单词 | articulate |
释义 | articulate [英 [ɑ:?t?kjule?t] 美 [ɑ:r?t?kjule?t] ] articulate的意思、解释 过去式:articulated; 过去分词:articulated; 现在分词:articulating; articulate 基本解释 形容词发音清晰的; 善于表达的; 有关节的 及物动词清晰地发(音); 言语表达; (用关节)连接 不及物动词清楚地和清晰地讲; 发音; [解剖学] 连接 articulate 同义词 动词enunciate articulate 反义词 形容词inarticulate articulate 相关例句 形容词 1. articulate的近义词 1. Insects are articulate animals. 昆虫是有节的动物。 2. Arthur is the most articulate of the brothers. 亚瑟是兄弟中最会说话的。 3. Mary is the most articulate of the sisters. 玛丽是姐妹中最会说话的。 及物动词 1. articulate的反义词 1. Articulate your words so that we can understand what you are saying. 说话要清楚,这样我们才能听明白你的话。 不及物动词 1. articulate的意思 1. She was too frightened to articulate. 她吓得连话也说不清。 articulate 网络解释 1. 环接:asset-liability view 资产-负债观念 主张在会计报表环接(articulate)中应以 资产负债表作为中心的一种观点. 它不是 以收入和费用作为直接计量企业收益的 对象, 而是以资产和负债的增减计量企业 收益.这种观念特别强调实物资本的维护. 2. 接合:记忆却无法和意识分离,也并非封闭(close off) ,记忆和意识的交往是双向的,而使得记忆可成为使用的来源,是我们可以人为的接合(articulate) 它. 这种接合性并非记忆的客观部分,而是它的社会层面. 记忆是一个社会事实(social fact) , 3. articulate的意思 3. 阐明:尽管法治是一个好事,但是说得太多也可能是有害的,因此对于法治理论的挑战是要阐明(articulate)什么是法治,为什么它是好事和它的范围是什么?为此,必须格外重视法治的美德(virtues)和法的内在道德(the inner morality). [81] 4. 说清楚:对...有信心have confidence in | 说清楚articulate; verbalize; put in words; utter | 接受...之美意embrace the offer of... articulate 双语例句 1. articulate的反义词 1. I thought, at first, it was the crowing of cocks or the barking of dogs at some very distant farm; but steadily and gradually it took articulate shape in my ears, until I became aware that a passenger was going by upon the high-road in the valley, and singing loudly as he went. 起先我以为是从远处某个农庄传来的鸡鸣或犬吠;但这声音在我耳边一点一点变得清晰起来,最后我意识到山谷公路上有个夜行人一边走一边高歌。他所要表现的更多的是发自内心的情感,而非优美的歌喉;但他引吭舒啸,声音洪亮。 2. Organizations, technical experts research, he changed the production process of traditional barbecue rough, cause serious pollution, the use of materials simple and shortcomings of a single taste, not only highlights the delicious fish and meat, but also has a unique flavor and rich materials Coke flavor, aftertaste after eating Yuan poor, articulate health incense, 100 eating tire, let them go, to eat and you still want to eat. 组织技术专家攻关,一改传统烧烤制作工艺粗糙、污染严重、用料简单、口味单一的缺点,不但突出了鱼和肉的鲜香,还具有独特的焦香味和浓郁的料香味,食后回味元穷、口齿生香、百吃不厌、欲罢不能,吃了还想吃。 3. For+example, +if+someone+seems+to+be+more+articulate+than+you, +you+can+respond+in+one+of+two+ways:+You+can+be+upset+and+depressed+by+telling+yourself+that+you+should+be+as+articulate4+as+that+person, +or+you+can+recognize+and+accept+the+fact+that+there+are+probably+a+lot+of+people+out+there+who+are+more+articulate+than+you+at+certain+times+and+under+certain+circumstances+and+that+is+OK.+It+doesn`t+mean+a+thing+about+you.+Playing+theparison+game+is+a+dead+end+street. 比如,某人的口才看上去比你好,你可能有两种反应:你可能变得不安和沮丧,告诉自己你也要有如那个人那般好的口才;或者,你能够认识到,可能有更多的人在特定的场合和时间口才很好,你能接受这个事实,觉得没什么,对你来说无关紧要。 4. You need to be able to articulate good reasons for your conclusions. 这就需要你对你的结论表述出充分的结论。 5. I was especially impressed by the young, articulate pastor of Willow Creek Community Church near Chicago, Bill Hybels. 马修斯。马修斯是个相当不错的人,我们知道,假如午餐会陷入舌战,他会站在我们这一边。 6. articulate的翻译 6. If he wanted to go into broadcasting he would excel because he's articulate and knowledgeable. 