单词 | downcast |
释义 | downcast [英 [?da?nkɑ:st] 美 [?da?nk?st] ] downcast的意思、解释 downcast 基本解释 形容词情绪低落的,向下的; 颓靡 downcast 相关例句 形容词 1. An unhappy life made her downcast. 不愉快的生活使她沮丧。 2. 2. Ashamed of his mistake, he stood with downcast eyes. 羞于他的错误,他眼睛垂视地站着。 3. The little girl kept her eyes downcast when the headmaster talked to her. 校长同小女孩谈话时,她一双眼睛始终低垂着。 4. downcast的反义词 4. Setbacks made him downcast. 挫折使他沮丧。 downcast 网络解释 1. 向下转换:创建额外的屏幕概念(screen concepts)我不再需要修改程序控制器和提供器类. 对于新的Shell概念(screen concepts),这个构架是开放的可扩展的,而程序控制器和单独的提供器类对于修改是关闭的. // 这是 向下转换(downcast) 的一个例子 2. 向下重塑:从基类重塑(cast)到其派生类的过程通常被称为向下重塑(downcast),因为这个转换过程在表示继承关系的树结构中显示了从上到下的移动方向. 同样从派生类重塑到其基类的过程被称为向上重塑(upcast). 像BBwindow重塑到Ival_box这样,从基类重塑到其兄弟类的过程被称为交叉重塑(crosscast) 3. 气馁的:downbent 向下弯曲的 | downcast 气馁的 | downcome 下降 4. downcast什么意思 4. 锅炉)降水管:downcast ventilator 下向通风筒 | downcast 锅炉)降水管 | downcast 降水管 downcast 双语例句 1. Chu Kuei-ying did not reply, but sat with crimson cheeks and downcast eyes 朱桂英涨红了脸不回答,眼睛看在地下。 2. The Yan Di no doubt pain reads own daughter, but actually cannot use the medicine to cause her to die and be reborn, also only then alone the downcast sigh sighed. 炎帝固然痛念自己的女儿,但却不能用医药来使她死而复生,也只有独自神伤嗟叹了。 3. These beings also lived with shorn heads, with downcast eyes, with lowered voices, not in disgrace, but amid the scoffs of the world, not with their backs bruised with the cudgel, but with their shoulders lacerated with their discipline. 这些人,同样落发,低眼,低声,虽然不是生活在屈辱中,但却受着世人的嘲笑,背上虽然不受捶楚,两个肩头却都被清规戒律折磨到血肉模糊了。 4. One day, this Rune downcast walking on the road. 有一天,这个符文垂头丧气的走在路上。 5. This paper introduced backwall grouting process and grouting effect of-290 level downcast shaft in Jilongshan Gold Mine. 介绍了湖北鸡笼山金矿-290中段进风井壁后注浆施工工艺过程和注浆效果,并对壁后注浆技术经济效益进行了分析。 6. Why are you downcast, my soul, why do you groan within me? 我的灵魂,你为何悲伤,为何忧苦? 7. To think that he should now be so downcast in old age! 那知老境却如此颓唐! 8. Each time approaches to the goal all possibly becomes one kind to be far away, the aware revolt often the achievement unconscious downcast, from loving -like individual writing, the distortion individuality made widely known, the exaggerating desire for material welfare worship as well as the billowing commercial ideological trend causes the female to write had the aspect which felt weak, even faced the danger which collapsed from the interior. 每一次对目标的接近都可能成为一种远离,自觉的反抗常成就不自觉的陷落,自恋式的个人写作、扭曲的个性张扬、夸张的物欲崇拜以及滚滚的商业思潮使女性写作出现了乏力的局面,甚至面临从内部崩溃的危险。 9. Whenever I failed to do something and felt downcast, she would encourage me to pull myself together and try again. 每当我做错了事情,情绪低落的时候,她总是鼓励我振作起来,再试一试。 10. downcast的近义词 10. She was so downcast, so afraid that it should die! 他的小脸蛋已经没有血色了,他的眼睛闭起来了。 11. downcast在线翻译 11. The moment that the case of the criminal was thus decided, doleful iron bells were clanged, great wails went up from the hired mourners posted on the outer rim of*the arena, and the vast audience, with bowed heads and downcast hearts, wended slowly their homeward way, mourning greatly that one so young and fair, or so old and respected, should have merited so dire a fate. 当罪犯选择黑暗之门的片刻,悲伤的铁铃将发出铿锵声,竞技场外雇用的职业哀悼者开始嚎啕恸哭,而看台上的广大群众则垂头丧气的一面慢慢返回家中,一面哀悼着遭受如此可怕命运的罪犯如此年轻貌美或年长受人敬重。 12. downcast的反义词 12. For the remainder of that day, Marguerite seemed preoccupied, listless, downcast. 这一天里,玛格丽特总是惘然若失,心不在焉,忧心忡忡。 13. Why, in my time, a young woman would have been all blushes and downcast glances. 嗨,在我一生中,看到少女们都是羞羞答答目不斜视的。 14. Thursday's rout follows a drop of more than 5 percent in the market Wednesday that saw the Dow plunge nearly 500 points as investors fretted that weak readings on employment and downcast profit forecasts and job cuts from financial companies to steelmakers signaled broad economic troubles. 