apron 圍巾,圍裙 | archway 拱道 | assail 攻擊 archway 双语例句 1. We will work into the night to erect a barrier around the archway. 我们将连夜施工,修起一个围挡将牌楼圈起来。 2. Penglai is a modern beachscape tourist city, Chinese excellent tourist city, famous scenic spot at state level, provincial historic and cultural famous city with 3 key historical and cultural relics under state protection such as Penglai Water City, Penglai Pavilion and Qi Jiguang memorial archway. It has advantaged tour resources as a seashore vocation resort, which accepts tourists at home and abroad of over 2 million each year. Therefore tourism has become the pillar and prosperous industry of Penglai's economy. The comprehensive income of tour possesses over 10.4% of the whole city's GDP, and local finance and taxation contribution rate reaches over 30%. Currently it is promoting the transfer of tourism from tour to vocation type. 蓬莱是一座现代化海滨风景旅游城市、中国优秀旅游城市、是国家级风景名胜区、省级历史文化名城,拥有蓬莱水城、蓬莱阁及戚继光牌坊三处国家级重点文物保护单位,不仅观光旅游资源得天独厚,而且是一处海滨度假胜地,每年接待海内外游客200多万人次,旅游产业因此也成为蓬莱市经济支柱产业、兴市产业,旅游综合收入占全市GDP10.4%以上,地方财税贡献率达到30%以上,目前正在推动旅游产业由观光型向度假型转变。 3. Lyle established the tone of his brother and sister-in-law`s home at the entry, bracketing the foyer between a glossy black archway and an expanse of ebony wallpaper. 莱尔的设计,建立在他的弟弟和妹妹的家庭入口,在光泽的黑色之间是牌楼和广阔的乌木墙纸大厅。 4. Through the archway a patch of cold blue sky glimmered faintly, streaked by one line of lurid crimson, and lighted by the dim glitter of one wintry-looking star. 穿过拱廊可以望见一小块寒冷的蓝天,上面镶着一道血红色。由一颗肃杀的星星的朦胧闪光照耀着,隐隐约约透出微光。 5. 5. Entering through the decorated archway at the roadside, I saw stalls in horizontal and vertical lines, selling various tourist articles. They were like the big and small stalls that could be seen everywhere in the tourist spots back in China. Although every stall was warmly introducing their goods, no one liked the Chinese men and women who would stick like a limpet to force the travelers to buy things. 从街口处的牌楼进去,广场上横竖成行的摊位上,出售着各种旅游品,正象国内到处可见的旅游点上的大小摊位一样,尽管各家也在过分热情地介绍着他们各自的货色,却没有国内那种死死缠住行人,逼你买东西的男女。 6. Other landmarks include the Taicong archway at the southern foot of the Mountain; The Wangmuchi, named after the most prominent Daoist goddess, the Queen of the Immortals; and a former Buddhist convent called the Doumugong (Temple of the Goddess of the Great Bear), situated near the Wudafu pines. 其他标志性景点有南山脚下的岱宗坊、以最有名的道教女仙,仙后命名的王母池、原来佛教寺院斗母宫,靠近五大夫松。 7. He thought, and he drew nearer to the ivied archway, and the still water-pools, coldly grey in the twilight. 他心中想道,这时他更加走近长春藤的拱廊以及在暮色中呈苍白寒光的静静池水了。 8. Her brain reeled; her heart stopped beating. She uttered no cry of surprise, no exclamation of terror, but staggered backwards and clung for support to the ivied buttress of the archway. 她的头晕了;她的心停止跳动了,她没发出惊讶的叫声和恐惧的喊声,只是摇摇晃晃地后退,倚靠在拱廊的长春藤缠绕的扶垛上。 9. She clenched her small hands as she uttered the last words, and walked to the window of the dressing-room, which looked straight towards that ivied archway under which any one must come who came from Mount Stanning to the Court. 她说出这最后一句话时,两只小手把拳头捏得紧紧的。她走向化妆室的窗子,这窗子笔直地对着下面长春藤缠绕的拱门。任何人从斯坦宁丘来到庄院府邸,都是必须在拱门下经过的。 10. archway 10. After a short break, some faster and stronger riders organized a group with the coach Tim Ti to cycle to Tiansiang and returned. The other riders cycled to Changchu Shrine and returned back to the Taroko Monumental Archway. 在短暂休息后,车队中脚程快、体力佳的几名成员和狄懋昌教练组成一军骑往天祥再折返,而其他人员则稍后出发往长春祠后折返到太鲁阁中横牌坊会合收兵。 11. The sun was low in the skies as they took a short cut through the meadows, and crossed a stile into the avenue leading to the archway--a lurid, heavy-looking, ominous sun-set, and a deathly stillness in the air, which frightened the birds that had a mind to sing, and left the field open to a few captious frogs croaking in the ditches. 他们由捷径穿过牧场,越过一道阶梯,进入通向拱廊的林荫道时,天空中太阳低沉——一个火红的、沉重的、不祥的落日,空气里一片死一般的寂静,吓得想唱歌的鸟儿6走了,把辽阔的田野留给一些在沟里呱呱乱叫的、强词夺理的青蛙。 12. 12. From the west, the inverted image of biji archway is cast on the eastern street through the dying rays. Meanwhile, from the east, silvery moonlight irradiates jinma archway, and projects its shadow. Then shadows of the two archways drawing nearer and nearer to each other, and finally converge. 就是有那么一天,太阳将落未落,金色的余辉从西边照射碧鸡坊,它的倒影投到东面街上;同时,月亮则刚从东方升起,银色的光芒照射金马坊,将它的倒影投到西边街面上;两个牌坊的影子,渐移渐近,最后互相交接。 