如果他想要进入,他会比别人优秀,因为他能说会道,因为他的博识。 7. I have been advised that my presentation is superb and that I am elegant and articulate. 都说我的表达能力很好,发音清楚并且行为优雅,赞扬我是一个做事主动的人。 8. Given a microarray data set, articulate all the sources of error in measurement and find them in the particular data set. 给出一个微阵列的数据组,标示出测定中的错误的所有来源,并在特定数据组中找出它们。 9. articulate的解释 9. The articulate d, prehensile claws of certain arthropods, such as the lobster. 虾或蟹的螯节肢动物有关节、适抓握的虎钳牙,如龙虾 10. Any of numerous invertebrate animals of the phylum Arthropoda, including the insects, crustaceans, arachnids, and myriapods, that are characterized by a chitinous exoskeleton and a segmented body to which jointed appendages are articulate d in pairs. 节肢动物一种节肢动物分类的节肢动物门无脊椎动物,包括昆虫,甲壳纲动物,蛛形纲动物和多足纲节肢动物,其特征为有一甲壳质成对连接副肢的外骨骼和分节的身体 11. Flowers bisexual; pedicel articulate. Perianth usually white; tepals 6, free, 3--7-veined, persistent or marcescent. 花两性 花梗有节花被通常白色;花被片6,离生,3-7脉,持久或者凋而不落。 12. He could hardly articulate the words that tumbled passionately from his lips. 从他的嘴里奔泻而出的激动话语,几乎难以听清。 13. articulate的近义词 13. He would hardly articulate the words that tumbled passionately from his lips. 从他的咀里奔泻而出的激动话语,几乎难以听清。 14. At a Baby Banquet, held when a newborn turns a month old, the focus is as much on gifts as on food, from a sword for conquering evil, to a silver locket for long-life, to a locket of hair to ward off evil spirits, to kissing a fish so the child will be articulate. 在庆祝婴儿出生届满一个月的满月酒宴席,宾客给新生儿的赠礼与桌上的美食同样都是重头戏,例如象徵驱妖降魔的小关刀,代表长命百岁的银质长命锁,剪下一小束宝宝的头发用来避邪,以及让小宝宝亲吻活鲤鱼以祈求长大之后能言善道。 15. articulate 15. In this particular patient, the symptoms for which she presented included glactorhea, ataxia, dysphagia, inability to articulate with a new onset of stuttering, arrhythmia, chest pain, myalgias, artharalgias, hirtuism, cephalgia, insomnia, fatigue, malaise, depression, and anxiety. 这个特别的病患,她的症状包括分泌乳汁、走路不稳、吞咽困难、结结巴巴地说话、心律不整、胸痛、肌肉酸痛、关节痛、多毛、头痛、失眠、倦怠、虚弱、情绪低落和焦虑。 16. A word or group of words difficult to articulate rapidly, usually because of a succession of similar consonantal sounds, as in Shall she sell seashells? 拗口令难以迅速,清楚地说出来的词或一串词,通常由于几个相似的辅音连接在一起。 17. And it is in this situation that Forster appealed to the writing of Maurice to both pinpoint the liminal position at which the homosexual occupied and use this novel as an intermediary to articulate his long-term repressed homoeroticism. 也就是在这样的情况之下,佛斯特诉诸於小说《墨利斯的情人》来突显同性恋者所属的两难地位,并以它作为媒介来陈述他长久以来被压抑的同性情欲。 18. 18. It`s a very important opportunity to frame the relationship and to articulate and re-articulate our vision going forward. 大使说,今年,我们变得非常实际了,这是一个非常重要的机会来构建两国的关系,并把我们的愿景集合到这种关系中去。 19. I'm a beautiful 25 year old girl. I'm articulate and classy. 我是个漂亮的25岁的女孩,谈吐得体而且很有气质。 20. articulate的翻译 20. And with the disappearance of question and answer, you come to realize: that is transcendental. You know, yet you cannot say; you know, yet you cannot be articulate about it. You know from your very being who you are, but it cannot be verbalized. It is life-knowledge; it is not scriptural, it is not borrowed, it is not from others. It has arisen in you. 你知道,但是你不出;你知道,但是你法把它清楚,你的存在,你知道你是,但是它法被化成言,它是一活的知,不是典,它不是借的,不是自人的,它是你面升起的。 