单词 | emigration |
释义 | emigration [英 [?em?'ɡre??n] 美 [??m??ɡre??n] ] emigration的意思、解释 复数形式:emigrations; emigration 基本解释 名词移居外国,迁移出境; (总称)移民 emigration emigration 反义词 名词immigration emigration 相关例句 名词 1. 1. Her family moved to Canada at the height of emigration. 在移民高峰时期她家搬到加拿大去了。 2. My parents came to the United States with the latest Jewish emigration from Russia. 我父母与最近一批犹太移民一起从俄国来到美国。 emigration 网络解释 1. 迁出:种群增长决定于出生率(natality)、死亡率(mortalyti)、迁入(immigration)和迁出(emigration)等四种因素. 出生率表征种群单位时间内产生新个体的能力,死亡率反映的是单位时间内种群个体的死亡情况. 如是, 2. 游出:3.游出和趋化作用 白细胞通过血管壁进入周围组织的过程称为游出(emigration). 粘附于内皮细胞表面的白细胞沿内皮表面缓慢移动,在内皮细胞连接处伸出伪足,整个白细胞逐渐以阿米巴样运动方式从内皮细胞缝隙游出,到达内皮细胞和基底膜之间, 3. 3. 移民,移居:association, society, union 协会 | emigration 移民,移居 | employer 雇主,老板 emigration 双语例句 1. emigration 1. Many people saw emigration from their poor country to a rich one as a solution to their lack of wealth, and for a long time they were encouraged to hold this view. 许多人认为从他们贫穷的国家移民到一个富国可以解决他们的穷困问题,而且很长一段时间他们都被鼓励持此看法。 2. 2. Emigration and visa application for entry and exit on private purposes is accredited by Sichuan Public Security Department Accrediting Qualification No. 移民及因私出入境签证申办业务:经四川省公安厅批准(资格认定号:川公境准字1235号)。 3. emigration在线翻译 3. As to urban development, there is a significant positive correlation exists between the incidence of the creative class in different cities and local economic growth, between openness to emigration, artist, gay, bohemia and economic quality, there is also a special correlation between creative class density and regional innovation and high-tech industry growth, cities centralized with creative class are always creative centers with developed innovation and high-tech industries. 从城市发展来看,创意阶层的相对密度与地方经济增长呈正相关,一个城市和地区对于移民、艺术家、同性恋、波希米亚风以及社会经济和种族融合的开放程度与其经济质量的高低有着密切的关系,而创意阶层的集中程度与地方创新和高科技产业生长也有一定的相关性,创意阶层集中的城市往往也是创新和高科技产业发达的创意中心。 4. 4. However, the position of Christians had become so precarious as to render emigration necessary. 然而,地位的基督徒已变得如此岌岌可危的,以使移民必要的。 5. 5. During the university in Edinburgh, I only meet two emigration of 20 century 30 age from the China, there are several the chinese restaurant that is managed by the Hongkong people, but they only speak the cantonese 大学期间在爱丁堡,我只见过两个20世纪30年代从大陆来的移民,街上有几家香港人开的中国餐馆,但他们都只讲广东话。 6. 6. Every day you see evidence of emigration—houses for rent, businesses for rent—but I will resist emigration. 每一天都能见到迁离的迹象,如空房招租、空铺招租,但是,我会拒绝迁离此地。 7. User: I am a third year student, 86 by the end of birth, his father had been to settle permanently in the United States, I want to go to an American university undergraduate, but the lawyers have told me that in the visa because of his father in the United States was considered to be immigrant, suggested that I apply for emigration. 如果去美国探亲的话,必须要像签证官展示一些他们之间强有力一直是有联系的跟美国的亲属关系,以及去美国之前他们的亲属关系都要说明。 8. emigration 8. It implies that whether main industry roots in Taiwan or not, the location choice of secondary industries won`t be affected. Consequently, government can`t control the emigration of secondary industries so that main industry would have opportunities to emigrate. 也就是说,无论主要产业是否会根留台湾,次要产业的区位选择都不受其影响;若政府无法控制次要产业的外移,主要产业也将有机会外移至其他地区。 9. emigration 9. Interactive effects of temperature and geography on emigration behavior of Drosophila melanogaster. 交互影响的温度和地理的移民行为的果蝇。 10. Do you have any experience of applying emigration, or living abroad? 你有申请移民或海外生活的经验么? 11. emigration 11. Which is said to predict the emigration of the Pilgrim fathers, who left their relatives behind to establish a new nation. 美国已被列入计划中的应用上将49:22 ,据说这是预测移民的朝圣者的父亲,谁离开他们的亲属后面建立一个新国家。 12. America is included in the scheme by the application of Gen. 49:22, which is said to predict the emigration of the Pilgrim fathers, who left their relatives behind to establish a new nation. 美国是包括在该计划的应用上将49:22 ,据说这是预测的移民朝圣者的父亲,谁离开自己的亲人的背后,以建立一个新国家。 