单词 | divergent |
释义 | divergent [英 [da?'v?:d??nt] 美 [d??v?:d??nt, da?-] ] divergent的意思、解释 divergent 基本解释 形容词发散的; 有分歧的; 叉开的; 扩散的 divergent 网络解释 1. divergent的反义词 1. 发散:大脑被设计成拥有各种不同的电路(circuits),当代的脑研究者已经辨识出三种这些不同的电路,他们称为聚合(convergent)、发散(divergent)和反射(reverberating)电路. 2. 发散的:divergent wind 发散风 | divergent 发散的 | divergent 发射的 3. divergent 3. 趋异进化:divergence 分散[用于神经系统];趋异 | divergent 趋异进化 | diverse ion effect 异离子效应 divergent 双语例句 1. And the initial deviation condition is given by Hill equation to control the error propagation of the TLE generated from the single point. And the condition is consistent with the minimal sum of squares of residuals of the TLE generated from sampling. Also the main divergent factor in initial deviation is separated, which may be operational in selecting TLE. 在此基础上,分析了两行轨道根数单点拟合发散的初始偏差影响因素,给出了提高单点推衍精度的初始偏差条件,该条件也对应高精度轨道预报采样拟合中残差平方和最小的最优条件,同时对影响残差发散的主要因子进行了分离,为TLE的选择和使用提供了理论依据。 2. Even before his time, the Franciscan and the Dominican currents had set out in divergent directions. 甚至之前他的时间,方济各和多米尼加电流已载列在不同的方向。 3. Such is especially true with a an underexpanded nozzle (eg divergent portion undersized). 例如,尤其是与一欠喷嘴。 4. 3Pair of oblique line divergent tube catalyst flow field simulation simulation, discovers under the same divergent tube length, because the slanting divergent tube population airflow direction occurs changes, enable the carrier border region the flowing to obtain the enhancement, the entire catalyst speed of flow distribution uniformity can enhance. 3对斜线扩张管催化器的流场的模拟仿真,发现相同的扩张管长度下,由于斜扩张管的人口气流方向发生转向,使载体边沿区域的流动得到加强,整个催化器的流速分布均匀性得以提高。 5. In their result, the stripped term and the divergent logarithmic term in the original brickwall method no longer exist. 在所得结果中取适当的参数,可得到黑洞熵与视界面积成正比的关系,不存在原brickwall方法中的舍去项与对数发散项。 6. Thermal effect of laser windows on the beam divergent angle. 激光窗口热效应对光束发散角的影响。 7. divergent什么意思 7. A noveland facile divergent method for the synthesis of the enantioenriched-β-adrenergicblocking agents was developed from the enantiopure-2, 3-epoxypropylamine 4 asthe general intermediate. 这一发散型的合成方法操作简单,产率高,产物的光学纯度高,反应温和,适合于工业化生产,与已知的合成光学活性的β-阻断剂的方法相比有一定的优越性。 8. divergent在线翻译 8. The variants are widely divergent from that of the literature handed down from ancient times, for this reason, the research on them is of much significance. 这些异体现象呈现出与传世文献大不相同的格局,充分说明对简帛用字的研究具有重要意义。 9. Different from previous methods, our method does not depend on sequence alignments, and thus is particularly suitable for highly divergent genomes. 和原先的方法不同,我们的方法不依赖于序列比对,并因此对高度分化的基因组特别适用。 10. In this divergent around the secular world, to learn to treat a common heart all around, is also a state. 在这个纷绕的世俗世界里,能够学会用一颗平常的心去对待周围的一切,也是一种境界。 11. Centrin is a member of the calcium-binding EF-hand protein superfamily present in centrosomes of widely divergent species. 中心蛋白是一广泛存在于多种生物体内的蛋白,它属于结合钙离子的EF-hand超家族成员。 12. At Vicente's initial evaluation at The Institutes in March 1997, he had an alternating divergent strabismus and converged his eyes only fifty percent of the time to read or to catch a ball. 1997年3月Vicente在研究所进行了第一次评测,他有交互型的斜视而且他在阅读或跟踪球的眼睛汇聚不足50%。 13. This dissertation is intended to natural law thinking and clues to the evolution of the social contract theory through comparison of the four predetermined natural state. the research-way of the natural law and social contract theory to their implicit of the property rights, and in the legal philosophy behind the widely divergent thinking. The research about the political philosophy and ethical reasons for the differing concepts and make the dissertation become a comprehensive system. 本文拟以自然法思想和社会契约理论的演进为线索,通过横向比较四者的自然状态预设、自然法思想和社会契约理论的研究路径对他们的财产权思想大相径庭背后所隐含的法律哲学、政治哲学和伦理道德观念迥异原因进行了全面、系统的研究。 