articulate 词典解释The adjective is pronounced /ɑ?'t?kj?l?t/. The verb is pronounced /ɑ?'t?kj?le?t/. 形容词读作 /ɑ?'t?kj?l?t/,动词读作 /ɑ?'t?kj?le?t/。 1. 善于表达的;口齿伶俐的 If you describe someone as articulate, you mean that they are able to express their thoughts and ideas easily and well. e.g. She is an articulate young woman... 她是一个口才很好的年轻女子。 e.g. The child was unable to offer an articulate description of what she had witnessed. 孩子无法对她所目睹的事情作出清楚的描述。 articulacy To start a revolution, you need discipline, incisiveness and articulacy. 要革命,就要守纪律、看得远、善表达。 2. 清楚地表达(思想或感情) When you articulate your ideas or feelings, you express them clearly in words. e.g. The president has been accused of failing to articulate an overall vision in foreign affairs. 总统因未能清晰表述对外交事务的整体构想而受到指责。 3. 清楚地说出;吐(字)清楚 If you articulate something, you say it very clearly, so that each word or syllable can be heard. e.g. He articulated each syllable carefully. 他小心而清晰地发出每个音节。 articulate 单语例句 1. " My role as the main composer is to try and articulate their perceptions, " explains Amos. 2. Maybe they had one, but could not bring themselves to articulate it. 3. One of them has a fully articulate screen attached to a diminutive keyboard, and the other is just a screen with some function keys on the hand holders. 4. Culturally the people have been learning the English language for decades and are becoming more articulate and confident to present their side of reality. 5. Police said Chen is good looking and articulate, which is why security guards at the entrance of their building never really suspected him. 6. And they ask their listeners to believe that they alone will restore American dignity and articulate the wishes of the unheard. 7. But it has disappointed increasingly impatient young people by failing to articulate a credible vision for change. 8. If it is to be a positive watershed, the address must articulate effective policy prescriptions in a number of key areas. 9. " I probably needed to be more articulate " in earlier comments, he conceded in a radio interview with conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh. 10. The articulate ones told me that choosing Obama had a symbolic meaning larger than the man himself. articulate 英英释义 verb 1. express or state clearly Synonym: enunciatevocalizevocalise 2. speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way e.g. She pronounces French words in a funny way I cannot say `zip wire' Can the child sound out this complicated word? Synonym: pronounceenouncesound outenunciatesay 3. put into words or an expression e.g. He formulated his concerns to the board of trustees Synonym: give voiceformulatewordphrase 4. provide with a joint e.g. the carpenter jointed two pieces of wood Synonym: joint 5. unite by forming a joint or joints e.g. the ankle bone articulates with the leg bones to form the ankle bones adj 1. expressing yourself easily or characterized by clear expressive language e.g. articulate speech an articulate orator articulate beings 2. consisting of segments held together by joints Synonym: articulated |
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