单词 | falter |
释义 | falter [英 [?f?:lt?(r)] 美 [?f?lt?] ] falter的意思、解释 过去式:faltered; 过去分词:faltered; 现在分词:faltering; falter 基本解释 不及物动词蹒跚; (嗓音)颤抖; 支吾其词; 摇晃 名词颤抖; 支吾,结巴; 踌躇,不稳; 摇晃 falter 相关例句 及物动词 1. She faltered out an excuse for being late. 她结结巴巴地说出迟到的借口。 不及物动词 1. She faltered toward the door in the dark. 她在黑暗中向门口摇摇拔晃地走去。 2. His business is faltering. 他的生意在衰退。 3. 3. Her voice faltered, and then she lost consciousness. 她嗓音颤抖,接着她便失去了知觉。 名词 1. There was a falter in his voice. 他的言语支吾。 falter 网络解释 1. 踌躇:她踌躇(falter)了大致一分钟的样子,站在那里一动不动地伴随着一滴抑或是两滴泪珠溅落(splash)在了红色陈旧的地毯上. 穿上了她的旧棕色外罩;穿上了她的旧棕色帽子. 伴随着裙子在这一连串活动中翩翩起舞(whirl), 2. 动摇不定,踌躇不前:. falter 动摇不定,踌躇不前 | 8. flourish 繁荣兴旺 | 9. allure 诱惑 3. 摇摇欲坠:tumble 下跌 | falter 摇摇欲坠 | on the hook 被套住 4. 蹒跚:Verge边缘 | Falter蹒跚 | Feeble虚弱的 falter 双语例句 1. When it comes to speaking French, I begin to falter. 翻译(1)一提到法语,我就磕巴。 2. falter 2. Jay is still in popularity, though he has a little falter. 杰伦这不是磕巴,这叫做性格```有性格,我喜欢 3. Let it be said by our children`s children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God`s grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and deliverd it safely to future generations. 告诉我们孩子的孩子,当我们经历考验,我们绝不让这旅程终结,我们不掉头,我们不畏缩;放眼未来,有主给我们的恩典,我们带自由的赞礼向前进,将它安然相传给未来世界。 4. Let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations. 告诉我们孩子的孩子,当我们经历考验,我们绝不让这旅程终结,我们不掉头,我们不畏缩;放眼未来,有主给我们的恩典,我们带自由的赞礼向前进,将它安然相传给未来世界。 5. Hesitate; be irresolute; falter; hesitation 这人只是一介狂夫,犯不着跟他急。 6. I'll flag, I'll fall, I'll falter 我起,我落,我蹒跚 7. Their net imports of capital will also falter, forcing countries that live beyond their means to cut spending. 其净进口资本也将动摇,迫使其不得不削减开支以维持生活。 8. 8. Decorate sex strong, the structure of the railing has firm request, can't falter. 与扶手等。与扶手匹配的栏杆可以给人以节奏美和韵律美。 9. The important position of the wheel gear and shaft can't falter in traditional machine and modern machines. 在传统机械和现代机械中齿轮和轴的重要地位是不可动摇的。 10. 10. But trust in me, I`ll never falter or fail 但请相信,我永不放弃闪躲 11. Though my weary steps may falter And my soul athirst may be 虽我脚步有时倾跌,我心灵乾渴难名 12. Let it be said by our children''s children that when we were tested, we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back, nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God''s grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations. 让我们在上帝恩典的沐浴下,眺望远方目标,承继自由厚礼。不宁唯是,我们还要把自由传统完美无误地传递给子孙后代。 13. falter的近义词 13. I just hope our negotiators don`t falter and give in to those fanatics. 我只希望我们去谈判的人不会退缩,不要屈服于这些狂热之徒。 14. I just hope our negotiators dont falter and give in to those fanatics. 我只希望我们去谈判的人不会退缩,不要屈服于这些狂热之徒。 15. It's a long long journeyTill I know whera I'm supposed to beIt's a long long journeyAnd I don't know if I can believeWhen shadows fall and block my eyesI am lost and know that I must hideIt's a long long journeyTill I find my way home to youMany days I've spentDrifting on through empty shoresWondering what's my purposeWondering how to make me strongI know I will falter I know I will cryI know you'll be standing by my sideIt's a long long journeyAnd I need to be close to youSometimes it feels no one understandsI don't even know whyI do the things I doWhen pride builds me up till I can't see my soulWill you break down these walls and pull me through? 这首歌绝对经典!抢先推介俾大家听。下边系创作人心语:1、朋友们好久不见了,国庆长假后,从惠州回和平的路上车中,联想翩翩,创作了这首歌。2、大家都千万不要对号入座啊,我只是反映一种新生代的社会现象而已。特别是叫小芳的女孩啊,写这首叫小芳只是为了押韵而已啊要不我要得罪好多叫小芳的女孩啦。3、很多人沉溺于上网,包括校长在内啦,但是一些小学生、中学生也如此,便会耽误了学业,而且,谙世不深,很容易为一些心术正者所利用。 16. This is your opportunity to ascend and these ones are doing all in their power to cause you to trip and fall so you will falter and fail. 