单词 | exuberant |
释义 | exuberant [英 [?g?zju:b?r?nt] 美 [?g?zu:b?r?nt] ] exuberant的意思、解释 exuberant 基本解释 形容词生气勃勃的; (活力)充沛的; 茂盛的,繁茂的; (词藻)过于华丽的,极度的 副词生气勃勃地; (活力)充沛地; 茂盛地 exuberant是什么意思 exuberant 网络解释 1. 丰富,充溢的:extrude 逐出 | exuberant 丰富,充溢的 | exude 渗出,流出,流露 2. 繁茂的:exuberancy 丰富 | exuberant 繁茂的 | exuberate 充溢 3. 繁茂的,丰盛的:1. Exuberant: 繁茂的,丰盛的 | 2. demon: 魔鬼 | 3. tribalism: 部落制 4. 充溢的:exempt 被免除(的) | exuberant 充溢的 | fiction 小说,编造,想象 exuberant 双语例句 1. This kind of plant has exuberant vitality. 这种植物有旺盛的生命力。不适合 2. Vitamin C can make cerebral cell structure strong, in structure of cleared head cell having main effect with nervous state field flabbily, make the metabolization function of the body exuberant. 维生素c可使脑细胞结构坚固,在清除脑细胞结构的松弛与紧张状态方面起着重要作用,使身体的代谢机能旺盛。 3. exuberant 3. I think I will use the exuberant energy, clear-headed to do this work, to play to my strengths to help students and who started eight classes work together to advance this great group. 我想,我将用旺盛的精力、清醒的头脑来做好这个工作,来发挥我的长处帮助同学和初一8班这个大集体共同努力进步。 4. Although the living conditions in the region are harsh with an arid climate and extremes of temperatures, the villagers were welcoming and exuberant. 这是一次每个人在其一生当中都曾梦想过的寻根之旅,艺术家郭庆风做到了。 5. When Hsa was consciously introducing the western rhapsody, he rushed to the antipodes of classica2 Chinese poetry. wallowing in orerstatement and repetition and cumbering his lines with exuberant images which here and there ring false, here and there are exquisite. 在徐志摩有意识地评介西方的狂想曲时,他已经走到了精致绝妙的中国古典诗歌的反面。他沉迷于夸张和重复,妨害了字里行间的丰富意象,零零落落的意象像是假的。 6. Since its debut in early 2004, Thunder In The Valley has been wowing Twin Cities audiences and critics with its exuberant blend of rock and ragtime — not a nostalgia trip, but an innovative blend of old and new styles that conjures thoughts of Tom Waits, Sixteen Horsepower, and DeVotchKa with a bit of Kurt Weill and a mad-eyed carnival barker thrown in for good measure. 从它的首演在2004年初,在谷的雷使姊妹城市有它岩石和拉格泰姆旋律—的茂盛的混合的观众和评论家不是乡情旅行,但是老和新的样式的创新与位的混合召唤汤姆等待想法,十六马力和DeVotchKa惊叹Kurt Weill和为好措施投掷的疯狂被注视的狂欢节剥皮器。 7. exuberant在线翻译 7. Exuberant cherubs and acrobats, a reindeer snacking on watermelon, a playful monkey dangling an ornament from its tail, a gold-embossed Nativity, a high-heeled red ankle boot stuffed with holly, and Santa's sleigh packed with presents are among the 50 black-and-white and color illustrations featured here. 在书中呈现的他的五十个黑白和彩色设计的作品中,有各种各样的小天使们和高空杂技演员,有驯鹿在西瓜上吃零食,有可爱的猴子摇摆玩耍着它尾巴上的装饰物,有金色凸起的占星物,有充满冬青树灌木的红色高跟高筒靴,有装满礼物的圣诞老人雪橇。 8. 8. Year-old girl exuberant pharyngodynia fever, her mother took her to the hospital drips for two days, but conditions are not improved. 4岁的女孩芊芊发烧咽痛,妈妈带她到医院打点滴两天,可是病情仍没好转。 9. This shows that the Rambler Garden-the diligence, wisdom and a pragmatic, more exuberant vitality of the company. 这说明华逸雄人的勤劳、智慧与务实,更体现公司旺盛的生命力。 10. The exuberant vice president and general manager touted the new technology as the core of e-commerce on the Internet. 公司副总裁兼总经理难抑兴奋之情,认为新技术已成为互联网电子商务的核心所在。 11. The Minervois AC produces some of the best red wines of Languedoc-Roussilon; this wine has a medium deep purple-red color, fragrant nose of dark berries and plum and exuberant flavors of black cherries, cassis and plenty of spices; this is a medium to full bodied wine with soft tannins and an impressively long finish; match with grilled meats with spicy sauces as well as spicy Chinese and Asian meat dishes; Chateau Coupe-Roses produces a range of highly acclaimed, reasonably priced wines from choice vineyards around the village of Minervois. 隆格多克—胡西雍的最佳红酒有几款是来自於密内瓦法定产区。这款酒呈中度深紫红色泽,充满黑色浆果与李子芳香,丰富充沛的黑樱桃、黑醋栗与香料风味;浓稠度中等以上,单宁柔顺且余韵非常悠长,可搭配辛香酱汁的烤肉,或中式与亚洲式辛香肉类料理。Coupe-Roses酒庄生产一系列的红白酒,均有极高评价、售价又合理,都是来自於密内瓦村庄附近高原上的精选葡萄园。 12. exuberant在线翻译 12. As exuberant as spring summer secretion of oily skin, can use face cream cleanser flexible of Moab. 分泌不如春夏季那么旺盛的油性皮肤,可以采用柔性的摩面膏洁肤。 13. exuberant在线翻译 13. Motorola V3 was an unprecedented success, seem to have found his breakthrough in a profit, is to thin as the phone's selling point, so apart from the RAZR family of style folding exuberant foliage, the use of straight-shaped SLVR series are also gradually emerge. 摩托罗拉在V3获得了空前的成功之后,似乎找到了自己的一个盈利突破口,就是以超薄作为手机的卖点,于是除了折叠造型的RAZR家族更加枝繁叶茂之外,采用直板造型的SLVR系列也逐渐崭露头角。 14. exuberant 14. I love flowers of all kinds. I love slender chrysanthemums, exuberant roses, untarnished lilies and leisurely jasmine. 