13. 13. Chapter one analyses the cause of the rise of the emigration boom and concludes the character of overseas Chinese of the period. 1500年至鸦片战争前是华侨广泛分布东南亚的重要时期,华侨不仅对所居国建设建树颇多,还不自觉的充当了中国与东南亚国家经济、文化交流的使者与桥梁,这是中外关系史中一个值得重视的课题。 14. emigration 14. So whoever emigrated for Allah and His Messenger, his emigration will be for Allah and His Messenger; and whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or for a woman to marry, his emigration would be for what he emigrated for. 凡为安拉和使者而迁徙者,则他的迁徙只是为了安拉和使者;凡为得到今世的享受或爲某一个女人而迁徙者,则他的迁徙只能实现他的举意。——两大圣训集 15. During the election campaign I had been critical of President Bush`s policy, and in 1993 I had issued an executive order requiring progress on a range of issues from emigration to human rights to forced prison labor before I would extend MFN to China. 在竞选总统的活动中,我曾批评老布什政府的政策,并于1993年发布行政令,宣布在给予中国贸易最惠国待遇之前,中国必须在移民、人权和监狱里的强制劳动等方面取得进步。5月,沃伦。 16. That is a welcome counter to fears that apathy, cynicism and emigration make it too easy for heavy-handed governments in ex-communist countries to hang on to power. 这有利于消除恐惧,冷漠、愤世嫉俗和移民出境使得笨手笨脚的政府太容易在一个非共产主义国家中掌控政权。 17. 17. This amount is increased AU $2, 000 for each dependent adult and $624 for each child in the assurer's family and AU$2, 000 for each adult and $624 for each child included in the emigration application. 担保人家庭中有一个未独立成人,增加2,000澳元,有一个子女,增加624澳元;被担保人申请中每包括一个独立的成年人,增加2,000$元,每包括一个子女,增加624$元。 18. The paper gives a new discussion on the environment and the growth of the population, the environment and emigration, the environment and society vicissitude, the environment and the culture shock, and tries to point out the skeleton map of MNRs change in Wenzhou society pre-modern era.. 本文分别从环境与人口增长、环境与人口迁移、环境与社会变迁、环境与文化震荡诸侧面来一一探讨,拼盘式的组合成主要发生于前近代中后期温州社会中的人地关系变动的轮廓图。 19. Actually, life is always floating rootlessly. Worldwide emigration and migration of human and animal has become a real necessity. 其实,生命总是在失根中飘移,全球性移动和人类与动物的游居已是现实的必然。 20. emigration的反义词 20. This year, after netting off emigration, we expect more than 80, 000 people to come back from overseas to live and work in Hong Kong, higher than the balance of more than 60, 000 last year. 今年,除去移居外地的人数不计,我们预料有超过八万人从海外回流返港定居及工作,较去年的六万多人还要多。 emigration 单语例句emigration 1. The growing interest in investment emigration instead illustrates the old adage among China's rich that " nothing is a problem if money can solve it ". 2. But it is too early to conclude that such a shift will lead to enough industrial emigration to paralyze the Chinese manufacturing industry. 3. Among the topics it looked into were emigration trends in China and how overseas Chinese contribute to the prosperity of their homeland. 4. The emigration of Han people to Tibet can be date back to the Qing Dynasty. 5. Her emigration was initially exposed by Chaoyang District People's Court, which tried to summon her in September in a lawsuit over an economic dispute. 6. " I just wanted to give up the emigration, " he says. 7. The emigration had triggered some controversy among people online, with many questioning whether her foreign nationality conflicted with her CPPCC membership. 8. China's labour authorities have vowed to toughen up their regulation of organizations responsible for sending Chinese workers abroad and prevent illegal emigration. 9. The law denies " most favored nation " status to those countries that restricted emigration and has been targeted specifically against the Soviet Union. 10. Tang says he did not give up emigration to win the home and says fate played a big part in the whole episode. emigrationemigration 英英释义 emigration在线翻译 noun 1. migration from a place (especially migration from your native country in order to settle in another) Synonym: out-migrationexpatriation |
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