14. The results in this paper also show that the typical meiyu front consists of a narrow band with high gradient of equivalent potential temperature below 500 hPa, south of which is warm and moist air mass, and north of which is the indifferent air mass from the mid-latitude ocean or the polar continent. Below the mid troposphere, south of the front blows southwest wind, and north of the front the easterly. The ascending motion and precipitation usually occur ahead of the meiyu front. In the upper troposphere, the subtropical front is above the meiyu front, but they are not connected. In addition, the upper westerly jet and the easterly to the south of the meiyu front consist of the upper divergent flow field. 对典型梅雨锋结构进行综合分析表明梅雨锋对流层中下层锋面由强假相当位温水平梯度形成;梅雨锋南侧为暖湿气团、北侧为变性气团;梅雨锋南面为西南季风、北面为偏东气流;梅雨锋的上升运动和强降水主要发生在梅雨锋的前沿;梅雨锋上方对流层上半部存在与副热带高空急流相配合的高空副热带锋;对流层上部的高空热带东风与副热带高空西风急流构成了梅雨锋降水的高空辐散流场。 15. divergent 15. Speaking nonrigorously, it allows us to attach a meaning to the'sum'of certain types of divergent series. 不严格讲话,允许我们附加一个意思到总和'某些类型的分歧的系列中。 16. divergent 16. Theorem 1 If the power series is convergent at, then for any that, the power series absolutely converges at point; if the power series is divergent at, then for any that, the power series diverges at point. 定理1 如果级数当时收敛,则适当不等式的一切使这幂级数绝对收敛;反之,如果级数当时发散,则适合不等式的一切使这幂级数发散。 17. divergent的解释 17. Definition The infinite series converges and has sum if the sequence of partial sums converges to, that is. If diverges, then the series diverges. A divergent series has no sum. 定义如果级数的部分和数列有极限,即,则称无穷级数收敛,这时极限叫做这级数的和,并写成;如果没有极限,则称无穷级数发散。 18. divergent的意思 18. Van Kooten and Abbot point to the divergent fates of the sea otter and beaver. 范-库腾和阿伯特以海獭和海狸迥然不同的命运为例。 19. Firstly, analyzing the source of the divergent opinions about the quality of securities investment fund and the legal status of it, the author briefly discusses the legal status of statutory - type fund, and then argues in detail about the legal status of fiduciary - type fund on the basis of the quality of social subject and legal subject of investment fund and as fact - judgment and value -... 笔者在找出我国理论界对证券投资基金性质及法律地位认识分歧的根源之后,简要论述了公司型基金的法律主体地位,并从投资基金的社会主体性和法律主体性两个层次、事实判断和价值判断两个方面,详细论证了信托型基金的法律地位,指出我国的投资基金立法应从主体角度对信托型基金进行规范,同时希望立法大胆创新,把信托型基金列为与自然人、法人具有平等地位的第三民事主体。 20. Through convergent and divergent strategies interwork, different dialectic models were constructed. 透过聚敛引导与扩散引导的穿插使用,而形成不同形式的对话模式。 divergent 词典解释 1. 有分歧的;不同的;相异的 Divergent things are different from each other. e.g. ...two people who have divergent views on this question... 在这个问题上意见相左的两个人 e.g. Similar customs were known in widely divergent cultures such as Ancient Egypt and Scandinavia. 在大不相同的文化中有一些相似的习俗,比如古埃及和斯堪的纳维亚之间。 divergent 单语例句 1. The divergent opinions do not seem to disturb Wu, who is a sophomore studying pop singing at Shenyang Conservatory of Music. 2. Divergent demographic views are also found on the issue of evolution, which almost all biologists accept as an explanation for the diversity of life. 3. International discourse on human rights sometimes degenerates into hollow ideological jostling because perceptions of civil rights and freedoms are too divergent between countries and cultures. 4. Roh and Bush have deeply divergent views on dealing with North Korea. 5. While sharing a common prospect for high growth, the four nations have rather different economic styles that demand divergent development policies. 6. Chen said there were two times when draft amendments proposed were met with divergent opinions and these were not put for vote. 7. One has to probe beneath the surface to feel the pulse of the people and their divergent and even opposing ideas. 8. The discussion was prompted by the realization that the financial crisis had spawned two divergent views on the economy within China. 9. The secretary told the audience he fully understands the issue is a matter of heated debate with widely divergent opinions. 10. But reinventing old institutions proved challenging, especially when they touched upon myriad divergent interests. divergent 英英释义 adj 1. tending to move apart in different directions Synonym: diverging 2. diverging from another or from a standard e.g. a divergent opinion |
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