单词 | dote |
释义 | dote [英 [d??t] 美 [do?t] ] dote的意思、解释 过去式:doted; 过去分词:doted; 现在分词:doting; dote 基本解释 dote是什么意思 不及物动词溺爱,宠爱,过分地喜爱 dote的意思 dote 相关例句 不及物动词 1. She dotes on her grandchildren. 她溺爱孙儿女。 2. 2. She dotes on her youngest son. 她溺爱最小的儿子。 dote 网络解释 1. 轴线:以一张住宅户型图为例子,好的输出效果是墙线(WALL)最粗,家具线(furniture)较细,轴线(DOTE)最细. 如果只打单一的一个户型,一般的机器都可以输出这样的效果. 今天我需要打印一个由5栋房子的首层平面图拼在一起的总平面图纸, 2. 昏聩:DOT system of labeling 运输部标志系统 | dote 昏聩 | double action pump 双动泵 3. 3. 昏愦:dotage 老年记忆衰退 | dote 昏愦 | dotted substance 点状物质 4. dote的翻译 4. 初期腐败:dose 剂量 | dote 初期腐败 | dotsmiss 网点错杠 dote 双语例句 1. You've died, we stand in silent to tribute for you, prepare the coffin, grave for you, present a bunch of oriental cherries that you dote on for you! 你命赴亡泉,我们为你默哀,备好棺木和坟墓,献上一束你钟爱的樱花。 2. The physical body is full of impure liquids and substances but we dote on it as something pure and desirable. 物理的身体满是不洁的体液和物质,可是我们却把它作为纯洁和悦人事物而溺于其中。 3. 3. A just one day left you, I need you to look like a disheveled comfort and dote on children. 只是一天离开了你,我就狼狈得像是一个需要你安慰和宠爱的孩子。。。 4. From now, you only let to love dearly me alone, should dote on me, can't deceive I, promise every thing of me is it accomplish to want, speak every sentence wholehearted to me, mustn't bully me, scold me, want to believe me, others bully me, you will come out to help me as soon as possible, I am happy, you will accompany me to be happy, I am unhappy, happy that you will coax me soon, think forever that I am the most beautiful, see me too in the dream, have me only inside your heart, that's it 中文版:从现在开始,你只许疼我一个人,要宠我,不能骗我,答应我的每一件事都要做到,对我讲得每一句话都要真心,不许欺负我,骂我,要相信我,别人欺负我,你要在第一时间出来帮我,我开心了,你就要陪着我开心,我不开心了,你就要哄我开心,永远都要觉得我是最漂亮的,梦里也要见到我,在你的心里面只有我,就是这样了 5. Teachers dote on kids of the rich and mighty 老师会偏心那些父母有地位有钱的孩子 6. I dote upon it - from the beach. 我非常喜欢它——从沙滩上看去。 7. Does a father need an occasion to dote upon his daughter? 父亲宠爱他的女儿还要什么原因吗? 8. I dote upon it? 我非常喜欢它?? 9. It seemed every fibre of her being was bent to her child's development and happiness, and yet, she did not dote upon him. 她是一位尽心尽职的好母亲,她的全副心思都花在如何让自己的孩子快乐成长上面,可她又不是无原则地偏袒溺爱。 10. 10. A sword is upon the liars; and they shall dote: a sword is upon her mighty men; and they shall be dismayed. 036 有刀剑临到说谎的人,他们就成为愚昧;有刀剑临到他的勇士,他们就惊惶。 11. Dote:Mn-Zn high μiferrite materials show higher initial permeability μi and lower loss factor tanδ/μi and are applied to manufacture several kinds of cores fitted in wide Band transformers, choking inductancecolls, and anti-EMI commom-mode or differential-mode coils. 注:Mn-zn高磁导率铁氧体材料具有较高的起始磁导率μ和较低的损耗因子tanδ/μi用于制造宽带变压器、扼流圈电感、抗电磁干扰共模线圈、差模线圈等所需的各类磁心。 12. And great souls, at one stroke, may do and dote. 灵魂的伟大在此一举,成功,抑或昏愦。 13. Will dote on you, will look after you, will give you the best thing. 会宠你,会照顾你,给你最好的东西。 14. Owe your dote on, I am waiting for you to come again. 感激你的宠溺,我将等着你再一次回来。 15. Really may give me an opportunity to let me well dote on you? 真的可以给我一个机会,让我很好爱对你? 16. Who in despite of view is pleased to dote. 在你的身上我看见了到千处错误 17. dote 17. Lives I to raise me only to have this father, this mother, they most dote on me. 生我养我的只有这一个父亲、这一个母亲,他们是最疼爱我的。 18. From now on, I will be the only beloved of yours, dote on me, do everything you promised me, tell me every word truly, trust me, do not cheat me, do not bully me, do not scold me; You'll prompt to me immediately if I was bullied; You'll be with me when I am happy; And cheer me up when I feel unhappy; Believe I am the most beautiful all the time; See me in your everyday dreams; I am the only one in you heart, that is it. 从现在开始,你只许疼我一个人,要宠我,不能骗我,答应我的每一件事都要做到,对我讲的每一句话都要真心,不许欺负我骂我,要相信我,别人欺负我,你要在第一时间出来帮我,我开心了,你就要陪著我开心,我不开心了,你就要哄我开心,永远都要觉得我是最漂亮的,梦里也要见到我,在你的心里面只有我,就是这样了。 19. When a maiden just like me in her menstrual period of every month, parents would bring her the nurture just like the royal jelly to eat because they dote on their daughter. In fact, we could read a newspaper in the afternoon, listen to Mozart`s music in low sound, and drink a bowl of conjee. This cozy taste is the best nurture. 女孩子每月固定例假的那几天,宠爱你的父母长辈会拿来蜂王浆等营养品让你吃,其实一个人在黄昏里翻翻报纸,听听音量很轻的莫扎特,细嘬一碗白粥,就可以缓解正常的疲惫,这份惬意就是最好的营养品。 20. I dote on myself, there is that lot of me and all so luscious 我不能说出我的脚踝如何地弯曲,也不能说出 dote 词典解释 1. 溺爱;宠爱;过分喜爱 If you say that someone dotes on a person or a thing, you mean that they love or care about them very much and ignore any faults they may have. e.g. He dotes on his nine-year-old son. 他溺爱他 9 岁的儿子。 dote 单语例句 1. They are used to getting the best things and the most attention from their elders who dote too much on them. 2. Experts attribute children's changing from prodigies into dunces to parents'irrational teaching methods and their tendency to dote on their children. dote 英英释义 verb 1. shower with love show excessive affection for e.g. Grandmother dotes on her the twins 2. be foolish or senile due to old age |
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