周四大胜伴随着周三市场上5个多百分点的下降,作为投资者的焦虑道琼斯暴跌近500点,就业读数和低落的利润预告以及从金融公司到钢铁制造业的裁员暗示广阔的经济问题。 15. He had returned to his road from Gagny to Lagny, to make, under administrative supervision, broken stone for the good of the state, with downcast mien, in a very pensive mood, his ardor for theft somewhat cooled; but he was addicted none the less tenderly to the wine which had recently saved him. 他回到从加尼到拉尼的路上,在官方的监督下,替政府铺碎石路基,垂头丧气,十分沉默,这次抢劫几乎断送了他,所以他对抢劫不怎么来劲了,但醉酒也救了他,因此他就更爱酗酒了。 16. This piece of reorganization from Zhang Ailings original works novel of the same name, is one has quite remembers past times the color love story, narrated a city the downcast, is for helps Fan Liuyuan and Bai Liusu love. 倾城之恋:本片改编自张爱玲的同名原著小说,是一部具有相当怀旧色彩的爱情故事,讲述一个城市的陷落,是为了成全范柳原和白流苏的爱情。 17. This piece of reorganization from Zhang Ailing's original works novel of the same name, is one has quite remembers past times the color love story, narrated a city the downcast, is for helps Fan Liuyuan and Bai Liusu love. 倾城之恋:本片改编自张爱玲的同名原著小说,是一部具有相当怀旧色彩的爱情故事,讲述一个城市的陷落,是为了成全范柳原和白流苏的爱情。 18. But she looklike ice, like the snow. where's she, where am I? Not at this time, I couldn't find angthing. Waiting for that time, November. At that time, the snow be true fall down from sky, as downcast. In that time, I can see it, but it's real snow. where's my milline, oh millior do notsee you, do not set real gold apple. But you know, I waiting for you long time, so long. As the warm dissolve time. 整整一年的时间我没有来打理这个小屋,现在终于下定决心提起笔;因为我总算理清了头绪,为什么近十年来总是每到这个时候,心中惴惴不安,患得患失的感觉,就好像生命中缺少了什么,过了这个月便再也找不回来了。 19. See her as she walks with downcast eyes and heavy heart. 见她与她低垂的眼睛和沉重的心情走。 20. downcast 20. Grant me Thy grace, O Jesus, Absolver of all debts, and receive me who repent, as Thou didst receive Peter who denied Thee, and call me who am downcast, as of old Thou didst call Paul who persecuted Thee, and hear me crying to Thee: Alleluia! 耶稣啊,请赏赐给我祢的恩典,免除我的一切罪债,收纳我这忏悔者,如同祢曾收纳了否认祢的伯多禄;召唤我这沮丧者,如同祢昔日召唤了迫害祢的保禄;并请俯听我对祢的歌颂:阿肋路亚! downcast 词典解释 1. 沮丧的;悲观的 If you are downcast, you are feeling sad and without hope. e.g. Barbara looked increasingly downcast as defeat loomed. 当败象已呈时,芭芭拉看上去越来越沮丧。 e.g. ...a glum, downcast expression. 忧郁、沮丧的表情 2. (眼睛通常因难过或尴尬)向下看的,低垂的 If your eyes are downcast, you are looking towards the ground, usually because you are feeling sad or embarrassed. e.g. She was silent, her eyes downcast. 她一言不发,两眼低垂。 downcast 单语例句 1. " Don't ask me anything about the market today, " one downcast Japanese oil trader said. 2. That also explains why many people feel downcast and listless during the darker months when there is less sun. 3. LONDON - England's downcast soccer team arrived back home on Tuesday after crashing out of the World Cup against archrival Germany. 4. We have reason to be downcast, given the perspective emerging from the developed world on three counts. 5. The young man was so downcast that he tried to slice open his wrist with a blade. 6. Xiao's friend Wang Tiejun was downcast to see his new car bobbing in the floodwaters. downcast是什么意思downcast 英英释义 noun 1. a ventilation shaft through which air enters a mine adj 1. filled with melancholy and despondency e.g. gloomy at the thought of what he had to face gloomy predictions a gloomy silence took a grim view of the economy the darkening mood lonely and blue in a strange city depressed by the loss of his job a dispirited and resigned expression on her face downcast after his defeat feeling discouraged and downhearted Synonym: gloomygrimbluedepresseddispiriteddown(p)downhearteddown in the mouthlowlow-spirited 2. directed downward e.g. a downcast glance |
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