单词 | corporation |
释义 | corporation [英 [?k?:p??re??n] 美 [?k?:rp??re??n] ] corporation的意思、解释 复数形式:corporations; corporation 基本解释 名词公司; 法人; 社团,团体; 〈口〉(凸出的)大肚子 corporation的解释 corporation 相关例句 名词 1. The corporation has decided that no heavy-duty trucks are permitted to pass through the centre of the city during rush hours. 市政当局决定高峰期间不允许载重卡车通过市中心。 2. He landed a job in a large American corporation. 他在一家美国大公司谋得一职。 3. John works for a large American chemical corporation. 约翰为一家美国大化学公司工作。 corporation 网络解释 1. 企业:4个C是指资金(capital)、企业(corporation)、消费者(consumer)和资讯(communication). 想要了解一个人行为、思维模式、甚至思想深度,最简单易行的途径是通过他经历和著述. 大前研一是名日本人,他先是美国化(他的美国同事称他为凯恩), corporation 双语例句 1. INSPECTION CERTIFICATE ISSUED BY THE REPRESENTATIVE OF FLESHHEAD Link Ltd. CORPORATION WHOSE SINGATURE MUST BE COMPLIANCE WITH THE ONE IN THE FILE OF THE ISSUING BANK. 检验证书的FLESHHEAD通有限公司卫生组织代表发表SINGATURE公司必须是在与开证银行档案个遵守。 2. Carim Engineering Corporation headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, is a service of high-tech industries in the world of multinational corporations. 总部Carim Engineering Corporation设在日本东京,是一家服务于世界高新技术产业的跨国企业。 3. Carim Engineering Corporation is a transnational corporation serving Hi-tech enterprise in the world. 嘉利机械安装有限公司(Carim China Co。,Ltd。)是一家服务于世界高新技术产业的跨国企业。 4. A corporation is a legal entity created in accordance with state law. 有限责任公司是根据州的法律创建的法人。 5. corporation 5. The corporation`s production bases, which is specialized in the production of thermally conductive compounds, organic silicon materials, and special adhesives, etc., are located in the China`s University High-tech Industry Areas in Mi Yun, Beijing and Fuzhou, Fujian province. 北京三辰化工有限公司是由北大资源集团与深圳创新科技投资有限公司投资控股的高新技术企业,公司的生产基地设在北京密云及福州市。 6. A woman serving as the head of government of a city, town, borough, or municipal corporation. 女市长做一个城市、城镇、自治''。'市'。''或城市联合体的政府首脑的妇女 7. The image of entrepreneur has great effect on the brand building and the development of corporation. 企业家形象对企业品牌的塑造、企业的发展有很大的影响力。 8. corporation在线翻译 8. The Toyota Automobile Group Corporation of Japan (there-after refer to as TOYOTA), It's scale is the first in japan and the third in the world. 日本丰田汽车公司是日本第一、世界第三大汽车集团,在日本国内外共有58家整车和零部件生产厂。 9. 9. This is the website of Guangzhou Zhujiang Biology Chemistry Reagents Corporation. 这是广州市珠江生化试剂有限公司的网站。 10. The News Corporation completed its purchase of Dow Jones on Dec. 13 for more than $5 billion. 新闻集团收购道琼斯公司共花去50多亿美元,收购于去年12月13日完成。 11. A virtual engine was set up by MVEM and dedicated engine module base offered by AMESim, The interface modules in software AMESim and the Simulink were used to connect the features of the two softwares., The overall control system was set up in Simulink. The AMESim and Simulink corporation simulation model for CNG engine electronic controlling system was completed. 利用AMESim软件提供的平均值发动机模型和一些发动机专用模块库建立虚拟发动机,同时利用AMESim和Matlab/Simulink接口模块成功地将两种软件的各自特点结合其来,在Simulink中完成了整个控制系统建模,并对应用氧传感器信号的CNG发动机闭环控制进行了联合仿真。 12. Furthermore, information technology and internet accelerate business administration field steps into a new era. Traditionally, measuring corporation value as fiscal and tangible asset been antiquated, the intangible assets such as core-competence, innovation take place. Therefore, scholars propose a new measure methodology—intellectual capital which can explain why the corporation market value surpass book value. This measure methodology will assist high-level managers to identify what is the important asset when corporation faces the competition across internal and external environment systematically. It has become a significant index to evaluate corporation value currently. 全球化的二十一世纪已经来到,在全球竞争的浪潮下,为企业打开了全世界的广大市场,但也带来了无穷尽的竞争者,再加上IT科技及网际网路的推波助燃,企业管理也开始走入新世代;传统以财务与有形资产为公司价值所在的观念已逐渐式微,取而代之的是组织的核心竞争力、创新程度…等无形资产所创造的价值,因此,学者提出一个新的衡量方法—「智力资本」用来解释目前许多公司的市场价值远超过其帐面价值的情形,它可以协助高阶主管以有系统的方式辨别公司内外对于生存竞争占有重要地位的资产,更是目前评估企业价值的重要参考指标。 13. Job evaluation has been widely applied in other industry and corporation and achieved outstanding effect. 