单词 | drawback |
释义 | drawback [英 [?dr?:b?k] 美 [?dr??b?k] ] drawback的意思、解释 复数形式:drawbacks; drawback 基本解释 名词退税; 缺点,劣势 drawback 相关例句 名词 1. Lack of funds can be a drawback if you want to invest in a sure thing. 如果你要对确有把握的事投资,资金短缺会是个障碍。 2. The only drawback of the plan is that it costs too much. 这个计划的唯一缺憾是花费太大。 3. A drawback is made on customs duties on imported goods when they are later exported. 进口货物日后出口时将退还其进口关税。 drawback 网络解释 1. 缺点:因为客户端回调是一个轻量级的AJAX框架,所以它也有一个很大的缺点(drawback),首先,客户端回调只能以字符串的形式在客户端与服务器间传输;其次,开发者必须同时提供服务器处理函数以及客户端结果送显(rerender controls)的脚本. 2. drawback的意思 2. 退税:这些优惠包括税项豁免(Duty Relief), 退税(Drawback)和补税仓(Bonded Warehouse)延税. 作为一名进口商, 你应该对与进口货物相关的 政府计划,法规等做深入了解,不清楚之处应向有关部门 查询, 以保无虞. 3. drawback 3. 缺陷:在决定了程度以后,您可以查看下面的表格,根据相应程度,到相关章节里面去选取所需的特长(Advantage)和缺陷(Drawback). 所谓的特长,指您的战团特别侧重、突出的优势项目;所谓的缺陷,指您不得不放弃的地方,以便集中精力有所专长. 4. 松紧条痕疵:松紧条痕疵 (Drawback) - 产生这种缺陷的原因是由于逐渐施加于许多经纱上的由一些不正常限制所造成的多余张力. 当限制消除后,这些过分松弛的经纱会逐渐被织入到织物当中去,从而产生织物缺陷. drawback 双语例句 1. drawback是什么意思 1. The drawback to using cardboard as an insulating material is that it tends to char quite severely. 缺点用纸板作为绝缘材料的是,它往往是烧焦相当严重。 2. Are always suspect, and not a definite answer, this is the drawback. 总是疑,而并不下断语,这才是缺点。 3. drawback 3. FSO's main drawback is that bad weather, such as rain or fog, can interrupt the signal. 无线光通信的主要缺点是恶劣的天气,如下雨和大雾,能干扰信号传送。 4. One present drawback of these compounds is that they tend to increase blood calcium to undesirable levels. 一,目前的缺点,这些化合物的是,他们往往会增加血液中钙的不良水平。 5. I assumed me that I can correct my drawback, originally, I can't. 我本以为我可以改正自己的缺点,事实上,我无法改变。 6. I have a drawback, that is, lack of faith. 我有一个缺点,那便是信念不足。 7. I have one drawback. 我有一个缺点 8. drawback什么意思 8. Please tell me if you think I overlooked something or about the big hidden drawback I didn't think about. 如果你看到了我所忽略的东西或是我没有想到的隐藏的大的缺点,请告诉我。 9. Pet phrase: I am the only drawback is that pure. 口头禅:我唯一的缺点是纯洁。 10. Yet I did sense a drawback of Singapore, a feeling not strong and yet real in me. 对我来说,新加坡的缺憾是一种飘忽的感觉,不那么强烈却又真实地潜藏在我心中。 11. In 2004, we carried out a major reformation over the mechanism of export drawback. 我国对出口退税机制进行了重大改革。 12. China has canceled export drawback of 17 product. 2005年初中国再次调整了出口退税政策,宣布取消17种产品的退税。 13. Analysis of fold effect of export drawback and VAT transformation. 第八章,是分析出口退税和增值税转型的税制改革的叠加效应。 14. 14. Sed the difficulty of monitoring of the export drawback system after WTO accession. 今天的出口退税制度仍然存在着一系列的问题,影响了出口退税的质量和效率,降低了防范出口骗税的能力。 15. 15. I used to published speciality article on national newspapers and periodicals many times the nearest one is published on that is about analyzing for export income of the drawback tax. 曾经多次在全国的专业报刊上发表过专业文章,最近一篇是2006年6月5日发表在《中国税务报》上的关于出口退税收益分析的文章 16. Secondly, taxation policy should be adjusted: regulate and alleviate agricultural specialty tax and improve export duty drawback. 第二,调整税收政策:调减农业特产税及提高出口退税率。 17. First, discuss the relevant basic theories of the export drawback policy, then introduce the development history of the export drawback of our country and current operational situation, then analyze the international experience of the export drawback that can be used for reference to, make the international comparison. Finally, put forward corresponding perfect measure and actualizing tactics to new export drawback policy of our country. 首先讨论出口退税政策的相关基础理论,介绍世界各国出口退税制度,再介绍我国出口退税发展历程及运行现状和存在的问题,然后进行国际比较并分析可借鉴的出口退税国际经验,最后提出对我国新的出口退税政策相应的完善措施和实施策略。 18. This procedure only drawback is: acvtive window focus, can not be applied. 这程序唯一的缺点是:acvtive窗口焦点,不能应用。 19. drawback的近义词 19. One drawback is that it is usually more expensive. 缺点之一是,它通常是较昂贵。 20. drawback的意思 20. NOTE I prefer to use singletons for the states for the reasons I`ve already given, but there is one drawback. 注意:我乐于使用单件的原因在上文已经给出,但这也有一个缺陷。 drawback 词典解释 1. 缺点;缺陷;不利条件 A drawback is an aspect of something or someone that makes them less acceptable than they would otherwise be. e.g. He felt the apartment's only drawback was that it was too small. 他觉得这个公寓唯一的缺点就是太小了。 drawback 单语例句 1. The only drawback is that it only runs with an AC adapter, not batteries. 2. A large drawback to going public is that the current owners of the privately held corporation lose a part of their ownership. 3. The only drawback is that most of the best dishes are spicy. 4. Some view it as a benefit since credit cards allow overdrafts but others think it is a drawback as overdraft can lead to financial trouble. 5. But the children also said the worst drawback was parents bickering over the time they got to spend with them. 6. Chinese banks'high reliance on interest income is seen as a drawback to their profitability as compared to their international competitors. 7. A key drawback to moving to another " processor architecture " is that programs created for the current version of Windows won't work on the new chips. 8. Things went well until they suffered a severe drawback in 1998, when the Southeast Asian economic crisis spread. 9. The most serious drawback for China's universities is that they are not diverse enough, but it does not have to be like that. 10. Another drawback of the plan is that it fails to clarify who exactly should oversee government investment accountability. drawbackdrawback 英英释义 drawback的近义词 noun 1. the quality of being a hindrance e.g. he pointed out all the drawbacks to my plan |
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