我还喜欢花,不管是哪一种,我喜欢清瘦的秋菊,浓郁的玫瑰,孤洁的百合,以及幽闲的素馨。 15. exuberant 15. For those hungering after a flash of Galliano's signature extravagance, it came at the finale: a pale mint deshabille gown of chiffon and taffeta that billowed like the most exuberant of his couture creations. 对于那些渴望后,闪光加里亚诺的签名,铺张浪费,它在总决赛:苍白薄荷deshabille的袍子的戚风和塔夫绸认为billowed最喜欢的旺盛的他的时装创作。 16. Along with the melodious tune, the children dancing, smiling faces of happy childhood overflow, exuberant vitality of the spirit of unlimited gas shows. 伴随着悠扬的旋律,孩子们翩翩起舞,欢乐的笑脸溢满童真童趣,旺盛的精神气透着无限活力。 17. Elena is a 28-year-old Alex O`Loughlin fan based in Switzerland whom I`ve come to know on LLOL and MySpace as someone who is exuberant, fun and full of life. Elena是一位28岁的Alex粉丝,瑞士人,我从LLOL和Myspace上认识了她,和所有其他人一样,她风趣,积极,充满了生命力。 18. 18. But in recent years, money river shoreside hills Lin Feng grass is gradually exuberant get up, the money river resembles one mustang then, gallop within the river valley roaring not stopping. 于是,金钱河的水面上,又有了水鸟们的嘹唳,而金钱河漂流的橡皮筏和红马夹,仿佛如一面面旗帜,给金钱河增添了无限的生机。 19. The Storm: Hannibal Crossing the Alps and his Army of Snow Storm (1812)(snow-man looked Hannibal and his Army: line, Alps 1812)- most early career, the most sophisticated and most important work in one year, the exhibition catalogue, from oneself, not complete poem the hope of a few lines of falsehood pulled to increase this painting, literature and history in his fearsome galvanism scenes with water and the mountains like natural forces extremely exuberant imagination, result, this painting will to people's emotion scenery formed lofty feeling and history of painting, a combination of thought. 暴风雪:汉尼拔和他的军队穿越阿尔卑斯雪山》(1812)(Snow Storm:Hannibal and his Army Crossing the Alps 1812)——透纳艺术生涯早期最具气势,最精良也是最重要的作品之一,在当年的展览目录上,透纳从自己不完整的诗作《希望的谬误》里抽出几行来增加这幅画的文学和历史成分,再加之以他那令人生畏的场景和风与水那排山倒海般自然力量的极其旺盛的想象,结果便是,这幅画将风景对人的情感形成的崇高感和历史画的道德、思想关怀结合了起来。 20. exuberant的意思 20. During pregnancy, due to the role of hormones, metabolic exuberant, vaginal epithelial cells and cervical glands secrete a strong, induced an increase in vaginal discharge. 妊娠期间,由于激素的作用,新陈代谢旺盛,阴道上皮细胞及宫颈腺体分泌旺盛,致阴道分泌物增多。 exuberant 词典解释 1. 热情洋溢的;兴高采烈的;喜气洋洋的 If you are exuberant, you are full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness. exuberant e.g. ...an exuberant young girl who decided to become a screen actress. 决定成为一名电影演员的热情洋溢的年轻女孩 exuberantly They both laughed exuberantly. 他俩都纵情地笑了起来。 2. 生机勃勃的;焕发活力的 If you describe something as exuberant, you like it because it is lively, exciting, and full of energy and life. e.g. This is bold and exuberant cooking. 这是大胆而又精彩的烹饪。 exuberantly ...exuberantly decorated. 装饰得喜气洋洋exuberant 单语例句 1. Chicago's exuberant young manager might have enjoyed sprinting toward that cluster of jubilant players and leaping right into the fray. 2. " It was a two and a half hour roller coaster ride, " an exuberant Tierney said outside after the show. 3. The gorgeous color schemes and the exuberant compositions of the paintings combine to produce a visual treat for visitors. 4. The death of the exuberant television entertainer and conservationist set off an unprecedented outpouring of grief. 5. The instrument's exuberant rhythms revitalize Walter's faltering spirit and open his eyes to a vibrant world of local jazz clubs and Central Park drum circles. 6. Consumer confidence is low, which is hardly a sign of exuberant demand. 7. Harbin's residents are known as much for their exuberant hospitality as for their excessive drinking and liberal fashion sense. 8. Liverpool has already accounted for Villa this season but its hoodoo over Chelsea showed no sign of abating at an exuberant Villa Park. 9. With such an exuberant personality and a natural talent for cooking, teaching the culinary arts for UCD was a natural progression. 10. Pardew attempted to calm the waters immediately after the game when he apologised for his over exuberant celebrations. exuberant 英英释义 adj 1. produced or growing in extreme abundance e.g. their riotous blooming Synonym: lushluxuriantprofuseriotous 2. unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings e.g. extravagant praise exuberant compliments overweening ambition overweening greed Synonym: excessiveextravagantoverweening 3. joyously unrestrained Synonym: ebullienthigh-spirited |
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