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单词 extra
    extra [英 [?ekstr?] 美 ['ekstr?] ]
    extra 基本解释
    形容词额外的,补充的,附加的; 特大的,特别的
    名词附加物,额外的事物; 临时演员; 号外; 上等产品,上品
    副词额外地; 格外地,特别地
    extra 相关例句
    1. We do not ask for extra pay.
    2. extra的解释
    2. I don't suppose they wanted any extra help.
    1. extra是什么意思
    1. They charge extra for wine.
    1. We need 1000 extras for the big scene when they cross the Red Sea.
    2. extra的翻译
    2. At this hotel a hot bath is an extra.
    extra 情景对话
    A:What are your rates of laundry service?
    B:Theres a rate chart in your folder in the dresser drawer, sir.
    A:I see. Well, would you please send someone to Room 528 to pick up some laundry for me?
    B:Yes, sir. Ill send someone immediately.
    好的,先生。我立即派人去。 ……
    A:Id like to have these clothes washed.
    B:Could you please fill out the laundry form?
    A:OK. By the way, Id like my silk shirt to be handwashed. Please use cold water, then it doesnt shrink.
    B:By hand in cold water. I see.
    A:I need them to be washed right away. Can you have them finished by tomorrow morning?
    B:Sorry, it wont be possible. Its already 10 oclock. Im afraid its too late for todays laundry.Tomorrow afternoon is the soonest.
    A:Oh, no! I have a date at 11:00 tomorrow.
    B:We have a special three-hour service. We will deliver it within 3 hours, but it is 35% extra charge.
    A:I guess that will have to do.
    A:Did you get the job?
    B:Yes, I’ll be working in the development department.
    A:Did you meet your boss?
    B:Just briefly. She seemed nice.
    A:Will you have to work overtime?
    B:Sometimes. They said I should expect to work overtime once or twice a month.
    A:Is it paid or unpaid?
    B:It’s unpaid, but I can then take an extra day off. So, if I work an extra 8 hours on a Thursday night, I can take Friday off.
    A:That’s alright. It might be tiring, but then you can at least have a three-day holiday.
    B:I think it’s great.
    A:How about your daily office hours?
    B:It’s just a 9-5 job, with a 30 minute lunch break.
    朝九晚五,中午有30 分钟的午休时间。
    A:Did you meet your other colleagues?
    B:I met the people from my department. They all seemed nice.
    A:Do you have an office?
    B:Not yet. For now, I have to sit in a cubicle.
    A:How do you feel about that?
    B:I’m not ecstatic about it, but if nothing else, it will motivate me to work harder so I can get an office!
    A:You’re always looking on the bright side of things!
    International Trade -Insurance-(国际贸易-保险)
    B:Im calling to discuss the level of insurance coverage youve requested for your order.
    A:I believe that we have requested an amount twenty-five percent above the invoice value?
    B:Yes, thats right. We have no problem in complying with your request, but we think that the amount is a bit excessive.
    A:Weve had a lot of trouble in the past with damaged goods.
    B:I can understand your concern. However, the normal coverage for goods of this type is to insure them for the total invoice amount plus ten percent.
    A:We would feel more comfortable with the additional protection.
    B:Unfortunately, if you want to increase the coverage, we will have to charge you extra for the additional cost.
    A:But the insurance was supposed to be included in the quotation.
    B:Yes, but we quoted you normal coverage at regular rates.
    A:I see.
    B:We can, however, arrange the extra coverage. But I suggest you contact your insurance agent there and compare rates.
    A:Youre right. It might be cheaper on this end.
    B:Fax me whatever rates you find there and Ill compare them with what we can offer.
    extra 网络解释
    1. extra的翻译
    1. 号外:最近他又当上了(Extra)的周末主持人并在百老汇登台献艺,是的明星. 这位网球明星已经取代美少年球手罗迪克成为美国网坛的一哥,虽然已经有了固定女友,但还是被杂志的编辑看中,实际上,
    2. 临时演员:[记者刘爽纽约报导]迪士尼(Walt Disney)公司近日为其新片「魔法师的学徒」(The Sorcerers Apprentice)其中在曼哈坦华埠开拍的场景,徵亚裔临时演员(extra),报名者必须有合法在美国工作的身分.
    extra 双语例句
    1. We do not have extra time to waste, and please believe me, I always undying love you.
    2. The main floor is currently under construction. This hole is where the steel pillars will stand. To make an extra story for the dorms, the completion date has been postponed by one more month. However, quality always comes first.
    3. extra是什么意思
    3. A number of options control which fields appear on these lists and the appearance of extra features like date drill-downs, search fields, and filter interfaces.
    4. extra的反义词
    4. A linear crystalline defect associated with the lattice distortion produced in the vicinity of the end of an extra half plane of atoms within a crystal. The Burgers vector is perpendicular to the dislocation line.
    5. Silver, copper, gold, aluminum, etc. are all printed traditionally as extra colors.
    6. Now that I think about it, it's not a bad idea to get some work experience, and earn some extra cash while we're at it. Do me a favor Amanda-when you go for your interview, can you ask if there's another vacancy?
