单词 | exploitation |
释义 | exploitation [英 [?ekspl???te??n] 美 [??kspl???te??n] ] exploitation的意思、解释 exploitation 基本解释 名词开发; 剥削; 利用; 广告推销 exploitation 网络解释 1. 开发,利用:具体来讲,他们把企业吸收外部知识的过程划分成4个不同维度:获取(acquisition)、同化(assimilation)、转化(transformation)和开发利用(exploitation). 并突出强调了各个维度在企业技术创新的过程中发挥的不同作用具体来讲, exploitation 双语例句 1. Abolish the system of feudal exploitation and put into effect the system of land to the tillers 一旦获得了满意的润滑系统,相互作用的元件的硬度就成为紧要之事。 2. exploitation是什么意思 2. The exploitation of new method for the one-step synthesis of aniline will lead the development of aniline industry to a simple, clean, and green energy-conservative direction. 进行一步法合成苯胺新工艺的研究开发可望使苯胺工业朝着简单、清洁和绿色环保的方向发展。 3. Due to the exploitation and utilization of deep groundwater in northern Shandong plain, a lot of environmental problms have been occurred, such as, the regional deep groundwater depression is continuously enlarging, in some area, deep groundwater exhausted and water quality is becoming more and more saltish, as well as land subsidence was aggravated and endemic appeared in some major towns. The reason is that the groundwater exploitation is most concentrated in towns areamabd tge exploiting methods is much more irrational. 摘 要:鲁北平原在深层地下水开发利用过程中,由于开采地段过于集中在城镇,加上不合理开采等因素,出现了区域性深层地下水超采漏斗不断扩大、部分地段地下水资源枯竭和水质咸化问题严重、重点城镇地面沉降加剧及饮用高氟高碘地下水引发的地方病呈上升趋势等诸多水环境问题。 4. exploitation 4. However, with the exploitation of manganese resources, the method mentioned aboved faces the problems such as lacking raw stuff and cost raising. 但是,随着锰资源的不断开发,金属锰悬浮液法面临的原料来源少、成本价格提高的问题。 5. Tourism resources: state of the tourism resources available for exploitation about 7 categories, 33 kinds, 146, of which 56 natural landscape, accounting for the entire 37.6 percent of tourism resources; 90 human landscape, accounting for 62.4%, and some resources set humanities and natural as a whole; these resources are the types of wide, high grade, the stock of large, strong features, both at home and abroad to adapt to the needs of tourists of different levels, and original, diversity, mystery of that great potential for development. 旅游资源:全州可供开发的旅游资源约7大类、33种、146处,其中自然景观56处,占整个旅游资源的37.6%;人文景观90处,占62.4%,有些资源集人文和自然为一体;这些资源种类全、品位高、存量大、特色浓、适应国内外不同层次游客的需求,并以原始性、多样性、神秘性著称,开发潜力巨大。 6. In consideration of status of the traditional fishing rights in the exclusive economic zone system, when delimitates the maritime boundaries with relevant states in east China sea and yellow sea, China should stress the following main factors in order to strive for gains as much as possible, such as geology, geography, length of coastal line, reasonable reservation of fishery resources, equal exploitation to fishery resources, especially stress economic impacts on China. 鉴于传统捕鱼权在专属经济区中的地位,当我国与有关国家进行东、黄海海域划界时,应强调地质、地貌、海岸线的长度、渔业资源的合理保护和对渔业资源的公平利用等,特别是经济因素,以争取合理的利益。 7. How to rejuvenate the mass of ill-looking wasted quarries after exploitation is the serious problem. 因矿山开采而出现的大面积荒废的丑陋矿坑如何整治利用,是摆在我们面前的严峻课题。 8. For the surrogate mother will be subject to exploitation, the court that the surrogate mother was pregnant before the birth whether the agency's decision that she was completely by chance to decide whether a contract. 2针对代理母亲将会受到剥削的问题,法院认为,代理母亲是在怀孕前作出是否代理生育的决定,她完全由机会决定是否签订合同。 9. At last, this article has summarized the system exploitation, and some parts of limiting system function`s question will be able to solve effectively along with the research technology`s development. 文章的最后,对整个系统的开发做了一个总结,并相信随着搜索技术的不断进步,部分限制系统功能的问题将会得到有效地解决。 10. The research of the problem caused by outer-space commercial exploitation still in the initial stage. 外层空间商业利用的发展使建立外层空间国际新秩序的要求变得更为迫切。 11. exploitation在线翻译 11. It is a form of institutionalised exploitation that, like bullying in public schools, is handed down between generations. 这是一个制度化的剥削形式,一代传一代,像公立学校中的欺凌威吓一样。 12. exploitation的近义词 12. Sodium phosphate salts, which mainly include sodium orthophosphate, sodium pyrophosphate, sodium polyphosphate, and sodium metaphosphate, are the largest produced and consumed phosphate products in industrial phosphates. Their technical exploitation and market development are both relatively mature. 