单词 | divination |
释义 | divination [英 [?d?v??ne??n] 美 [?d?v??ne??n] ] divination的意思、解释 divination 基本解释 名词卜; 预言; 筮; 占卦 divination 网络解释 1. 占卜学:6 占卜学(Divination)本科內容異常广泛,任何与占卜有关(除算术占卜)均是本科学习內容. 学习內容包括占星学、透心术、塔罗及纸牌占卜、水晶球、茶叶占卜、动物占卜、水占卜等各种占卜. 7 草药学(Herbology)本科要求学生学习各种草药的特性、各种草药的含义、各种草药在历史中所扮演的角色, 2. 预言系:罗马人就已经知道他们居住在多瑙河的边界地区. 当匈奴人从中亚往西边迁移时,哥德人因为受到压力而从该地区撒离. 他们向西迁徙..预言系(Divination) 预言系(Divination):预用于收集信息,估计形势的魔法. 其最高层次也拥有巨大的杀伤力,比如真言术. 3. 卜筮:因此,原始人类就从内心发出敬畏的心,产生忌讳(Taboo)、巫术(Magic)和卜筮(Divination),也产生了许多神话(Myths)和各种礼节(Corcmonies)等宗教礼俗. 布农族人的原始社会自然也不例外. 布农族的原始宗教可以说是布农族人的精神食粮, divination 双语例句 1. In this room, you shall explore the noble art of Divination. 在这间房子里,你们将领略圣术的奥妙 2. I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of Divination. 我就感觉到你并不具备学习高贵的预言艺术的灵魂。 3. 3. Yi Hong was most skeptical about the art of divination but the proof was right there before her eyes. It left no room for argument. 衣红最不信邪,但眼前指证历历,她连狡辩的余地都没有。 4. If you ask me, Divination`s a very woolly discipline. 如果你问我的话,我只能说圣术是一门乱七八糟的学科。 5. 5. Following that, it is to study the normal system and terminology of divination practiced in Chu bamboo slips, by performing a more profound study on time limit and type of divination, connection between divination and sacrifice, the Eight Diagrams in divination and other normal systems and terminology, etc. 接著则探讨楚简中卜筮的常制与用语,就贞问的时限与类型、卜筮与祭祷的关联、筮占的卦画以及其他常制、用语等问题,作较深入的研究。 6. For a sin like divination is rebellion, and presumption is the crime of idolatry. 背命等于行卜,顽抗与敬拜偶像无异。 7. It is wholly no use to chop the head, Uncut jade jade in so-called alike divination and the hand of patent, That is Chu Liwang as to discriminating together with engraving、Chu Wuwang、The affair of Chu Wenwang, Perfectly should not be the divination and ——Especially is living today what shares out the work and help one another age 砍了头都没有用,所谓的专利就象卜和手中的璞玉,至于鉴别与雕刻那是楚厉王、楚武王、楚文王的事,绝对不应该是卜和——尤其是在今天分工合作的时代 8. divination在线翻译 8. Another more important finding was that of a half cocoon unearthed in Xiaxian County of Shanxi Province. The cut cocoon was probably used for divination. 更为重要的是山西夏县西阴村出土的半个蚕茧,当时的人们切割这一蚕茧很可能就是为了占卜,为了观察茧壳中蛹化蛾的变化情况。 9. Divination is the way from which people hope for receiving indications by the times they can`t move a single step forward when encountering with skepticism. 在传统上,卜筮的意义等同卜筮的目的,为预知所筮问的事。但今天,我们认为卜筮的意义有两重;一是卜筮本身所包含的意义、二是卜筮的道德意义。 10. Its basic characteristic is to manifest the religious figurativeness of its content, or to symbolize the oblation, the sacrificial offering activity and the god, or to symbolize treat- ing illness and practising divination. 其基本特征是表现内容的宗教象征性和表现手法的意象化。萨满剪纸的象征性萨满剪纸不同于一般的艺术剪纸,它主要的功能是传递与沟通萨满教。 11. 11. The flower opens the divination Dependence. 花开卜相依。 12. divination 12. 23 For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. 15:23 悖逆的罪、与行邪术的罪相等。顽梗的罪、与拜虚神和偶像的罪相同。 13. The turtle hull used to practise divination is also a dry bones. 用来占卜的龟壳,也是枯骨。 14. All Shis grasses which use to practise divination are an all withered grass. 所有用来占卜的蓍草,都是枯草。 15. 15. Lead for 15 years, the Jin view Mr. get sick, carrying on the divination, practise divination of as a result say to is a big industry of descendant posterity is not smooth, as a result do strange. 过了十五年,晋景公生病,进行占卜,占卜的结果说是大业的子孙后代不顺利,因而做怪。 16. Now onlies have the monarch you put out ZHAO4 ZHI's clansmen, the peoples of Jin all is sorrow for them, so while practise divination came out for the manifestation. 如今只有君主您灭了赵氏宗族,晋国人都为他们悲哀,所以在占卜时就显示出来了。 17. Among the stories, practise divination family Yi Feng that the war curtain helps points out after observing the constellation activity law, the speech helps to command this country on day, bring the unprecedented disaster to people. 故事中,战幕帮的占卜家易风在观察星座活动规律后指出,天言帮将会统领这个国家,并给人们带来空前灾难。 18. In ancient times, before important activities were held, a wizard would roast a tortoise shell and then practice divination according to the way the lines split on it. 在古代,每当举行重大活动之前,巫师都要烧龟甲,然后根据龟甲上爆裂的纹路来占卜吉凶。 19. The method of divination then was to drill a hole on the interior side of the tortoise shell and put the shell on a fire to see what cracks would appear on the obverse side. 算命的方法,然后是钻了一个洞的内部一侧的龟甲,使壳牌在火灾看看裂缝将出现在正面。 20. divination的反义词 20. The associatio n of T'ien with innumerabl e nature-spirits, spirits of sun, moon, and stars, of hills and fields and rivers, the superstiti ous use of divination by means of stalks and tortoise shells, and the crude notion that the higher spirits, together with the souls of the dead, are regaled by splendid banquets and food-offerings, cannot stand the test of intelligen t modern criticism. 把上天与无数的自然神灵联系在一起(比如日、月、星辰、山川、田野、河流),通过秸杆与龟甲来进行迷信的预测,认为上天之灵与死者灵魂应享受各种豪华宴会与食物祭品的粗陋观念,——所有这些都无法经受现代智慧的考验。 divination 词典解释 1. 占卜(术);预测;预言 Divination is the art or practice of discovering what will happen in the future using supernatural means. divination 单语例句divination的意思 1. Many of them require fortunetellers near campus to practice divination forecasting good or ill luck. 2. The emperor ordered all books except those about the Qin dynasty's history and culture, divination and medicines to be burned. 3. Feng Shui is the ancient practice derived from the ideas in the Book of Change, an ancient Chinese divination and philosophical manual. 4. The dragon bones were recognized for what they really were - oracle bones used for divination. 5. Archeologists said the observatory was used by Qin authorities to practice divination. 6. The precious divination records inscribed on them offer an interesting and unique resource to studying China's ancient history. 7. Hong often goes to draw divination sticks in a local temple and is struck by the accuracy of the predictions. 8. " The information on the Rainbow Divination Bone is China's earliest record of rainbows, " he says. divination 英英释义 noun 1. the art or gift of prophecy (or the pretense of prophecy) by supernatural means Synonym: foretellingsoothsayingfortune telling 2. a prediction uttered under divine inspiration Synonym: prophecy 3. successful conjecture by unusual insight or good luck |
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