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单词 dos
     过去式:did;   过去分词:done;   现在分词:doing;
    dos 基本解释
    abbr.dosage 剂量; dose 剂量; dosiology 剂量学; dosimetric 放射量测定的
    dos 网络解释
    1. 磁盘操作系统:图形用户界面(GUI) 阴极射线管(CRT)磁盘操作系统(DOS)文件传输:通过文件传输协议(FTP)实现不同计算机间不同操作系统间文件传输. 远程登录:通过远程登录协议(TELNET)将本台计算机作为远程计算机的终端工作,充分共享网络资源. (3)通用资源定位符又称统一资源定位器(URL)的组成
    2. 命令:新增(注意: 如果选择的是两个都允许(Both)或是仅限● HP Jetdirect 列印伺服器的 LAN 硬体 (MAC) 位址(指定於在 Windows 系统上,您可以在 Windows 命令(DOS)提示字元处使端(Link-local)的定址技术,
    3. 嫁资:嫁资(Dos)--在罪犯的财产被没收时,归妻子而不被没收的财产--是日耳曼式嫁妆(dower),由丈夫授予妻子,而不是由妻子带来归家庭共同所有的罗马式嫁资(dos).
    4. dos的反义词
    4. 癸二酸二辛酯:主营产品: 二醇酯 邻苯二甲酸二辛酯(DOP) 邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯(DINP) 对苯二甲酸二辛酯(DOTP) 偏苯三酸三辛酯(TOTM) 乙二酸二辛酯(DOA) 癸二酸二辛酯(DOS) 射频电缆 五类线 同轴电缆
    5. dos:the density of states; 态密度
    6. dos的意思
    6. dos:distributed denial of service; 拒绝服务攻击
    7. dos:local density of state; 电子态密度
    8. dos:magnetic disk operating system; 磁盘操作系统
    dos 双语例句
    1. It is necessary to design a special SPOOLing system for MS-DOS operating system in order to realize concurrent operation of both data processing and I/O processing.
    2. Remarkably, the deduced Fermi-level DOS was found to increase with increasing the ratio of a/c. The lower Fermi-level DOS is often related to the fact that more electrons participate in bonding and get localized. Since the lower Fermi-level DOS is often related to the higher phase stability, the present investigation thus confirms that ZrCuSi2 is more stable than HfCuSi2 and ZrCuGe2 with respect to the ZrCuSiAs-type structure.
    根据分析这三个样品的Korringa constant 可以推论出每个样品的费米面态密度,相对於其他铜化合物样品研究的费米面态密度值是相当小的,这个结果与ZrCuSn2理论计算中指出Cu 3d 电子对於整体的费米面态密度贡献是很小的相吻合,且由目前的核磁共振实验研究可以得知在铜层键结的p-d混成轨域的强度和a/c值有很大的关联,因此,费米面态密度和a/c值是呈正相关,而通常较低的费米面态密度代表有较多的电子参与成键使得稳定性相对会提高,因此由目前的研究可以知道同属於ZrCuSiAs type的三个样品中ZrCuSi2的稳定性比HfCuSi2 和 ZrCuGe2还要高。
    3. Aiming at the characterstic of denial-of-service attacks, a novel algorithm is proposed to detect and defeat DOS attacks.
    4. Of course, we can in a pure DOS environment, edit SYSTEM.
    5. Of course, we can in pure Dos environment, edit SYSTEM.
    6. Performance analysis and experiments demonstrate that the algorithm can discover the DOS attacks in time an...
    7. In any case mentioned above, you can return back to DOS by quit command.
    在以上提到的任何情况下,你都可以通过quit命令返回到DOS 。
    8. Chinese characters in DOS system can correctly deal with the support of Chinese information.
    9. In fact, there are quite a few times in the DOS virus can automatically restart your computer.
    10. This system software running on Windows can be DOS and operating system platform series.
    11. With Java for the student management system software is a single version of the DOS version of whi...
    12. Write source code more easily with EditPad Pro's syntax coloring, search and replace with regular expressions, DOS/Windows/UNIX and ANSI/Unicode conversions, running external applications or scripts, persistent and rectangular selections, hexadecimal mode, integrated diff to clearly compare files, auto and block indent, line numbers etc.
    13. In fact, the system starts up in DOS, it will search all the logical order.
    14. We distinct DoS attacks based on Neighbor Discovery functions from which based on Router Discovery functions.
    15. It is capable of booting off-the-shelf MS-DOS, Windows XP and Linux operating systems, and executing standard x86 workloads.
    它能够启动现成的MS - DOS ,Windows XP和Linux操作系统,并执行标准的x86工作量。
    16. This paper develops a set of the disc that can realize the network system resumes and automatic revises the disposition information of computer through fully using the function of Autoexec. bat dos as well as the function of ghost network cloning.
    17. Dos environment in the importation of an arbitrary string, the procedure can input the statistics of the number of characters.
    18. If DOS mount high memory, so that some of the driver is loaded in upper memory area, that is, to join the DOS = high, UMB; DEVICEHIGH = c: dossmartdrv. exe; Needless to optical drive without loading the CD-ROM driver or add to the high memory and so on; in addition, compile a multiple-boot menu to address different application configurations.
    19. Some older DOS programs which don't support Long File Names may destroy LFN and cause data loss while making write access to drives directly.
    一些老的DOS程序不支持长文件名,会破坏 LFN 文件和造成数据损失。
    20. However, there are software fixes that administrators administer to their systems to reduce the damage that is done by DOS Attacks.
    dos 词典解释
    1. 磁盘操作系统
    DOS is the part of a computer operating system that controls and manages files and programs stored on disk. DOS is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'disk operating system'.
    e.g. Where do I find the instructions to load DOS programs from Windows 98?
    dos 单语例句
    1. The first generation consists of logical data recovery software which works in DOS mode and can make revisions to hex.
    2. The IBM Personal Computer came with the first version of Microsoft DOS, or disk operating system.
    3. A diving enthusiast, he was at Dos Palmas with a Filipina girlfriend.
    4. Dos Santos is not believed to be a member of any religious or occult group, and authorities believe the pair came up with the idea on their own.
    5. The younger Castro addressed reporters Sunday on a tarmac in the province of Matanzas after seeing Dos Santos board a flight off the island.
    6. He has been attending literary dos, conferences and book signings around the world.
    7. Dos Santos said his country firmly supports the parliament to make more cooperation with China's NPC.
    8. He was greeted with a welcoming ceremony held by Prime Minister Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos at the airport.
    9. He was able to use DOS systems and download computer games at the age of four.
    10. China's top legislator Wu Bangguo also met with president dos Santos on Friday.
    dos 英英释义
    1. the federal department in the United States that sets and maintains foreign policies
    e.g. the Department of State was created in 1789
    Synonym: Department of StateUnited States Department of StateState DepartmentState




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