单词 | armor |
释义 | armor [英 ['ɑ:m?] 美 [?ɑrm?] ] armor的意思、解释 过去式:armored; 过去分词:armored; 现在分词:armoring; armor 基本解释 名词装甲; 盔甲; 装甲部队; 保障 及物动词为…穿盔甲(或加置装甲); 为…提供防御 armor 相关例句 及物动词 1. armor的反义词 1. They armored themselves against the possible attack. 他们作好了应付可能进攻的防御准备。 名词 1. The knight was completely clad in armor. 那位骑士全身披挂盔甲。 armor 网络解释 1. 1. 盔甲:先决条件:21级,敏捷25+,闪避,有滚翻技能等级,精通回避(improved evasion)和翻躲(Defensive Roll)简介:施法者获得+20盔甲(Armor)防御等级奖励,持续时间为1小时/每施法者等级. 2. 装甲:美国的[装甲](Armor)杂志曾有报导,98式主战坦克有一种「激光压制观瞄系统」,有效作用距离为3000米,强化能量后可以达到10000米. YST认为如果有效距离能够提升到一万米,那么用它来照射武装直升机也许是更好的应用. 3. armor是什么意思 3. 护甲:省了我好多技能点啊(暗暗窃喜ing......)护甲(Armor):比较重要的技能,有多余点的话就加吧,是一项可以加行走速度(movement speed)的好技能......远程战斗技能(Ranged Combat):垃圾技能阿......也可能是我不会用? 4. armor什么意思 4. 防具:(Weapon)专用 , 防具(Armor)专用 , 通用(Additional,可镶嵌过requiem lant於饰品上) , 所以这边是要强化武器因此你可以选武器(Weapon)专用或是通用(Additional)来镶嵌. armor 双语例句 1. The Laser Designator will function as before, revealing an enemy's position, and will also decrease that enemy's armor. 激光指示器和以前一样,指明敌人的位置,并减少对方的护甲。 2. A metal housing, shell or armor of a device in the path of the identified grounding conductor need not be of copper or copper-based alloy, but shall employ a copper or copper-base alloy contact for connection to the housing of a mating device. 例外1:一个在确定的接地导线通路中的器件,其金属外壳或保护装甲不需要用铜或铜合金制成,但应采用铜或铜基的接触件用于连接到插合器件的外壳。 3. Here, Edward III is depicted in shiny, bedazzled armor. 图中的德华三世身着一身华丽的战袍。 4. armor的意思 4. He will then remove the rest of his armor and go to stage 3 然后他脱下其余的护甲,进入第三阶段。 5. The model established provide theoretical basis for researching and developing the charging technology of bell-movable armor blast furnace, and laid foundation for the realization of automatic control of the technology in pratice. 已建立的模型为带可调炉喉导料板双钟四阀高炉的布料工艺的进一步的研究和完善提供了理论依据,为在实际应用中实现该工艺的自动控制奠定了基础。 6. This paper put forward the reasonable mathematical formula which simulate refered physics phenoma, develop mathematical model and develop computer program, show the burden flow trajectory, the formation process of burden layer, the ratio of ore to coke, radial distribution of size, radial distribution of gas flow velocity and establish the burden distribution mathematical model of bell top blast furnace on the basis of analyzing the basic factors and combine the real condition of bell-movable armor blast furnace. 本论文在对这些影响因素进行分析的基础上,结合带可调炉喉导料板双钟四阀高炉的实际情形,提出模拟这些物理现象的合理的数学表达式,开发数学模型及编写计算机程序,动态显示料流轨迹、料面的形成过程、矿焦比分布、粒度径向分布、径向气流速度比分布,建立钟式高炉炉料分布数学模型。 7. B! _ To complete this family of ammunition, GAU-8/A ammunition offers a low-cost Target Practice round, PGU-15/B. This design, used for training, has been proven in application against light armor. t% c X2 C! k:x 作为弹药家族的补充完善,GAU-8/A还装备了价格低廉的PGU-15/B目标训练弹,该弹除了作为训练用途外,也具有杀伤软目标的能力。 8. For high antibullet performance, light weight and low cost, the ceramic composite armor is widely applied in the bodywork and casemate structures of tanks and armored vehicles. 陶瓷复合装甲以其优异的防弹性能、较轻的质量和相对便宜的价格成为新型的防弹装甲材料,应用于坦克装甲车辆以及其它军用车辆的车体、炮塔中。 