单词 | exuberance |
释义 | exuberance [英 [?ɡ'zju:b?r?ns] 美 [?ɡ?zub?r?ns] ] exuberance的意思、解释 复数形式:exuberancies; exuberance 基本解释 名词繁茂,丰富; 充沛,充溢 exuberance 网络解释 1. 茂盛:extrusive 挤出的 | exuberance 茂盛 | exuberancy 丰富 2. 繁茂:extrocardiography 心电图法 | exuberance 繁茂 | exudate 渗出液 3. 繁茂,茂盛:windfall 被风吹落的 | exuberance 繁茂,茂盛 | statuary 雕像,塑像 4. exuberance的反义词 4. 茂盛,健康:11. collaboration 合作,协作 | 12. exuberance 茂盛,健康 | 13. stark 荒凉的,阴郁的 exuberance 双语例句 1. Water environment protection is a key to maintain the Yangtze River`s exuberance. 李长安1,2,陈进2,陈中原3,王建4,王超5,范北林2 2. exuberance 2. There was an exuberance of good-friendship in the word which fairly warmed the cockles of her heart. 这句话里含着无限的情意,使她的感情着实温暖了起来。 3. The flowers grew in the sarcophagi with a wild exuberance, wantoning, it seemed, in mockery of the tomb whence they sprang 鲜花在石棺材里开放得格外繁茂,蓬乱错综,仿佛嘲笑它们从中冒出的坟茔。 4. Third, it is argued, all this talk of new paradigms simply signals another manifestation of irrational exuberance: the overselling of emerging markets. 第三种不同看法认为这些所谓的新范式的说法,只不过是非理性热炒新市场论的又一表现。 5. exuberance的近义词 5. Third, it is argued, all this talk of new paradigms simply signals another manifestation of irrational exuberance: the overselling of emerging markets 第三,业界仍存在着一个争论,那就是这一所谓新模式也许只是非理性繁荣的又一表现:新兴市场的过度销售。 6. Ruled by the benefic planet Jupiter, Sagittarians possess a natural exuberance, sense of adventure and love of life that makes them one of the most optimistic zodiac signs of all. 亲爱的活泼好动好探奇的射手是很会享受生活的人儿啊~这种性格对俺有天然吸引力。好友若干条,其中还不乏50岁人士。 7. The flower of humor blooms whenever in the course of development of a nation there is an exuberance of intellect able to flay its own ideals, for humor is nothing but intellect slashing at itself. 当一个国家的文明发展到某种程度,当过多才子相轻时,幽默之花便会绽放,因为幽默无非是有才智的人自我鞭挞。 8. exuberance在线翻译 8. Amiability facies could give students the most intuitionistic, visualest vividest recept. pizazz and decent body language should infect students all the time. it could make the student to deepen to a knowledge understanding, remembered, guides the student cathexis into the didactical scene. Organizing game to exuberance didactical scene. 教师热情洋溢的微笑、友善慈祥的面容可以使学生获得最直观、最形象、最真切的感受;潇洒得体的身姿手势,无时不在感染着学生,可以使学生加深对知识点的理解、记忆,引导学生全身心地投入到情景中去。 9. exuberance的翻译 9. A highly addictive, warm and radiant fragrance which embodies the exuberance and personality of our brand. 一款体现了我们的品牌繁荣和个性的,高度媚惑,温暖和极具幽香放射力的香水。 10. N We know that stocks had three more good years after the'irrational exuberance'comment, but still expect US 2yr yields to rise to 4.0-4.5% over the next 12 months, from 3.4% now, and see 10-yr yields rising to 5%. Markets currently have factored in a 3.25% funds rate by end 2005. Our more aggressive Fed call is the key reason why we think the US dollar's 2005 bounce is not yet over. Sentiment towards the dollar has been bad this week - the trigger to help the dollar could be the FOMC minutes, or February non-farm payrolls, which, given recent low unemployment claims should be better than in January or December. 在葛老的「非理性荣景」的谈话后,股市应仍有几年多头可走,但可预期的是在未来的十二个月里,美国两年期的短率将会从目前的3.4%走高到4.0-4.5%,而十年期指标利率有将扬升至5%,目前市场平均预期到2005年底联邦利率会升至3.25%,如果联准局再有更积极的作为的话,那么美元将会受到支撑,特别是下周五美国将公布新增非农业就业人口,预期这个数字会比十二月和一月的失业率来的更加改善,这会对目前下跌的美元获得上涨的动能。 11. Wearing rags for diapers, begging a pig's head for Christmas dinner and gathering coal from the roadside to light a fire, Frank endures poverty, near-starvation and the casual cruelty of relatives and neighbors--yet lives to tell his tale with eloquence, exuberance and remarkable forgiveness. 