单词 | artful |
释义 | artful [英 [?ɑ:tfl] 美 [?ɑ:rtfl] ] artful的意思、解释 artful 基本解释 artful的意思 形容词巧妙的; 狡猾的; 有技巧的; 人工的 artful 相关例句 形容词 1. artful的翻译 1. He's very artful and usually succeeds in getting what he wants. 他很狡诈,往往能如愿以偿。 2. She gave an artful reply. 她作了巧妙的答复。 artful 网络解释 1. artful的解释 1. 巧妙的:artesian 喷水井的 | artful 巧妙的 | artfully 狡诈地 2. artful的近义词 2. 巧妙的, 狡猾的:article物品; | artful巧妙的;狡猾的 | artistry艺术技巧 3. 精巧的:rank 排列,地位,军衔,把什么分等级 | artful 精巧的 | artificial 人工的,虚假的 4. 狡猾的,(事物或行动)巧妙设计的:effectual有效的(药品,策略等) | artful狡猾的,(事物或行动)巧妙设计的 | artistic艺术的,与艺术有关的 artful 双语例句 1. Reading teaching is an important part of English teaching. An efficient and artful teaching design is the key to successful teaching. 阅读课的教学是英语教学的一个重要组成部分,高效巧妙的教学设计决定着阅读教学的成败。 2. I rather think his appearance there was distasteful to catherine: she was not artful, never played the coquette, and had evidently an objection to her two friends meeting at all; for when heathcliff expressed contempt of linton in his presence, she could not half coincide, as she did in his absence; and when linton evinced disgust and antipathy to heathcliff, she dared not treat his sentiments with indifference, as if depreciation of her playmate were of scarcely any consequence to her 我简直认为他的光临挺让凯瑟琳讨厌她不耍手段,从来也不卖弄风情,显然极力反对她这两个朋友见面。因为当希刺克厉夫当着林敦的面表示出轻蔑时,她可不像在林敦不在场时那样附和他而当林敦对希刺克厉夫表示厌恶,无法相容的时候,她又不敢冷漠地对待他的感情,好像是人家看轻她的伙伴和她没任何关系似的。 3. Music, artful arrangement of sounds across time. 音乐,就是巧妙将声音的按照时间顺序进行排列。 4. It is also an artful form of understanding and a process of exposing hidden meanings. 同时也是一种理解的艺术形式和揭示隐含意义的过程。 5. artful是什么意思 5. She's artful and knows how to get round her parents. 她很机灵,知道如何劝服她的父母。 6. He is man with artful speech and flashy manner s. 他是个巧言令色的人。 7. There is no occasion that is not an opportunity for artful spying. 一个有间谍艺术的人总能找到机会在任何场合。 8. He is man with artful speech and flashy manners. 他是个巧言令色的人。 9. It's trait is the appearance artful, easy to take. 它的特点是外观小巧,便于携带。 10. Slipping out of my shorts and shirt and my underwear, she took the pinking shears and cut them to artful ribbons. 滑动的短裤和衬衫,我和我的内衣时,她采取了粉色剪刀和削减它们巧妙的缎带。 11. Just like the artful loft conversions that overlook the trendier parts of Manhattan or Clerkenwell, the Clubman is adorned with aperture art that's as much about look-at-me drama as ease of use. 光圈艺术在Clubman上的运用带来安逸舒适的体验,如同透过可以远眺曼哈顿或克拉肯威尔繁华街区的顶楼窗口,巧妙绝伦! 12. Curved and artful invite one to sit on the bench terraces to look out onto the lake below. 蜿蜒的草坪极具艺术感,盛情邀请人们前来坐凳台阶上休息观景,在这里人们可以俯瞰下方的湖泊。 13. artful是什么意思 13. God-given, god-given, marriage of the card that join battle opens golden mouth, the Guo Dong below the stage listens carefully, artful handsome of beautiful charming woman laughs, readily take the opportunity to sends even shiver the humour of be modest about one's skill entirely result. 难得、难得,连战证婚开金口,台下郭董仔细听,美娇娘巧倩笑兮,乐得连战把深藏不露的幽默全部发功。 14. These small De ability are artful, sometimes Hou is OK Zhuai of value of quantity of our De Liu changes Dadadezengjia. 这些小小的技巧,有时候可以大大地增加我们的流量价值转换。 15. Not the artful postures of love, not playful and poetical games of love for the amusement of an evening, but love that... 不,不是矫柔造作的爱,不是视如儿戏仅供晚上娱乐的爱,而是穿越一生的爱。 16. artful的近义词 16. Artful and flexible parody is one kind of characteristic rh etoric modes in Internet language. 巧妙灵活的仿拟格在网络语言所运用的各种修辞方式中颇具特色。 17. Following fiery-red design, HIBLIN lucky and happy series become the new lucky symbol collecting good luckness of the new year by artful spinning for a flaming winter. 跟随韩珀莱的火红设计,如意喜庆系列也成为新一季的吉祥拍档,它那巧妙的纺织工艺将新一年里的好运凝聚,造就一个喜庆连连的火红暖冬。 18. He was artful and treacherous, and stouthearted soldier. 他是一个狡猾、奸诈而坚强的战士。 19. He was artful AND treacherous, AND stouthearted soldier 总而言之,他坚强的意志和不屈不挠的精神值得我们的崇拜和仿效的。 20. Mr. Mojie Wang real creditably for avant-courier of nonobjectivism China. Hold the nonobjectivism and woman of high-refined combine of herein artful, fusion so. 摩诘老师真不悔为中国画抽象艺术的先驱,把这抽象艺术与如此精工的工笔仕女结合得如此的巧妙,如此的熔合。 artful 词典解释 1. 狡猾的;狡诈的;有手腕的 If you describe someone as artful, you mean that they are clever and skilful at achieving what they want, especially by deceiving people. e.g. ...the smiles and artifices of a subtle artful woman... 阴险狡诈的女子的笑里藏刀 e.g. Some politicians have realised that there are more artful ways of subduing people than shooting or jailing them. 一些政客已经意识到有比枪和监狱更高明的使民众屈服的方法。 artfully He artfully inveigled the Prime Minister into committing his government to the venture. 他狡猾地哄骗总理,使政府卷进这个危险的行动。 2. 精巧的;巧妙的 If you use artful to describe the way someone has done or arranged something, you approve of it because it is clever or elegant. artful的反义词 e.g. There is also an artful contrast of shapes... 形状的对比也很巧妙。 e.g. Despite some artful editing, the anthology is a weak one. 除了编辑上的一些巧妙之处,这本选集乏善可陈。 artfully ...artfully arranged flowers. 精美的插花artful 单语例句artful的解释 1. When look over right, you would view the artful rock " Sister Shepherding " on the Lotus Pistil Peak. 2. His artful film is about a dance school in Shanghai where the students are encouraged to realize their dreams despite the harsh reality. 3. By means of all these artful techniques, the folk artists'aesthetic taste and creativity are fully displayed. 4. To reclaim it will require patience, teamwork and an action plan with at least five artful steps. 5. Despite their cute names, some serious labor goes into making these artful dishes. 6. Hong Huang was also impressed by the artful simplicity she saw in the works of Wang Yiyang. artful什么意思 |
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