单词 | divers |
释义 | divers [英 [?da?v?z] 美 [?da?v?rz] ] divers的意思、解释 divers 基本解释 形容词不同的,好几个的 名词(通常有专用装备的)潜水员( diver的名词复数 ); 跳水者,跳水运动员 divers 相关例句 形容词 1. Divers persons were present, of all stations in life. 各种不同身分的人都在场。 divers 网络解释 1. 种种的:unorganized未加组织的 | 119.divers种种的 | diverse不同的 2. 杂项:PSP psp的 | - Divers - 杂项 | - Utilitaires - 公用事业 3. 3. 潜鸟类:鹤类 Cranes 5 | 潜鸟类 Divers 2 | 燕鸥类 Terns 3 4. divers的翻译 4. 有几个的/若干的/种种的/各色各样的:diverging /分岐的/相异的/ | divers /有几个的/若干的/种种的/各色各样的/ | diversely /不同地/各色各样地/ divers 双语例句 1. 1. Divers from the navy and FBI join the search for bodies in Minneapolis where a highway bridge collapsed. 来自海军和联邦调查局的潜水员也加入了在明尼阿波利斯高速公路大桥崩塌处的搜救工作。 2. All the divers stayed in the decompression chamber. 所有的潜水员都呆在减压仓里。 3. They have gathered together the silver that was found in the house of the Lord: and it is given to the overseers of the artificers, and of the workmen, for divers works. 已将上主殿内所有的银钱倒出来,交在监督和工人的手里了。 4. But over them that carried burdens for divers uses, were scribes, and masters of the number of the Levites, and porters. 兼管搬运的人,督促做各种工作的人。肋未人中还有些书记,作职员,作门丁的。 5. The main ones are Great Exuma, Little Exuma and Staniel Cay which are all much appreciated by yachtsmen and divers alike for the number of marinas and the richness of its depths. 埃克苏马群岛由一连串仅靠在一起的小岛组成。 6. If the Deathless dwell not in the heart death, If glad wisdom bloom not bursting the sheath of sorrow, If sin do not die of its own revealmen, If pride brak no under its load of decorations, Then whence comes the hope that divers these men from their homes like stars rushing to their death in the moning light? 如果记生不住在死亡的心里,如果愉快的智慧不是冲破悲伤的外壳而绽放出花朵,如果罪孽不是死于自我暴露,如果骄傲没有被虚荣的重负压垮,那么,驱策这些人离开家园,如同繁星在晨光中奔向死亡的希望,来自何方? 7. Florida's caves have been tough on divers too: Since 1960 some 300 have died underground. 佛罗里达的洞穴对潜水者们也没有好感:自从1960年以来已经有300多人陨命地下了。 8. 8. For it is most true, that a natural and secret hatred, and aversation towards society, in any man, hath somewhat of the savage beast; but it is most untrue, that it should have any character at all, of the divine nature; except it proceed, not out of a pleasure in solitude, but out of a love and desire to sequester a man`s self, for a higher conversation: such as is found to have been falsely and feignedly in some of the heathen; as Epimenides the Canadian, Numa the Roman, Empedocles the Sicilian, and Apollonius of Tyana; and truly and really, in divers of the ancient hermits and holy fathers of the church. 因为,若说一个人心里有了一种天生的、隐秘的、对社会的憎恨嫌弃,则那个人不免带点野兽的性质,这是极其真实的;然而要说这样的一个人居然有任何神灵的性质,则是极不真实的。只有一点可为例外,那就是当这种憎恨社会的心理不是出于对孤独的爱好而是出于一种想把自己退出社会以求更崇高的生活的心理的时候;这样的人异教徒中有些人曾冒充过,如克瑞蒂人埃辟曼尼底斯、罗马人努马、西西利人安辟道克利斯和蒂安那人阿波郎尼亚斯;而基督教会中许多的古隐者和长老则确有如此者。 9. divers在线翻译 9. And it came to pass that in the very heat of coition, the sheep beheld the rods, and brought forth spotted, and of divers colours, and speckled. 羊群对著枝条相配,就生出了有条纹,有斑点和黑点的小羊。 10. Today, divers are recovering these logs, which remain preserved in the cold fresh water. 如今,潜水员正在恢复这些留在寒冷的淡水中保存的日志。 11. divers的反义词 11. Metal of silver and brass, they offered it to the Lord, and setim wood for divers uses. 凡愿奉献银子和铜的,也送来,奉献给上主作献仪;凡有皂荚木的,也送来,为制造各种应用之物。 