戴尿布碎布,乞讨猪的圣诞晚餐,从路边聚会煤炭团长生火,弗兰克忍受贫穷,近饥饿和亲戚,邻居的休闲残酷-然而生活告诉与口才,繁荣他的故事和显着的宽恕。 12. The heroic spray it swashes in the long history rivers, brings the enjoyment of wine, the exuberance of soul and the beautiful wishes. 龙船越过了千山万水,它在历史长河中激荡出层层伟丽的水花,带来了味觉的享受、心灵的丰润和美好的愿望。 13. 13. Part of this is due to emerging markets exuberance and a charge back into riskier assets. 一定程度上,这是新兴市场股市大幅回升和资金重新流入风险较高的资产所致。 14. Tears, is a woman of privilege, a woman's exuberance, the joy of a woman, a woman of talent. 眼泪,是女人的特权,女人的风情,女人的快乐,女人的天赋。 15. The two men have some qualities in common, a combination of exuberance and withdrawnness. 二人之间有一些相同之点,有热情洋溢的一面,也有退缩的一面。 16. The basic theories and viewpoints of micro-ecology have certain similarities to the theories of traditional Chinese medicine, such as holism, yin-yang theory, exuberance and debilitation of pathogical and healthy qi. 微生态学的一些基本理论观点与中医学理论如整体观念、阴阳学说、邪正盛衰等存在着某些相似之处,因此引起了中医药学者的广泛关注。 17. I felt an exuberance at the capacity of life for invention. 我认为生物的创造能力是源源不绝的。 18. More importantly, street dances are characterized by emotions simply not found in the ballroom dance: passion, sex, exuberance, and unrestraint. 更重要的是,街舞有着与标准舞不一样的特点:激情、性感、活力四射和自由无拘束。 19. But in company with their saw is gotten exuberance, them too just gradualness adieux bloom written whereas grew into genuine female author. 但随着她们阅历的丰富,她们也正逐渐告别青春写作而成长为真正的女性作家。 20. exuberance的近义词 20. Efforts at deliberate, proportionate and responsible immigration reform provoke paralysis, but restrictionist tactics are greeted with exuberance. 审慎的,有计划的,负责任的移民改革计划全部瘫痪,但是限制移民主义者的策略却大受欢迎。 exuberance 词典解释 1. 热情洋溢;兴高采烈;喜气洋洋 Exuberance is behaviour which is energetic, excited, and cheerful. exuberance e.g. Her burst of exuberance and her brightness overwhelmed me. 她勃发的热情和阳光的性格征服了我。 2. 勃勃生机 If you talk about the exuberance of something, you like it because it is lively, exciting, and full of energy and life. e.g. The sheer exuberance of the sculpture was exhilarating. 那尊雕塑表现出的勃勃生机让人振奋。 exuberance 单语例句exuberance 1. To say " irrational exuberance " has crept into China would make Alan Greenspan's catchphrase seem like an understatement. 2. But there are voices raised that caution against too much exuberance in the control. 3. But as an Australian I can absolutely understand Lauren Jackson's gesture as nothing more than childish exuberance and joyfulness. 4. But when the irrational exuberance of minting overnight millionaires takes over, even a sound financial system is not much of a dampener. 5. But I do see his point about the glooming emptiness of life and the exuberance of kids'laughter dispelling that emptiness. 6. Some critics said this was " irrational exuberance ", that Yahoo! 7. Leung said the recently introduced measure imposing 15 percent tax on overseas buyers of residential properties will prevent " further exuberance " in the market. 8. I then proceeded to talk about irrational exuberance and how psychology and expectations play a role in determining the " fair value " of a stock. 9. It includes the swift growth of irrational exuberance, most clearly seen in bubble patterns and parabolic trends. 10. Sander experienced the legendary exuberance of the movie bride for herself in March last year. exuberance 英英释义 noun 1. overflowing with eager enjoyment or approval Synonym: enthusiasmebullience 2. joyful enthusiasm |
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