这是你的机会继承皇位,这些做的是所有在其权力范围,以使您此行和秋季,所以你会犹豫和失败。 17. This Planet X complex has appeared regularly on both the C2 and C3 images, when the automatic air brushing programs in place to disguise the presence of Planet X falter or when there is dithering or bobbling so it appears in an unexpected place in the images. 虽然有自动喷涂和清理程序在运行,以掩盖行星X的存在,但行星X的综合体还是在C2和C3卫星影像上经常出现;当有跳动时,行星X就出现在了影像上无法预期的位置。 18. Overall job numbers are down, but Canada's biggest banks are hiring and its financial sector has not seen its job market falter like that of the US. 虽然整体就业数字出现下降,但加拿大规模最大的一些银行仍在招聘,该国金融业就业市场也不像美国那样低迷。 19. But the probability is that most commodity prices will falter in 2009, with adverse consequencesfor many SSA countries. 但在2009年,大多数的商品价格仍将下降,并给许多撒哈南的非洲国家带来负面影响。 20. 20. One would expect them to know their parts by heart and never have cause to falter. 人们都期待演员们把自己那部分台词谙记在心,绝不允许结结巴巴地吐词。 falter 词典解释 1. 衰退;停步不前 If something falters, it loses power or strength in an uneven way, or no longer makes much progress. e.g. Normal life is at a standstill, and the economy is faltering... 正常生活陷于瘫痪,经济止步不前。 e.g. The car was out of sight around a bend in moments, but the engine did not falter or slow down... 汽车片刻间便转弯不见了踪影,但动力丝毫未减。 2. (因不自信)畏缩不前,开始出错;犹疑 If you falter, you lose your confidence and stop doing something or start making mistakes. e.g. I have not faltered in my quest for a new future... 我对新的未来的追求从未动摇过。 e.g. As he neared the house his steps faltered. 当他走近房子时,脚步迟疑了起来。 3. (说话)迟疑,吞吞吐吐,支吾 If your voice falters when you are speaking, you hesitate or pause, because you are unsure about what you are saying or are upset. e.g. Her voice faltered and she had to stop a moment to control it. 她声音发颤,只好稍作停顿以有所控制。 falter 单语例句 1. The dollar's gains may be limited on speculation US consumer spending will falter as the labor market weakens. 2. Some analysts believe that spending could falter further in coming months as the economy is struggling through a persistent housing slump and a credit crunch. 3. This is the step where beginners most often falter, ripping the dough to shreds instead of pulling it into noodles. 4. If Bolton doesn't back the plan, the idea could falter. 5. That stoked fears China may become less of a force for growth, while European economies could falter due to weakening domestic demand as governments cut swelling deficits. 6. South Korea's economy slowed in the third quarter and economists are predicting it could falter further next year amid global economic weakness. 7. Although the world is in the grip of a financial turmoil and facing a recession, the cooperation between Hong Kong and the mainland will not falter. 8. It has dropped 15 percent this month on speculation economic growth will falter and the government will curb new lending. 9. The Chinese people have never had the slightest hesitation, falter or concession on the major principle issue of opposing secession. 10. China's trade in goods continues to falter amid difficulties in its traditional trade partners such as Europe and Japan. falter的近义词falter 英英释义 noun 1. the act of pausing uncertainly e.g. there was a hesitation in his speech Synonym: hesitationwaverfaltering falter的解释 verb 1. speak haltingly e.g. The speaker faltered when he saw his opponent enter the room Synonym: bumblestutterstammer 2. walk unsteadily e.g. The drunk man stumbled about Synonym: stumblebumble 3. move hesitatingly, as if about to give way Synonym: waver 4. be unsure or weak e.g. Their enthusiasm is faltering Synonym: waver |
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