9. They were as false as the scale on top of armor. And behind this scale was Stalin himself-a piece of steel. 它们就像盔甲上的鳞片一样虚假,而鳞片后面,就是斯大林本身---一块钢板。 10. armor 10. And a man drew a bow at random and hit the king of Israel between the scale armor and the breastplate. 22:34 有一人随便开弓,恰巧射入以色列王的甲缝里。 11. Non-penetrating damage in the armor caused cracking through the armor and large scale interior spalling. 装甲上的未贯穿伤害也会造成穿透装甲的裂纹并在内侧造成大片的碎裂。 12. Chainmail, scale armor, and plate armor are heavy armor 链甲,鳞甲和板甲都属於重甲。 13. Leather Armor, Scale Armor, and Chain Mail increases armor. 研究皮革装甲,鳞甲,锁子甲以增加装甲 14. He had a bronze helmet on his head and wore a bronze corselet of scale armor weighing five thousand shekels 头带铜盔,身穿铠衣,铠衣的铜重五千"协刻尔 15. armor什么意思 15. It had shrunk itself to allow it to fit within the confines of the room. Still its flesh was of bronze, its armor 但它仍然是青铜之躯,身批墨黑铠甲,须发是狂暴的烈火,一对巨角从粗眉上冲出。 16. Lady, I'm your knight with shinning armor and I love you 姑娘,我是你的骑士,我爱你 17. armor的反义词 17. Solid way to move your base with the most armor. 这是移动基地的最坚固方式,拥有最强的装甲。 18. Speed: 20 ft.(4 squares) in armor, base 30 ft. 速度:穿着护甲时20尺(4格),基础速度 30 尺。 19. Cloaks are complicated because they have base armor and sometimes bonus armor. 披风之所以复杂是因为它拥有基础护甲有的时候会有额外奖励。 20. So far your best option is to reach Antigua Island and wait there for rescue choppers, but first of all you must use a long range transmitter, and the only one nearby is inside an armor base. 到目前为止,你的最佳选择是达到安提瓜岛和等候在那里的救援直升机,但首先,你必须使用远程发射机,而且是唯一一个在附近,是内铠甲基地。 armor 词典解释 1. -> see armour armor 单语例句 1. The Heavenly King on the coin girds himself with armor, holding a tower in his right hand with his left arm akimbo. 2. It's a real chink in the armor of capitalism as supposedly the best process for allocating capital. 3. A reason for the presence of Russian armor maneuvering inside Georgia in either case was not immediately clear. 4. Robert Downey Jnr plays the billionaire industrialist Tony Stark, whose armor renders him the invincible Iron Man superhero. 5. This will annoy the historian who wants truth unvarnished, since the real warriors of 480 BC would have worn fairly extensive body armor. 6. Scratches on the paintwork indicated that armor plating had deflected other bullets. 7. President Bush's original request included no more money for body armor. 8. I met my first knight in terracotta armor more than a year ago when I chanced upon an exhibition while strolling through downtown Taipei. 9. Stark gradually discovers a destructive terrorist plan against mankind, so he dons his armor and becomes the technologically advanced superhero Iron Man. 10. He is clad in a crimson robe worn beneath golden armor and brandishes magical charms in his left hand. armor的翻译armor 英英释义 noun 1. tough more-or-less rigid protective covering of an animal or plant Synonym: armour 2. protective covering made of metal and used in combat Synonym: armour 3. a military unit consisting of armored fighting vehicles Synonym: armour verb 1. equip with armor Synonym: armour |
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