单词 | exhalation |
释义 | exhalation [英 [?eksh?'le??n] 美 [??ksh??le??n, ??ks?-] ] exhalation的意思、解释 复数形式:exhalations; exhalation 基本解释 名词呼气; 呼出; 蒸发; 发散物 exhalation 网络解释 1. exhalation的解释 1. 呼出:exhalant 发散管 | exhalation 呼出 | exhale from 发散出 2. 喷气:exfoliation joint 页状剥落节理 | exhalation 喷气 | exhalation deposit 喷气矿床 3. 发出物:exhalant 出管 | exhalation 发出物 | exhalationexhaleexpiration 呼气 exhalation 双语例句 1. This platen dryer deploys the PLC system to control the breathing process of veneer drying. It can adjust breathing frequency and duration according to respective conditions; thus ensure a complete shrinkage and exhalation. 热压干燥机用PLC系统设置了单板干燥过程中的呼吸程序,使用时可根据不同的情况确定呼吸频率和呼吸时间,让单板充分收缩及散发水分。 2. It seemed disproportionately large, even for the biggest of whales. Its size explained that loud, concussive exhalation—less a breath than a detonation—and its size explained the 30-foot spout. 就算是长在体型最大的鲸鱼身上,这个鼻子还是显得大得离谱,因此蓝鲸呼气时的声音才如此巨大,如此震撼——简直不像是呼吸,倒像是爆炸——蓝鲸也因此才能喷出9米高的水柱。 3. exhalation的翻译 3. Hyperventilation syndrome is defined as the condition of increased alveolar air exchange which leads to an excess exhalation of carbon dioxide and induces hypocapnia. 过度换气症候群是指病人呼吸量超过身体需求,使得肺泡气体交换速度增加并释出过多二氧化碳,进而造成体内二氧化碳浓度过低。 4. In order to ensure that large amount of water inside a large wood piece can be discharged immediately, large numbers of breathing grooves are made on the platen to facilitate the exhalation. As a result, quick drying can be achieved. This technique is proved effective especially for hardwood and serayah. 为了能使大量水分在大面积的板间及时排放出来,单板热压干燥的热压板专门设置了大密度的透汽槽,使大量蒸汽迅速通过沟槽排出,达到快速干燥的目的,这一技术对一些不易干燥的硬杂木树种尤其有效。 5. Allow your breath to slow down, keep your throat open, and make a slow smooth transition between each inhalation and exhalation. 让呼吸渐渐慢下来,张大嘴巴,在吸气与呼气间稳当地来回转换。 6. 6. An exhalation is fresh and green tender shoot, The one falls into brown Huang's flower petal. 当突然看到一缕新绿,又看到落红的印象,一切又那么的灿烂,那么的耀眼。 7. Expiratory time is measured from the beginning of exhalation to the beginning of the next inspiration. 呼气时间测定是呼气开始到下一次呼气开始。 8. 8. Gradually deepen your exhalation by gently drawing your abdomen back as you breath out, going with the natural movement of your breath. 逐渐加深您的发散作用由柔和地画您的腹部后面作为您呼吸,连同您的呼吸的自然运动。 9. If the objects of sense are easily changed and never stand still, and the organs of perception are dull and easily receive false impressions; and the poor soul itself is an exhalation from blood. 在这样的一个世界里获得嘉名不过是虚妄。你为何不能平静地等待生命的结束? 10. exhalation 10. Meanwhile the Southwind rose, and with black wings Wide hovering, all the Clouds together drove From under Heav'n; the Hills to their supplie [740] Vapour, and Exhalation dusk and moist, Sent up amain; and now the thick'nd Skie Like a dark Ceeling stood; down rush'd the Rain Impetuous, and continu'd till the Earth No more was seen; the floating Vessel swum [745] Uplifted; and secure with beaked prow Rode tilting o're the Waves, all dwellings else Flood overwhelmd, and them with all thir pomp Deep under water rould; Sea cover'd Sea, Sea without shoar; and in thir Palaces [750] Where luxurie late reign'd, Sea-monsters whelp'd And stabl'd; of Mankind, so numerous late, All left, in one small bottom swum imbark't. 就在那时,吹起了南风,阴云群集,鼓动黑色的翅膀,漫天飞舞。群山也不甘示弱,猛烈地吹送薄明而潮湿的雾气,天空中阴霾密布,犹如黑色的天盖,倾盆的大雨不断倾泻而下,把整个大地淹满了。大船浮起,在水面上漂荡,张嘴的船头在波浪上翘起,乘风破浪,安稳地航行。其它的住处都被洪水淹没了,一切荣华富贵被埋葬在深水之中。海上覆盖了海,无边的大海,原先穷奢极侈的宫殿,成了海中怪物繁殖崽子的厩棚。原先繁多的人类,幸存下来的都乘上一只小舟,在水上漂流。 