13. That is to say, it is the moment before the sunset, the golden sunrays irradiate upon the Biji Archway from the west, casting its inverted image to the east street. At the same time, the moon has just rises from the east, its silver moonlights reflecting the Jinma Archway, casting the inverted image to the west street. With the movement of the sun and moon, the shadows of the two archways gradually draw closely, finally totally connected. 就是有那么一天,太阳将落未落,金色的余辉从西边照射碧鸡坊,它的倒影投到东面街上;同时,月亮则刚从东方升起,银色的光芒照射金马坊,将它的倒影投到西边街面上;两个牌坊的影子,渐移渐近,最后互相交接。 14. She stood for a few minutes watching the archway; but no one passed under it while she looked; and she turned impatiently away from the window to resume her weary wandering about the rooms. 她站定了几分钟张望着拱门;但她望着的时候可没有人打拱门下走过;她不耐烦地从窗子边转过身来,重新在房间里厌倦地往来蹀躞。 15. 15. The varnished wood sign over the archway: Brooks Hatlen Memorial Library. 上过漆的牌子挂在图书馆的门上:`纪念布鲁克斯。 16. 160 INT -- PRISON LIBRARY -- DAY (1963) 160内景—图书馆—白天-- the varnished wood sign over the archway: Brooks Hatlen Memorial Library. 上过漆的牌子挂在图书馆的门上:`纪念布鲁克斯。哈特兰图书馆`。 17. archway是什么意思 17. The Roman triumphal arch had a facade of marble columns, and the archway and sides were adorned with relief sculpture. 罗马的凯旋门正面有大理石的石柱,在拱门和两侧都有浮雕。 18. Before he left he begged the emperor for a favor--to erect a chastity archway in honor of his widowed mother. 临行前,朱耀宗请求皇上为多年守寡一直不嫁的母亲竖立贞节牌坊。 19. On behalf of the 12 built in the Ming-chu, 3-bay three double eaves and floor-type spirits to be the arch, Guangdong existing mix of the most magnificent structure of wood and stone archway, the country will also rare; Jian Yuqing on behalf of the Shunzhi fifteen years (in 1658) and Hail Taiwan is Guangdong Province, the oldest and most complete ancient stage, the station building in a high 2.07 meters high platform, from the table to 6.25 meters high Qian Yan, Xie Shan-style roll Ceiling, lacking a broad prospect 3, a total of 12.73 meters, into the deep 11.78 meters, with an area of 150 square meters, with a decorative wood panel with large, gold is divided into before and after the sets the stage for the open space, both sides of the box. 建于明代的十二柱三开间三重檐楼式灵应牌坊,是广东现存最雄伟壮观的木石混合结构的牌楼,国内也罕见;建于清代顺治十五年(1658年)的万福台是广东省现存最古老、最完整的古戏台,该台建筑在一个高2.07米的高台上,从台面至前檐高6.25米,歇山式卷棚顶,面宽三间,共12.73米,进深11.78米,面积为150平方米,用一块装饰大量贴金木雕板分为前后台,台前为空地,两边包厢。 20. archway 20. Zhang Changming sculptures include a wide variety, wide range of subjects: There are wood carving, stone carving, carving a variety of small Buddha statues, shrines, like four kings, murals, as well as the design of the stone archway to Japan, Chinese table, garden landscape character modeling and Modern Sculpture; a book stall a small screen, high-grade packaging boxes, multi-Po cells, helmets, knives and other products; there were paper, paper horses, money tree, lights, cars and other hand-rolling paper work. 张长明雕塑作品种类繁杂,题材广泛:有木雕、石雕,雕刻有各种大小佛像、佛龛、四大天王像、壁画,还有给日本设计的石牌楼、华表,园林景观中的人物造型及现代雕塑;有书档小屏风、高档包装盒、多宝格、头盔、刀具等工艺制品;还有纸人,纸马、摇钱树、灯、汽车等手工扎纸作品。 archway 词典解释 1. 拱廊;拱道;拱门 An archway is a passage or entrance that has a curved roof. e.g. Access was via a narrow archway. 通道入口是一道狭窄的拱门。 archway 单语例句 1. An engraved memorial archway for filial piety and personal loyalty is erected in front of the ancestral temple. 2. " Wonderland on the Sea " is inscribed on the memorial archway. 3. The newly built bluestone memorial archway loftily stands near the water, with four big characters on the bluestone meaning Master of Iatrology. 4. Not far away from the archway runs Roushi Street, within which visitors will find a dilapidated grey concrete building with its gate firmly shut. 5. The archway now serves at the entrance to the watchtower area, and the modern railway to Beijing station runs just north of the tower. 6. The patterns of auspicious animals are carved around the base while the patterns of dragon and phoenix are carved at the top of the archway. 7. The cemetery holds a large building in the style of ancient monumental archway, stone and waterside pavilions. 8. Behind a decorated archway, a wooden bridge spanning across a pond would lead visitors to the red pavilions. 9. Standing in this area is the " No 1 Peak in the South " archway, the best preserved ancient archway in the Baiyun Mountain. 10. Yet the archway with the clear inscription of " Laojun Temple " stands in Xinjiang, a frontier economy. archway 英英释义 noun 1. a passageway under a curved masonry construction e.g. they built a triumphal arch to memorialize their victory Synonym: arch |
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