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单词 face up to
    face up to [英 [feis ?p tu:] 美 [fes ?p tu] ]
    face up to的意思、解释
    face up to 基本解释
    face up to的解释
    勇敢地接受[面对], 正视(而不畏缩)
    face up to 相关例句
    1. face up to的近义词
    1. He faced up to his difficulties manfully.
    2. face up to
    2. He had to face up to the fact that his family disapproved of his wife.
    face up to 网络解释
    1. face up to是什么意思
    1. 大胆面向:face to face 面对面对 | face up to 大胆面向 | make a face 做鬼脸
    2. 勇敢地对付;大胆面向:face to face 面对面(的)地;对立地 | face up to 勇敢地对付;大胆面向 | fail in 在...不足,疏忽
    3. 大胆面对:face to face / / 面对面地 | face up to / / 大胆面对 | fail to / / 未能
    4. 面对,承认:face the fact 面对事实 | face up to 面对,承认 | facey hotal 豪华饭店
    face up to 双语例句
    1. After that, few years past the earthquake, our state still suffer from the amazingly increasing disaster, whether man-made or naturally happened. Thus, we started to face several problems that hit the point that our salvage system is totally a mess-up.
    而在 921大地震发生后的几年下来,国内於遭受各种天然灾害或人为灾害上亦如雪花般地有加剧之现象,如地震、火灾以及重大意外事故等频频不断,以致於许多有关防灾、救灾的问题也因此纷纷浮上台面,其中最令人诟病的,即是在於都市救灾体系的絮乱,以致於上下疲於奔命,漏洞百出。
    2. People have to face up to the facts.
    3. face up to什么意思
    3. You have the silver hair, albeit not very clearly hurt my heart when I touched my hair black, I know that this is what comes to your youth; the fine lines of your eyes so that I could not bear to face up to its smooth face As it is with you in exchange for the beauty.
    4. The face is paralytic can happen at all ages, but 15~45 year old the commonnest, come on the peak is reached inside over number hour or 1~3 D, can incline the head unhealthily at the beginning of disease or ache after mandible horn, expression breaks down for flesh of a side countenance, frontal grain disappears, the eye is cracked greaten or close faint, when closing a key point, eyeball up foreign and rotational, show white sclerotic, call Bell the phenomenon, channel of ill side nose lip becomes shallow, quarrel prolapse, side of crooked Xiang Jian of the quarrel when grinningly, rouse cheek or whistle hourglass is enraged, the food when taking food often stops to age at ill side buccal between, at the same time companion has weep reach salivate.
    面麻痹可发生于所有年龄,但15~45岁最常见,发病多于数小时或1~3 d内达到高峰,病初可有病侧耳或下颌角后疼痛,表现为一侧面部表情肌瘫痪、额纹消失、眼裂变大或闭合无力,闭眼时,眼球向上外方转动,露出白色巩膜,称Bell现象,病侧鼻唇沟变浅,口角下垂,露齿时口角歪向健侧,鼓腮或吹口哨时漏气,进食时食物常滞留于病侧齿颊之间,同时伴有流泪及流涎。
    5. Major with white green red, up dress is fit or same for colour, major with undertint or color, trousers is major with jeans, suspension band dress break out half of back body, basseting navel 10cm beside up and down, some hair of navel appear, the shoes is major with slipper stilt-shoe, all kinds of colour, rump up and being 120 degree with body, abdomen stick out, become S type, hair spread over the shoulder, yellow or dithered color is nice, some hair together up the head, someone together two side hair with hair clasp, light dress up face, lipstick nature, face is red, many with glasses that are big glasses, grape red, up on the head, every woman have a bag with itself, white more, it is same color or fit with up dress, but color light. woman walk fast, body straight, eye sight forword, sometimes their dress fit whit mate, night dress may dress to street.
    以百色、绿色、红色为主,上衣与鞋颜色相配或一致,以浅色或彩色为主,长裤以牛仔为主,吊带装露背1/2,露胸及乳房的1/3,腰间露肚脐上下各10cm ,下部微露毛;鞋以拖鞋及高跟鞋为主,五颜六色,臀部上翘与腰成120度夹角,腹部前挺,呈大 S 型,头发以披散为多,长以过肩为界,黄色或杂色娇美,打发髻较高,或用小发卡夹住两边各一小绺,面部以淡妆为主,口红自然色,面颊微红,戴眼镜较多,以大镜片,葡萄红为主,戴在头顶作装饰较多,小肩包人人有,以白色居多,但一般与上衣搭配较合理,较衣服色浅。一般走路较快,身体笔直,不左右看。同性相伴造型一至,有时颜色统一。一般睡衣可以上街穿。
    6. Suddenly, a bicycle of treacherous acts and the white windbreaker that drive face to face rides the bicycle the person collided with each other, the white windbreaker person is great anger, another one person then compensates hurriedly is not, have no big luckily, however ride the lady's white windbreaker of bicycle to was up is fresh to print clearly up the car wheel print.
    7. We understand sector pillar stress distribution in the course of up-layering working face and pillar stress affecting on floor rock strata. According to this result, we make sure the fitness position of alternate exterior entry; by using theory calculation and finite element calculation, we define the width of up and down-layering pillars.
    8. The attention that a chap will pay to a woman can at times be unwanted, and occasionally a chap may only end up nothing but a slapped face and a wry smile.
