单词 | diverse |
释义 | diverse [英 [da??v?:s] 美 [da??v?:rs] ] diverse的意思、解释 diverse 基本解释 形容词不同的,多种多样的; 变化多的; 形形色色的 diverse什么意思 diverse 同义词 形容词variousunlikeseveraldifferentdistinct diverse diverse 反义词 形容词samesimilar diverse 相关例句 形容词 1. diverse的意思 1. John and his brother have diverse interests. 约翰和他兄弟的兴趣迥然不同。 2. The program deals with subjects as diverse as pop music and ancient Greek drama. 这文件节目涉及包括流行音乐、古希腊戏剧在内的各种题材。 diverse 网络解释 1. 不同的, 变化多的:按照科学组织行为学理论(Organizational Behavior & Processes),按国际要求打造有战斗力的组织结构. 新组织要扁平化(Flat)、网络化(Networked)、灵活化(Flexible)、全球化(Globle)、不同的, 变化多的(diverse). 要用三种视角(Three Lenses)来观察组织结构. 2. 多样的:综合以上的分析,笔者认为全纳是基于满足所有学生的多样的 (diverse)需要的信念, 在具有接纳、归属、和社区感文化氛围的邻近学校内的高质量、年龄适合的班级里为特殊儿童提供平等接受高效的教育与相关服务的机会. 3. 变化多的:按照科学组织行为学理论(Organizational Behavior & Processes),按国际要求打造有战斗力的组织结构. 新组织要扁平化(Flat)、网络化(Networked)、灵活化(Flexible)、全球化(Globle)、不同的, 变化多的(diverse). 要用三种视角(Three Lenses)来观察组织结构. 4. 多樣性:ADC论坛是由山东大学政治学与公共管理学院研究生会主办的学术论坛,此论坛取学术性(Academic)、多样性(Diverse)、竞争性(Competitive)之意,旨在通过老师、同学之间的交流与互动来增强整个学院的学术氛围, diverse 双语例句 1. In the horizontal direction it shows the magnetic characteristics of sediment trap, squeeze deformation and metamorphic zone, intruded rock, which is representation of diverse tectonic features mentioned above. 秦巴山区的大巴山断裂及周边地区实施了高精度磁力勘探,经过向上解析延拓、垂向不同阶导数及欧拉反褶积等新方法处理及其分析,结果表明研究区磁场特征具有明显的规律性:横向上分别显示出沉积区、挤压构造变形区及侵入岩区的磁性特征,这是研究区多样化构造特征的具体反映;纵向上,浅部磁场呈现方向性磁场,深部呈现稳定基底的特征,这种磁性差异分界面构成了北大巴山地区逆冲推覆构造的滑脱面。 2. CD has a variety of hand-held machine BAG, BAG Walkman, radio kits, digital camera bags, mobile bags, DV machine sling, portable computer bag, portable DVD protection BAG, DVD discs, bags, sling, glasses box, headphones headset BAG boxes, ÷BAG, BAG shaver, electric scissors and so on BAG diverse styles and materials used, the cost-price options. 有各种手提CD机袋,随身听袋,收音机袋,数码相机袋,手机袋,DV机吊绳,手提电脑包,便携式DVD保护袋,DVD碟片袋,吊绳,眼镜盒,耳机袋耳机盒,索绳袋,剃须刀袋,电剪袋等等款式与用料多样,成本价格任选。 3. diverse在线翻译 3. Diverse, but all are valid, and we condemn those who steal our voice and say that we 我们不只期望能够被听见更希望受到尊重。我们的经验是多样化并正当合法的 4. Humans are not limited to the role of evaluator, but can choose to perform a more diverse set of functions. 人类不仅限于评估的作用,但可以选择执行更多样化的功能。 5. 5. To balance the protection of property right and public interest, we should diverse the right of using water. 反对者只考虑了公共利益的有效实现,认为取水权不能物权化,因而将其定性为债权或者公法上的权利等。 6. Although groups of seed-borne fungi from hybrid rice were diverse, no new seed-borne fungi was discovered. 杂交水稻种子寄藏真菌类群具有多样性,没有发现新的水稻种子寄藏真菌。 7. Analyzing the transnational and local men`s fashion magazines, we can understand even if the international men`s fashion magazine, like GQ, appeared and influenced the local male in a global way. From different cultures, magazine origins and readerships, the local men`s fashion magazine still can present some diverse features in many aspects. 而分析跨国与本土的男性时尚杂志则可以看出,在全球化的脉络下,虽然有如同《GQ》此类国际性男性时尚媒介的出现,对本地的男性产生一种全球化的男性气质规训,但随著杂志来源、读者群与当地文化的不同,却也并非如Connell所言,全球的媒体会再现出单一的男性气质形式,本地的男性时尚杂志在许多方面仍呈现一些不同的面貌。 8. diverse 8. We intend to privide customers with professional and efficient law service in diverse areas. 力求在各个领域为客户提供专业,高效的法律服务。 9. The authors of series pack with codecs family K -Lite released theupdated version of special addition for last versions of their products, which were intended for guaranteeing the support of playback diverse formatboth for video and audio files. 作者前三名解压家族系列的K特发布更新版本最后版本除特殊他们的产品,旨在保证回放支持多种格式的影音档案都。 10. diverse的近义词 10. ERP software has traditionally been used by large corporates to integrate and automate diverse departments across the enterprise. 企业资源规划软件在传统上一直使用的大型企业,以集成和自动化不同部门在整个企业。 11. Their leafblade shape, the petiole color and so on have diverse variations. 容易死亡;其叶片形状,叶柄颜色等也发生了不同程度的变化。 12. diverse的近义词 12. The course Ethical Debates and Choices: Cross-Disciplinary Conversations about Life Issues will help students understand the meaning of morality and the diverse values by discussing values and choices in ethical issues in modern society. To design a high quality general education course, the author has included fundamentals as well as cross-disciplinary integration as part of the course. Course content revolves around the influence of life changes on people`s values and ethics and examines life dilemmas from the point of view of ethics. 伦理思辨与选择:生命课题跨领域对谈」课程即由现代社会的伦理争议问题著手,探讨道德价值选择,尤其以「义利之辨」为理念核心,凸显『价值理性』的重要性爲核心思想,并以一种『共同问题』的解决爲考量去整合不同学科,对应现实世界发生的问题,统贯思考,因革损益人们道德内涵,冀盼透过生命伦理价值的厘清,让学生们能够明确思辨,从而把握现实世界中的伦理多元价值与道德的意义全貌。 