    7. Turn off the AirCon: it puts extra strain on the engine, which consequently guzzles more petrol.
    8. extra
    8. That's our sending goods area with free charge, hence, there's no extra fee.
    9. Sword Specialization: This talent`s free extra attacks can no longer trigger additional extra attacks.
    10. Sword Specialization: This ability now grants extra yellow attacks instead of extra white attacks.
    11. In prepared testimony to a Senate committee, Gates said the Bush administration sought the money for more training and equipment for the US military, including new armoured vehicles that give extra protection to troops against bomb blasts.
    12. extra
    12. The research may go someway to explaining why people add extra salt to food, or seek out salt-rich foods, despite warnings from numerous scientists and health professionals convinced that high salt intake is responsible for increasing blood pressure, a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
    13. But my mother she was very concerned about me, and it is cold in my mother told me to wear extra clothes; I was sick, the first one around me to take care of my people is the mother; the evening, my mother waited until I fell asleep, give me a quilt cover Cai Shui, I do not know.
    14. Gravity walls should be at least 55 to 65 percent as deep as the height of the retaining wall. The gravity wall may need to be larger due to the extra surcharge or slope pressures on the wall.
    15. I need some ice water, is it need extra pay?
    16. If he arrives for work ahead of time, he gets no extra pay for it.
    17. Like other commissions before it, this one advocates extra pay for better performance.
    18. Party A needs Party B to provide other design and program development services except Article 7 and Article 8, and it shall pay extra ads design and program development costs.
    19. As for A company, the cost for the loan might be higher than a general commercial loan for it shall pay the extra fees for opening the standby L/C.
    20. Thus, it can help to pay extra attention to flexibility when things are tense (e. g., by relaxing or stretching your wrists between points).
    extra 词典解释
    1. 额外的;外加的
    You use extra to describe an amount, person, or thing that is added to others of the same kind, or that can be added to others of the same kind.
    e.g. Police warned motorists to allow extra time to get to work...
    e.g. Extra staff have been taken on to cover busy periods...
    2. 费用另计的;额外收费的
    If something is extra, you have to pay more money for it in addition to what you are already paying for something.
    e.g. For foreign orders postage is extra...
    e.g. The price of your meal is extra.
    3. 额外费用
    Extras are additional amounts of money that are added to the price that you have to pay for something.
    e.g. She is disgusted by big hotels adding so many extras to the bill that it nearly doubles...
    e.g. There are no hidden extras.
    4. 额外之物;附加物
    Extras are things which are not necessary in a situation, activity, or object, but which make it more comfortable, useful, or enjoyable.
    e.g. Optional extras include cooking tuition at a top restaurant...
    e.g. They are also spending much less on extras like meals in restaurants.
    5. (电影中的)临时演员,群众演员
    The extras in a film are the people who play unimportant parts, for example as members of a crowd.
    6. 格外;特别
    You can use extra in front of adjectives and adverbs to emphasize the quality that they are describing.
    e.g. I'd have to be extra careful...
    e.g. What makes a magnificent garden extra special?...
    7. to go the extra mile -> see mile
    extra 单语例句
    1. We are extremely busy at weekends and holidays, but are only paid three yuan every extra hour.
    2. You can substitute the butter by drizzling some good extra virgin olive oil on the pumpkin.
    3. " I need the extra money to buy food for my family, " she said.
    4. The government clamped down on market speculation in late October, with the extra stamp duty and buyer's stamp duty as extraordinary measures in extraordinary times.
    5. China's Central Bank is responsible for the extra cost, but taxpayers are indirectly buying the bills.
    6. Netizens generally expressed disappointment over the new civil aviation measures and complained about the extra fees when buying air tickets.
    7. The money was handed out as extra subsidies by mistake to car owners who scrapped their old vehicles.
    8. You will already stand out as a foreigner, so do not draw any extra attention to yourself by snapping photos.
    9. Secondhand goods are getting extra cachet now that the government is supporting the market's development.
    10. It wasn't just the caffeine that gave an Iowa woman an extra jolt after she had her morning coffee.
    extra 英英释义
    1. something additional of the same kind
    e.g. he always carried extras in case of an emergency
    Synonym: duplicate
    2. an additional edition of a newspaper (usually to report a crisis)
    3. a minor actor in crowd scenes
    Synonym: supernumeraryspear carrier
    1. further or added
    e.g. called for additional troops
    need extra help
    an extra pair of shoes
    Synonym: additional
    2. more than is needed, desired, or required
    e.g. trying to lose excess weight
    found some extra change lying on the dresser
    yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant
    skills made redundant by technological advance
    sleeping in the spare room
    supernumerary ornamentation
    it was supererogatory of her to gloat
    delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words
    extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts
    surplus cheese distributed to the needy
    Synonym: excessredundantsparesupererogatorysuperfluoussupernumerarysurplus
    3. added to a regular schedule
    e.g. a special holiday flight
    put on special buses for the big game
    Synonym: special
    1. unusually or exceptionally
    e.g. an extra fast car




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