单词 | dowry |
释义 | dowry [英 [?da?ri] 美 [?da?ri] ] dowry的意思、解释 复数形式:dowries; dowry 基本解释 名词嫁妆 dowry 相关例句 名词 1. Her father gave her the two books he had written as her dowry. 作为她的嫁妆,她父亲将自己写的两本书给了她。 2. The dowry would be enough for her old age had she not spent it irrationally. 如果她没有无节制地花钱,她亡夫的遗产是够她晚年用的。 3. She has a great dowry for art. 她有艺术天资。 4. Never would she measure his love by the dowry he gave her. 她从不会以他赠给她的新娘礼物来衡量他的爱。 dowry 网络解释 1. 嫁妆:婚姻作为一项社会制度在大部分社会里给个体带来社会地位和人际关系上的变化.这种变化通过仪式为社会所承认,通过交换礼物来加以肯定.嫁妆(dowry)和聘礼(bride wealth)是说明这些礼物的人类学概念.目前为止对嫁妆和聘礼, 2. 嫁妆, 天资:18、god helps those who help themselves 天道酬勤 | 19、dowry 嫁妆, 天资 | 20、puberty 青春期 3. 天赋:substantial 有价值的 | dowry 天赋 | artifact 人造物品 4. dowry的反义词 4. (一斗笠) 嫁妝:dirge (德妓) 輓歌 | dowry (一斗笠) 嫁妝 | fertile (肥土) 肥沃的 dowry 双语例句 1. dowry 1. She had gold and pearls for her dowry, but her gold was on her head, and her pearls were in her mouth 她有黄金和珍珠做奁资,不过她的黄金在她的头上,珍珠在她的口中。 2. Well... he can but it will only result in wife dowry harrassment or abuse. 得了……他可以的不过这只会导致妻子的嫁妆门骚扰或虐待。 3. My father portioned the car to my sister's fiance for the dowry. 我父亲送给我妹妹的未婚夫一辆汽车作为嫁妆。 4. dowry 4. The horror of dowry burnings and honor killings continues, often in countries that are signatories. 焚烧嫁妆和荣誉谋杀的恶习仍然存在,而且经常发生在签约国内。 5. She is herself a dowry. 她自己就是一注无价的嫁奁。 6. The dowry of his wife amounted to fifty thousand crowns, and he had, besides, the prospect of seeing her fortune increased to half a million at her father's death. 此外,她还可以给他带来一笔五万艾居的嫁奁,将来有一天大概还可以增加五十万遗产。 7. This product in the local ordinary as a dowry when daughters get married goods, the value of their precious self-evident. 本产品在本地常作为女儿出嫁时的陪嫁品,其珍贵之价值不言而喻。 8. 7 On the pretext of marrying the goddess, Antiochus with his Friends had come to the place to get its great treasures by way of dowry. 起初,安提约古托言要娶纳纳雅女神为妻,与随同他的朋友来到此地,想以取妆奁的名义,获得庙内大批珍宝。 9. Died, Weipa Xiang his daughter in order to find a good husband, and even buy a dowry for her to do. 维特里乌斯死后,韦帕芗为了他的女儿找了一个出色的丈夫,甚至为她办置嫁妆。 10. Shaojun immediately sent back all the servants and dowry and changed into a short jacket and cotton skirt. 於是桓少君马上遣回所有的婢仆嫁妆,换上了短衣布裙,和鲍宣两人,牵了鹿车,载著简单的行李,回到乡间的鲍家;拜见婆婆后,桓少君取了水桶,就去打水做饭。 11. This chapter firstly introduces the origination of priority. They were priority over wife`s dowry and ward`s priority in ancient Rome. Then introduce priority system in civil law system and related provisions in Anglo-American Legal System. Lastly expounds the function of priority system. 该章首先介绍了优先权的起源,即古罗马时代的妻之嫁资优先权和被监护人的优先权;接着分别介绍了大陆法系中的优先权制度与英美法系中的相关规定。 12. 12. Reuters They could have waited years to save up for a wedding party, rings, dowry and furnished flat-the costly prerequisites of a conventional Egyptian marriage. 流透社 因都爱等几年俭落结婚喜宴,手戒,嫁妆参家俱齐全e5公寓-一e5传统埃及结婚所爱开 e5先决条件。 13. To curb the practice of dowry, the government of India made several laws detailing severe punishment to anyone demanding dowry and a law in Indian Penal Code (Section 498A) has been introduced. 为了遏制讨嫁妆的习俗,印度政府制定了几部法律,它们逐项列出了对任何要求嫁妆的人的严厉处罚规定。而且,印度刑法典也将相关条例列入其中。 14. If she is guiltless, and there is no fault on her part, but he leaves and neglects her, then no guilt attaches to this woman, she shall take her dowry and go back to her father's house. 如果她是没有犯罪的,而在她的部分上没有错误,但是他离开和忽视她,则这女人没有任何罪则,她将拿回她的嫁妆和回到她父亲的家。 15. If she is guiltless, and there is no fault on her part, but he leaves and neglects her, then no guilt attaches to this woman, she shall take her dowry and go back to her fathers house. 如果她是没有犯罪的,而在她的部分上没有错误,但是他离开和忽视她,则这女人没有任何罪则,她将拿回她的嫁妆和回到她父亲的家。 16. However, a criminal climbed into this grandma's house on a Sunday, when the workers were off, to steal the dowry and gold jewelry that she had saved up all of her life. 沒想到有歹徒趁著週日工人停工,利用這個洞爬進阿?的屋子,偷走阿嬤私藏大半輩子的嫁妝和金飾。 17. dowry 17. The Lambo is also part of the dowry! 这几辆兰博车也是嫁妆的一部分! 18. His teacher admired him for maintaining his resolute integrity despite his poverty and low social class, and gave him his daughter Huan Shaojun to be his wife, as well as servants and a large fortune as a dowry. 汉朝的鲍宣十分好学,但是家境清贫,他的老师很赞赏他贫贱不移的气节,不但把女儿桓少君嫁给他,还赠送了婢仆和丰盛的财物以为嫁妆。 19. He's going for the dowry. 他是故意的|他想要嫁妆 20. 20. I'd keep an eye on that dowry. 如果我是你我会看好那些嫁妆 dowry 词典解释 1. 嫁妆;陪嫁 A woman's dowry is the money and goods which, in some cultures, her family gives to the man that she marries. e.g. The money from her dowry was invested in her mother's store. 她的嫁妆钱都投到了母亲的铺子里。 dowry 单语例句 1. Camphor wood is known for its insect repellant properties, and its wood has been used traditionally in China for dowry and linen trunks. 2. In rural Guangxi, a bride has to include an embroidered quilt in her dowry. 3. The girl's parents called police recently saying they did not received the promised dowry money and wanted their daughter back. 4. No family would approve of a daughter marrying a man too poor to afford a dowry and a decent future. 5. While the man is expected to pay for the house, the woman brings furniture and kitchenware as part of her dowry. 6. In ancient times, making insoles was an obligatory item in a Qiang woman's dowry when she got married. 7. Li said she sold her dowry and all the silverware passed down generations in her husband's family. 8. Rice was used to pay for medical expenses as well and was even used as the bridal dowry. dowrydowry 英英释义 noun 1. money or property brought by a woman to her husband at marriage Synonym: dowerydowerportion |
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