12. After gearing up, E. G., Denise, Kimberly, three other divers and I climbed into one of the two pangas, along with the driver and Patricio, our divemaster. 穿戴好装备,E.G。Denise,我太太KIMBERLY 加上我和其他4位潜水员爬上两艘橡皮艇的其中一艘,我们的DM Patricio也在这艘艇上。 13. One day, he took only son fishing the river, suddenly阴霆遮天, Daisaku winds, river waves shoot days in the leap from the pit of a dragon to nine security dragged Longdong, Paul very sad, so divers were looking for holes. 一天,他带着独子下河打鱼,突然阴霆遮天,狂风大作,江河巨浪拍天,从深潭中跃出一条恶龙把九保拖进龙洞,保悲痛万分,于是潜水人洞寻找。 14. E. g. You can adapt this fabric for anything from divers'suits to gloves. 你可以把这种面料做成从潜水服到手套的任何东西。 15. These events consist of two divers leaving the platform or springboard simultaneously and diving together. 这包括两名运动员同步地离开跳台或跳板,同步地跳入水中。 16. 16. The divers for land use and land cover changes are reforestation, population growth and increasing consumption, market and state policies. 当地土地利用和覆盖变化的主要驱动因子为植树造林、飞播造林和封山育林,人口增长和人均资源消耗的提高,以及市场和政策的影响。 17. A man cannot tell whether Apelles, or Albert Durer, were the more trifler; whereof the one, would make a personage by geometrical proportions; the other, by taking the best parts out of divers faces, to make one excellent. 没有人能说阿佩勒斯和阿尔伯特两人谁更荒谬,他们一人用几何学的比例画人像,另一人将若干面容的优点抽出,集合在一起来画出一张精美绝伦的脸。 18. In addition to the divers and other special arms, provided for six months after the treatment of post-operative complications in the past without as the eyes of the young, post-operative testing standards as qualified. 除潜水员等特殊兵种外,规定经过手术后治疗半年无并发症的近视眼的青年,手术后检测达标视为合格。 19. One of the divers without mentioning name! 当时我是最后一名浮出水面团员,原本是与当地潜导搭档的其中一名潜水员 20. Gas looming through the fog in divers places in the streets, much as the sun may, from the spongy fields, be seen to loom by husbandman and ploughboy. 街道各处透过雾气隐约可见上升的烟气,就像农夫和耕童从肥沃的农田透过雾气隐约可见天上的太阳。 divers 单语例句divers在线翻译 1. A boat usually carries three divers, and they work underwater by turns. 2. These are experienced divers, who had performed similar missions when dealing with the sinking of a Ukrainian cargo vessel. 3. The loss means more and more foreign divers are catching up with China in the competitions which have been dominated by the country for years. 4. Police and the coast guard have for months been sending divers into the sea and draining rice paddies in the hope of finding bodies. 5. Synchronized diving requires two divers to leap at the same time from adjacent boards, with nine judges inspecting the individual dives and synchronization. 6. More than 50 people participated in the rescue operation, including 17 divers responsible for cutting off the foundation column underwater. 7. Team manager Zhou Jihong admitted some of her divers competed with injuries, but that offered little consolation for their results. 8. No other survivors have been found, but divers recovered the body of one crewman Saturday. 9. Marine mammals are turning up on the world's beaches with tissue damage similar to that found in divers suffering from decompression sickness. 10. The whales have delighted thousands of visitors since being taught the impressive trick by scuba divers in a pool. |
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