磷酸钠盐是工业磷酸盐中产量最大、消费量最多的磷化工产品,其技术开发与市场发展都比较成熟,主要有正磷酸钠盐、焦磷酸钠盐、聚磷酸钠盐和偏磷酸钠盐。 13. exploitation的翻译 13. Again, the forcing open of China`s door brought benefitsto China together with the insults and exploitation. 当然,你可以义正辞严的回击说:中国人完全有能力自己选择恰当的时机和方式来吸收、运用这些现代化成果,而不是靠着侵犯中国的主权、剥夺中国的自然资源,由傲慢的洋大人强加到中国人身上。 14. The research and exploitation of the detector for cardiovascular function is the soul of this paper. 本论文主要讨论了基于ARM的嵌入式心血管健康检测仪的研究与开发。 15. exploitation在线翻译 15. With the development of oil exploration and drilling technology level, high-viscosity and high pour point crude exploitation is in an increasing proportion. 中文摘要:随着石油开采和钻井技术水平的提高,高粘度、高凝固点原油的开采比例越来越大。 16. exploitation什么意思 16. Our proposal makes ocean wind energy available for exploitation a huge energy reservoir because the oceans cover 70 per cent of the globe, Platzer says. 我们的方案是为更好开发利用海洋风力。地球上百分之七十是海洋,它是个巨大能源库。 17. Demolition and relocation of urban housing; legal features; the power of requistition; the power of demolition and relocation; social public interests; living space; public exploitation 房屋拆迁;法律特征;征用权;拆迁权;社会公共利益;活动空间;公共开发 18. exploitation在线翻译 18. The collection of land rent is his main form of exploitation; in addition, he may lend money, hire labour, or engage in industry or commerce. 地主剥削的方式,主要地是收取地租,此外或兼放债,或兼雇工,或兼营工商业。 19. exploitation 19. Small pump pumping technology in deep Linpan Oilfield Eastern Provisional Application Abstract: With the temporary set-depth development of the oil field development, due to the complexity of the Eastern Pro small block structure broken, and so are less amenable to the corresponding water features, can only rely on the exploitation of natural energy, the energy of formation declining, then the more liquid oil move To lower the number of oil well lead to even stop production wells. 小泵深抽技术在临盘油田临东区的应用摘要:随着临盘油田开发的深入开展,临东区由于复杂小断块构造破碎、注水对应较难实施等特点,只能依靠天然能量开采,因此地层能量不断下降,油井动液面随之越来越低,导致许多油井减产甚至停井。 20. The paper takes the states of the exploitation and utilization resources of facility about 21 typical countryside primary and middle schools as the object. 指出了存在的主要问题,提出了农村中小学体育设施资源开发与利用的思路、案例、保障体系等。 exploitation 单语例句 1. The project was the first public tender hosted by the Saudi Arabian Government for its natural gas field exploitation. 2. Active guidance will be given to enterprises in organizing clean and safe production in the course of mineral resources prospecting and exploitation. 3. We shall introduce scale exploitation, raise the level of intensiveness and eliminate backward and scattered mining capacity. 4. China will speed up the structural adjustment of mineral resources exploitation and utilization, increase productive capacity and raise efficiency. 5. Banned at the start of the " cultural revolution ", pawn shops were considered a form of capitalist exploitation preying on poor and desperate people. 6. Shale gas exploitation has been gathering steam in China as the nation looks for cleaner energy to cut its carbon emissions and fuel economic growth. 7. With the protection of the largest land carnivore pushed aside, the Arctic will be open to rampant exploitation. 8. However, overseas market exploitation also can add to financial volatility due to the currency fluctuation. 9. Assistant Chief Constable Terry Sweeney says there may be more victims of such exploitation and appealed for them to get in touch with police. 10. The State will prohibit the employment of child labor and exploitation of children, and will severely punish such illegal activities according to law. exploitation的意思exploitation 英英释义 noun 1. an act that exploits or victimizes someone (treats them unfairly) e.g. capitalistic exploitation of the working class paying Blacks less and charging them more is a form of victimization Synonym: victimizationvictimisationusing 2. the act of making some area of land or water more profitable or productive or useful e.g. the development of Alaskan resources the exploitation of copper deposits Synonym: development |
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