11. exhalation的反义词 11. Base metallic sulfide deposits, but also can form independent exhalation type gold deposit. 喷流型金矿床在我国具有良好的产出地质背景,极大可能是我国金矿地质工作取得突破的重要方向。 12. A:A valved respirator is designed to allow for easy exhalation through a one-way exhalation valve. 答:带呼气阀的呼吸防护口罩,其设计是靠一个单向开启的阀,直接将呼气排出口罩之外。 13. exhalation的反义词 13. If a person is wearing a respirator to help reduce his or her exposure to airborne viruses, a respirator with an exhalation valve would be acceptable. 若呼吸防护口罩用于预防使用者对空气中悬浮的病毒的暴露,带呼气阀的呼吸防护口罩是可以使用的。 14. 14. For this kind of vcentilotor we need periodic inspection to the membrane in exhalation valve. 纽帮100M呼吸机功能单一但操作简单,维修特点是注意定期检查呼出阀膜。 15. In the second chapter, based on the analysis of the numerical simlution method of turbulent flow and heat transfer in the complex geometrical domain, the grid generation technique, difference scheme of convective and diffusive terms, pressure and velocity correction methods, turbulent models and arithmetic of nonlinear equations, which are suitable for the numerical simlution of MMEE, are determined. In order to investigate the static and dynamic characteristics of the exhalation valve plate in pressure oxygen mask, the numerical simulation method of the exhalation valve plate's static and dynamic characteristics is presented in the third chapter. 本文的研究工作主要有以下几方面:1介绍了人机环境工程中的数值模拟方法及其应用状况,并对湍流流动与换热数值模拟方法进行了分析。2在对湍流流动与传热问题的数值模拟方法进行分析、总结的基础上,确定了适合人机与环境工程中数值模拟所采用的网格生成技术、对流扩散项的离散格式、压力修正与速度修正方法、湍流模型和非线性代数方程组的求解方法。3提出了加压供氧面罩呼气活门特性的数值模拟方法。 16. Some filtering facepiece respirators have an exhalation valve which can reduce breathing resistance, reduce moisture buildup inside the respirator and increase work tolerance and comfort for respirator users. 有些随弃式呼吸防护口罩还带有呼气阀,呼气时可以降低阻力,减少面罩内湿热空气的积聚,提高工作中呼吸器使用人员的耐受性和舒适性。 17. In their Respiratory Protection standard, 29 CFR 1910.134, OSHA does require that respirators be stored to protect them from damage, contamination, dust, sunlight, extreme temperatures, excessive moisture, and damaging chemicals, and that they be stored to prevent deformation of the facepiece and exhalation valve. 在OSHA 的呼吸保护标准29CFR1910.134中,规定呼吸器应储存在安全、无污染、无尘、无日光照射、无极端温度、无高湿、无有害化学物的环境中,储存中应防止呼吸器面罩和呼气阀的变形。 18. exhalation的解释 18. The gold mineralization is divided into five types: deformation-metamorphic and thermodynamic gold deposit hosted in fine clastic rocks, ductile shear zone - controlled gold deposit hosted in clastic rocks with intercalated limestone, thermal exhalation gold deposit hosted in albite breccia, epithermal gold deposit hosted in clastic-carbonate formation and nappe-controlled gold deposit hosted incarbon-bearing argillaceous rocks. 地质地球化学研究表明该区沉积岩容矿金矿类型有细碎屑岩容矿变形变质动热改造型、碎屑岩不纯碳酸盐容矿的韧性剪切带型、钠长角砾岩钠长板岩容矿的热水喷流型、碎屑岩碳酸岩容矿的浅成低温热液型和含炭泥质岩容矿的推覆构造型5种。 19. Exhalation of air without vibration of the vocal cords, as in the articulation of p and s. 这种仪器有一个重锤悬在与记录针联接的弹簧下面。 20. Interface minimizes pressure points that can lead to skin necrosis, while generator incorporates Vortice technology, which helps decrease infant's work of breathing by redirecting gas flow away from infant during exhalation and entrains air during periods of high inspiratory effort. 接口最小压力点能导致皮肤坏死,而包含涡流发生器技术这有助于减少婴儿的呼吸气流通过重新喷在远离婴儿时期高、空气entrains吸气努力。 exhalation 英英释义 exhalation什么意思 noun 1. the act of expelling air from the lungs Synonym: expirationbreathing out 2. exhaled breath Synonym: halitus |
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