13. It is a land with diverse environments and abundant resources, including the world's longest cave system, the greatest length of navigable waterways and streams in the Lower 48 states, and the two largest man-made lakes east of the Mississippi River. 这是一个与不同环境的土地和丰富的资源,包括世界上最长的洞穴系统,最大长度的航道和小溪中的美国48个州,两个最大的人工湖泊密西西比河以东。 14. Sustainable landscaping includes such diverse approaches as restoring creeks where development has trammeled or annihilated their previous course, or creating roof gardens to replace the productive capacity of the land taken up by a new building. 可持续发展的地形优化还包括一种可以重新贯满小溪河水的方法,小溪的资源是因为开发而枯竭的。 15. 15. By screening some Rhodococcus strains which were known to be ubiquitous in soil and had diverse biodegradative capabilities, Behki et al. 。通过筛选一些红株被称为是无处不在了不同的土壤和biodegradative能力,Behki等。 16. diverse的近义词 16. Generally, a genetic marker which could be used as a DNA Barcode should, on one hand, be conserved at some degree so that this genomic region could be amplified by universal primers for diverse taxa; on the other hand, be variable enough among taxa so that different species could be differentiated. 用于DNA条形码研究的标准基因,一方面应该足够保守,能够利用通用引物进行大范围的扩增;另一方面应该有足够的变异来区分不同物种DNA序列从而进行鉴定。 17. A reflection of our institution`s dialogue with diverse international artists, Nether Land invites reflection on the paradox of cultural and national identity. 虽然展览中的每件作品都与中国、非洲、欧洲或中东地区发生着联系。但由于作品体现的联系各不相同,观者无法通过这些联系得到某一国家的个人肖像。 18. Dualeffect antiallergic agent, with long duration of drug action and good patients'tolerance, is effective for diverse immunity conjunctivitis. 双效抗过敏药物对各型免疫性结膜炎均有较好的疗效,药效持续时间长,病人耐受性好。 19. On the basis of the results, we speculate that in the present synthesis polyols with diverse position and number of OH groups may show specific interaction with Ag+ ions and affect growth rates of various planes of silver crystals, thereby controlling the structures and morphologies of final products. 我们进一步研究了以1,2-丙二醇和1,3-丁二醇为溶剂和还原剂合成Ag 纳米线和Ag立方体的生长机理,以及反应温度、PVP用量、保护剂种类、无机盐的用量和种类等因素对纳米金属形貌影响。 20. diverse的反义词 20. Beijing has presented diverse features because of its historical sites, arts and culture and modernized developments. 众多的历史遗迹﹑文化艺术,加上现代化的建設,让北京呈現多元的不同风貌。 diverse 词典解释 1. 形形色色的;各式各样的 If a group or range of things is diverse, it is made up of a wide variety of things. e.g. ...shops selling a diverse range of gifts... 出售各种礼品的商店 e.g. Society is now much more diverse than ever before. 当今社会较之以往任何时候都要丰富多彩得多。 2. 不同的;迥异的 Diverse people or things are very different from each other. e.g. Jones has a much more diverse and perhaps younger audience. 琼斯的观众群更为多样化而且可能更年轻。 diverse 单语例句diverse的翻译 1. The company has produced three different kinds of wine over three years, bringing more diverse choices to eager buyers. 2. Bergen was buzzing with quality musicians and diverse music scene and it was here she planted her roots. 3. We hope both can take active measures to promote the diverse, comprehensive and healthy development of the two countries'economic and trade relations. 4. A diverse group of artists and their idiosyncratic styles form an exhibition that is harmonious and quiet yet captivating. 5. The production has toured more than 20 countries on three continents, in venues as diverse as a ruined plantation house in Atlanta to Windsor Castle. 6. Together with popular rock bands The Catcher in the Rye and Mr Chelonian, the lineup is aimed at ensuring the festival caters to diverse tastes. 7. National governments are unlikely to cede significant control to transnational institutions, and harmonizing rules would not benefit societies with diverse needs and preferences. 8. Xujiahui's commercial center is a diverse shopping hub, suitable for young people and families. 9. Around 200 ink and oil masterworks that depict China's diverse and colorful ethnic lifestyles are on display. 10. We are ready to work with the international community to boost world multipolarization, promote a harmonious coexistence of diverse forces and maintain stability in the international community. diverse 英英释义 adj 1. distinctly dissimilar or unlike e.g. celebrities as diverse as Bob Hope and Bob Dylan animals as various as the jaguar and the cavy and the sloth Synonym: various 2. many and different e.g. tourist offices of divers nationalities a person of diverse talents Synonym: divers(a) |
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