单词 | countermand |
释义 | countermand [英 [?ka?nt??mɑ:nd] 美 [?ka?nt?rm?nd] ] countermand的意思、解释 过去式:countermanded; 过去分词:countermanded; 现在分词:countermanding; countermand 基本解释 及物动词取消(命令),撤回 countermand 网络解释 1. countermand的近义词 1. 撤回,取消:counterfeit 伪造,假冒的 | countermand 撤回,取消 | counterpart 极相似的人,配对的东西 2. 2. 取消:repo repurchase agreement 回购协议 | countermand 取消 | garnishee order 向第三债务人下达的资产扣押令 3. countermand的翻译 3. 止付,挂失:1036 counterfeit money 伪造货币 | 1037 countermand 止付,挂失 | 1038 countersign 会签 4. countermand的解释 4. 取消前令;取消定货:counterglow 对日照 | countermand 取消前令;取消定货 | countermark 附加标志 countermand 双语例句 1. My heart shall never countermand mine eye 我的心永远不会违拗我眼睛的决断 2. EXAMPLE: We received an urgent countermand from the client today that reversed the instructions we received from them yesterday. 我们今天收到了客户紧急止付单,撤消了我们昨天收到的指令。 3. Yes, from eternity I am He; There is none who can deliver from my hand: who can countermand what I do? 且由永远就是;没有人能从我手中救出谁来;我要做的,谁能扭转? 4. If you do not deliver the goods as promise by the end of october, we will is compelled to countermand our order. 如你方至10月底仍不能按照许诺交货,我们将不得不撤销订单。 5. If you do not deliver the goods as promise by the end of June, we will be compelled to countermand our order. 如果贵方不能按照约定的于六月底前交货,我方将不得不撤销订货。 6. In chapter three, the author analyzes the effect of the admission which is the core of the problem of admission. First of all, introduce the common effects in the general proceeding, and then, analyzes some problems such as the restriction and the countermand of the admission which are not regulated in our country. 第三章分析了自认规则的核心内容即自认的效力,首先介绍了经普遍认同的自认在诉讼程序中的一般效力,接着对我国立法并未明确规定的自认效力的限制和自认的撤销等问题进行了分析。 7. 7. Therefore, taking my stand on the common interest of China and the Allies, I shall firmly and completely oppose your order so long as you do not openly admit your error and countermand this wrong order. 因此,我站在中国和同盟国的共同利益的立场上,坚决地彻底地反对你的命令,直至你公开承认错误,并公开收回这个错误命令之时为止。 8. Turn over, tip over, tump over同义词:tip over, turn over, upset, knock over, bowl over, tump over同义词:overrule, override, overthrow, reverse4. cause the downfall of; of rulers同义词:overthrow, subvert, bring down同义词:revoke, annul, lift, countermand, reverse, repeal, rescind, vacate 本站所收集信息资料为网络转载版权属各作者并已著明作者旨在资源共享、交流、学习之用,请勿用于商业用途,本站并不保证所有信息、文本、图形、链接及其它内容的绝对准确性和完整性,故仅供访问者参照使用。 9. If the goods are not shipped in June, we shall be compelled to purchase elsewhere and may have to countermand our order. 若无法在六月装船,我们只能撤回订单去别处采购。 10. The expert points out, as a result of electronic airline ticket buy and the program such as countermand is to pass a network to finish, so its security problem nots allow small gaze. 专家指出,由于电子机票的购买和退定等程序都是通过网络来完成的,所以其安全性问题不容小觑。 11. 11. One of the advantages of html controls over web controls is that server - side events do not conflict with events that occur on the client, unless the server and client code themselves countermand each other html控件相对于web控件的优点之一是:服务器端事件不与在客户端发生的事件冲突,除非服务器和客户端的代码本身彼此取消。 12. And countermand all the soft stuff. 连同收回所有温软的废话。 13. The countermand of a cheque only takes effect after the expiration of the limit of time for presentment. 撤销支票付款的委托,仅于提示期限满后行之,始为有效。 14. Now countermand that order, in consequence of the receipt of the letter this morning. 由于今日上午才收到来函,现在只好取消那份订单。 15. I can't countermand an order Winger's given. 我无法撤销温格下达的命令。 16. Unless he uses this key to countermand the device. 除非他用这钥匙来取消。 17. Please countermand our order for same. 对上述订单,请取消。 18. The general countermand the orders issued in his absence. 将军撤销了他不在时所发布的命令。 countermand 词典解释 1. (通常指通过下达新命令)取消,撤销(命令) If you countermand an order, you cancel it, usually by giving a different order. e.g. I can't countermand an order Winger's given. 我无法撤销温格下达的命令。 countermand 英英释义 countermand noun 1. a contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command verb 1. cancel officially e.g. He revoked the ban on smoking lift an embargo vacate a death sentence Synonym: revokeannulliftreverserepealoverturnrescindvacate |
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