岗位评价在其他行业企业中已经被广泛应用,并且取得了良好的成效,但在医疗行业却鲜为应用。 14. 14. The information flow of yingtian corporation is reseached in this paper, In order to make yingtian corporation adapt the new environment of economic commerce and the new marketing method, and purchase feeding material from providers in the way of the inviting public bidding and the competitive bidding on the plat of economic commerce, and put the order form producing and sales into practice on the 在此基础上分析营田公司信息流存在的问题,对销售、采购等信息流进行调整与规划,借助电子商务平台拓展了营田公司的业务信息流和有关业务流程;并对调整后的优势加以评价。最后,介绍了营田公司电子商务平台的实施方案,利用WebService技术实现业务流程和信息流的整合。 15. This research improve the logistics management level of the storehouse and service level, raise the ability of storing up of the storehouse field, thus improve the capacity of The raw materials port of Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation`s industrial harbor. 本文研究的结论对提高武钢工业港散货码头生产能力,物流管理水平和服务水平,实现码头和堆场的智能化管理有重要的参考意义和实用价值。 16. These years in order to improve the product quality, Our corporation has made and improved the management rules. 近年来,经过深化改革与改制,公司不断提高产品质量,建立和完善了各项质量管理制度,通过多种形式,加强质量教育,强化质量意识,完善质量体系,并重点加强了从市场调研、产品开发设计、生产制造到安装调试、售后服务全过程的质量管理,有力地保证和促进了企业质量信誉和经济效益。 17. State Grid AC Project Construction Limited Corporation, Xicheng District, Beijing 100140, China 国网交流工程建设有限公司,北京市西城区 100140 18. American International Group, Inc.(NYSE: AIG, TYO: 8685, ISEQ: AIN) is a major American insurance corporation based in New York City. 美国国际集团(纽约证券交易所:美国国际集团,东京:8685 ,ISEQ :氮化铝)是一个主要的美国保险公司总部设在纽约市。 19. AmericanInternational Group, Inc.(NYSE: AIG, TYO: 8685, ISEQ: AIN) is amajor American insurance corporation based in New York City. 美国国际集团(纽约证券交易所:美国国际集团,东京:8685 ,ISEQ :氮化铝)是一个主要的美国保险公司总部设在纽约市。 20. A writ of mandamus issued from the court of King's Bench, directed to some officer, corporation, or inferior court and required that a duty prescribed by law, and not subject to discretion, be performed. writ of mandamus,即在英美普通法中指有管辖权的法官对下级法院、政府官员、机构、法人或个人下达的要求其履行法定职责行为的命令。 corporation 词典解释 1. 大公司;大企业 A corporation is a large business or company. corporation的反义词 e.g. ...multi-national corporations. 跨国公司 e.g. ...the Seiko Corporation. 精工株式会社 2. (英国某些大城市的)市政委员会 In some large British cities, the corporation is the local authority that is responsible for providing public services. e.g. ...the corporation's task of regenerating 900 acres of the inner city. 市政委员会改造900英亩的市中心贫民区的任务 corporation 单语例句 1. As is customary in China, the government agency and the business corporation are actually one entity with two identities. 2. The example often cited is China National Offshore Oil Corporation's thwarted attempt to buy Unocal in 2005. 3. Such stores may be branches owned by one company or franchises owned by local individuals or firms and operated under contract with the parent corporation. 4. By now the plant has delivered steam turbines to major domestic power companies such as China Guodian Corporation and China Power Investment Corporation. 5. The People's Publishing House said the traditional Chinese version of the speech will be distributed overseas by the China International Book Trading Corporation. 6. It was the second seaborne launch conducted by the Sea Launch corporation in 2012. 7. This is the third time that China Electronics Corporation has auctioned its shares in China Cable Television Network Co Ltd this year. 8. We can also call on " the best and brightest experts " from Intel Corporation to help evaluate projects and provide guidance for our portfolio companies. 9. The accident occurred as the Camel Textile International Corporation bus tried to overtake another vehicle, a Chinese embassy official said. 10. People cannot help but doubt that the Jilin corporation was trying to cover up the truth. corporation 英英释义 noun 1. slang for a paunch Synonym: potpotbellybay windowtummy 2. a business firm whose articles of incorporation have been approved in some state Synonym: corp |
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