    9. His face scrunches up. He begins to cry.
    10. face up to
    10. The scowl on his face is not meant to be fierce; it`s because of how he scrunches up his nose to keep water out.
    11. FLASHBULBS POP. Hadley says nothing. His face scrunches up. He begins to cry.
    12. That is to say the inadequacy that good state of mind can make you can face up to yourself, can let you seek wrong site, overcome these difficulty thereby, make oneself ability gets rising.
    13. face up to的翻译
    13. With the business of sustainable development, as capital-intensive enterprises, real estate investment still a large number of financial support, such as channels for external borrowing is limited, pre-owned funds and real estate sales to return funds can not keep up project construction requirements, its real estate project development will face the risk of financing.
    14. Twenty three quadric polynomial regression equations are set up for the relationship between hot pressing parameters (temperature, pressure, time and mat MC) and panel properties (density, MOR, IB, MOE, thickness swelling, edge screw holding and face holding). Seventeen equations are notable by variance analysis. It shows that the experiment data conform to the mathematical model.
    15. Breaking up the girls and boys, the boys said, we must face the reality, the marriage of a woman, Toutai is the second time, I must Zhualao every opportunity, you too poor, I unimaginable combination of our days …… Girls to boys in France, sold newspapers, 干过temporary workers, did little trading, each of the work he has to do it.
    16. face up to的解释
    16. I like crazy to go to catch up, pull her eyes tightly to flow bead goes on staring at her tired face.
    17. August 14, the People's Daily ran an editorial calling for Party and government officials to face up to and open the door to the internet age which quoted views from Central Party School professor Shen Baoxiang; the editorial stance was that Party and government officials urgently need to refresh their views in the challenge of dealing with the internet age, directly face public opinion and innovate new approaches to their work.
    18. At six-thirty, I went to wash my face, took a hot bath, and began to dress up.
    19. You definitely lead the poor to face the life or even embrace all kinds of arrangement destined; instruct the rich that the only way to earn more is to care the poor; help the powerful find simplexes and the poor regain dignity; help the separate to make up with their love, to sweet kisses; and teach everyone how to smile from the bottom of heart.
    20. First 27 rabbits of the experimental group were destabilizated by operated on L6、7.Inj Diazepam 0.25 mg/kg, Inj Ketamine 0.02 g/kg and Inj Atropine 0.125 mg/kg was one by one injected into the rabbit through the auris vein, shearing the rabbit hair of backside waist, fixing the rabbit on operation table in face lying, using 1% Povidone Ioding to degerm the operation area. Every rabbit was incised at the backside of its waist, that incisal opening is located in the center of the intervertebral space (L6、7 space) that both side iliac crest line correspond, from the meso-ordinate direction cut about 4 cm incision, cutting open skin and subcutaneous tissue, thoroughly, exposing the spinous processes the vertebral plates and the upper-inferior articular processes, entirely segregating the muscles that cohere the spinous processes the vertebral plates and the articluar process, then excising the supraspinal ligaments and interspinal ligaments, biting off two sides the inferior articular processes of L6, in order that resulting in intervertebral destabilization, using 0.9% Inj. Sodium Chloride to washout the incisal opening, in order sewing up each layer tissues.
    方法] 取48只6个月龄日本大耳白兔,雌雄不限,体重为(2.5±0.2) kg,随机进行分组,分为对照组和实验组,对照组为21只;实验组为27只;先将实验组兔腰背部皮毛剪除,用安定注射液1.25 mg/kg、氯胺酮0.02 g/kg、阿托品0.125 mg/kg顺次耳缘静脉注射麻醉后,俯卧固定于手术台上,用1%碘伏消毒手术区域,以髂嵴平对椎间隙(即L6、7)为中心,从正中取一长约4 cm纵行切口,切开皮肤及皮下组织,锐性分离,暴露棘突、椎板及上下关节突,将附着于棘突、椎板及小关节的肌肉全部分离开,然后依次切除L6、7棘上及棘间韧带,咬除第6腰椎两侧下关节突,造成椎间失稳,用无菌生理盐水冲洗切口,依次缝合各层组织;术后动物在笼中自由活动。
    face up to 词典解释
    1. -> see face 5
    face up to 单语例句
    1. Experts are calling for urgent action and want owners and staff of these ships and boats to clean up their act or face punishment.
    2. School district spokesman Norm Uhl said that the kindergartner could face disciplinary action including being sent to an alternative school for up to 180 days.
    3. The accused face up to 20 years in jail with hard labor if found guilty in Chad.
    4. It has showed up a side of the city we have never seen before, and also the capability and adaptability of Shanghai people to face new challenges.
    5. Fan passed his Japanese language and professional knowledge test, but he still had to face a more complicated check up of political records.
    6. Treasury bonds add up to 90 percent of the country's GDP, and if they increase to 150 percent the US would face hyperinflation.
    7. Under Secretary for Environment Kitty Poon Kit said relevant parties will have 30 days to clear up the site or face prosecution.
    8. The steps drop steeply in ragged zigzags down one cliff face, only to turn and snake their way up the next.
    9. Critics argue his visits reflect Japan's failure to face up to its wartime past, including atrocities committed in Asia.
    10. The regulation says officials who try to cover up workplace accidents could face criminal charges for " abuse of power " or " dereliction of duty ".
    face up to什么意思




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