单词 | artillery |
释义 | artillery [英 [ɑ:?t?l?ri] 美 [ɑ:r?t?l?ri] ] artillery的意思、解释 artillery 基本解释 名词炮兵部队; 炮,大炮; 炮术; 〈美俚〉防身武器 artillery 反义词 名词small arms artillery 相关例句 名词 1. 1. Heavy artillery fire caused great losses. 重炮轰击造成了很大损失。 artillery 网络解释 1. 炮兵:1860年,恩格斯给写军事方面的词条,其中就有(Army)、(Artillery)、(Cavalry)、(Infantry)和(Navy),见中文版第14卷(北京:人民出版社,1964年),所述甚详 2. 大炮:建造大量的大炮(Artillery)和众多的士兵单位,然后利用大炮摧毁敌方的大炮、防御设施和建筑物,利用步兵单位消灭敌方的其他单位. 记住,大炮相当脆弱,别让敌方的单位靠近它们. 另外,敌方大炮只需一发便可摧毁我方大炮,所以在发射后, 3. 火炮:满族人派了一支大军到蒙古北部去镇压噶尔丹汗试图建立一个新的蒙古帝国的企图,火炮(artillery)的运用在这次大战中发挥了决定性的影响,准噶尔蒙古人退却了. 4. artillery 4. 炮:迫击炮(Artillery)任务目标:①炸毁迫击炮 ②炸毁武装直升机 ③升起旗由街道的A点爬出水道,往西行进会找到那两门迫击炮,不过那边的防守很是厉害,建议先去完成炸直升机的任务. artillery 双语例句 1. Dalian Longxing food company to be situated in the Dalian artillery economic development zone. 大连隆兴食品公司坐落在大连炮台经济开发区内。 2. Made to be harder hitting and with longer range than its predecessor, this iron-forged piece of siege artillery is able to inflict punishing damage on enemy defences. 相比它的前辈火力更加猛烈,射程更加远。它是攻城铸铁炮,能够对敌人的防御造成剧烈的破坏。 3. The Second Artillery Engineering College, Xi'an Shannxi 710025, China 第二炮兵工程学院501室,陕西西安 710025 4. artillery的近义词 4. In the future war, as the new technique of artillery and ammo advances and the develop of the old technique, such as the electromagnetic artillery and the hydronium artillery. 未来战争中,随着以电磁炮,电热炮为代表的新型火炮技术和先进弹药技术的发展与成熟以及旧有火炮技术的完善。 5. Artillery target-search and gun-pointing adjustment radar is a very important branch in modern radar technology. 中文摘要:炮位侦察校射雷达是现代雷达技术的一个重要分支,它在军事领域中具有重大的应用价值。 6. Charles Stockell, a forward artillery observer for the 2nd Division, had two unforgettable experiences on Christmas Day. 在前线,第2师炮兵校射查尔斯·斯托尔中尉对圣诞节有两次难忘的经历。 7. This ancient castle has 8 palatialfirm artillery beginning, constructs is uses for to resist England toinvade. 1, 380 - 1422, this castle is changed the king family jail. 这座古城堡拥有8座巍峨坚固的炮台,兴建之初是用来抵抗英国入侵的。1380-1422年,这座城堡被改为王家监狱。 8. artillery 8. Also on parade at this event were the Company of Pikeman and Musketeers of the Honourable Artillery Company of London. 同样在这次游行活动是该公司的长枪手和三剑客的荣誉炮兵公司在伦敦。 9. Covered by air and artillery, Roise fell back about a mile from Hill 1426 to Hill 1294. This and other movements freed up Harris` 3d Battalion, 7th Marines, to move to a position astride the MSR about 4, 000 yards south of Yudam-ni. 在飞机和炮火的掩护下,罗伊斯从1426高地往后撤退了大约1英里,退到了1294高地。2营还有其它一些部队的行动,使得哈里斯的陆战7团3营得以转移到柳潭里以南4,000码处的一个扼守住主要补给线的阵地。 10. With artillery interspers`d--the wheels rumble, the horses sweat 望诸君监督,为惠君撑腰,严厉把关:不许再添酢醯,更不准夹带私货,向猎人君学习义工意整。 11. The key to his victory was to make the artillery converge on one point. 他的一切战争计划全建立在炮弹上。 12. Early Electronic Computers The first real progress toward electronic digital computer came in the late 1930s when Howard Aiken of Harvard University and George Slibits of Bell Telephone Laboratories developed an automatic calculator using relay networks; the relay is an electromagnetically controlled switch. Other relay machines were developed during World War II for artillery ballistic calculations. Although these machines were relatively slow and comparatively large. 早期的电子计算机首次真正走向电子数字计算机来到1930年代后期,当霍华德艾肯和哈佛大学乔治slibits贝尔实验室研制出一种自动电话中继网使用计算器;继电器是电磁控制的中继机研制switch.other二战炮兵弹道calculations.although这些机器比较慢,比较多。 13. artillery的解释 13. This method can eliminate subjectivity windage and reflect actual level of information warfare ability of artillery unit. 该方法能够尽量消除因为评估的主观性所带来的偏差,客观地反映炮兵部队信息作战能力的真实情况,具有一定的参考价值。 14. This paper investigates the effects of ship motion on ship-based cannon firing in terms of dynamics of ship motion and artillery shoot theory, including effects of canon base motion due to ship sway and alignment error from lever-arm effect. 仿真表明,低射界射击情况下,纵摇和横摇对射击距离的影响随射程增大而减小;对射击方向而言,纵摇的影响随射程增大而减小,而横摇的影响则随射程增大而增大;由安装偏差所造成的杆臂效应产生的误差角对射击的影响也很明显,其影响随船舶振荡运动的幅度的增加而增大;采用基于卡尔曼滤波的传递对准能快速消除船载炮初始对准角误差,从而提高火炮初始装定射角的准确性。 15. Savage assumed command by virtue of being close to the radio, and began the process of calling in repeated bombardments of artillery support around the platoon's position. Savage军士作为代理指挥,他唯一的优势就是紧挨无线电,于是在排的所在位置附近开始重复呼叫火炮支援。 16. Dawn, the United Kingdom`s Royal Air Force aircraft on the 1136 pre-selected 10 of the German coastal artillery base, 5853 tons of bombs dropped. 黎明时分,英国皇家空军的1136架飞机对事先选定的德军海岸的10个炮垒,投下了5853吨炸弹。 17. Relativeto the infantry and Cavalry, both were almost invulnerable to machinegun and artillery fire. 相对於步兵和骑兵而言,它们在机枪和火炮面前几乎是坚不可摧的。 18. This will sow confusion among the defers and therefore enable our Battleships to get in closer and l artillery support. 这将使防御系统混作一团然后我们就能让我们的战舰开得更近,提供火炮支援。 19. Antiaircraft artillery is the important composing in our country air defense and the fire control system of antiaircraft artillery is the hard core in the antiaircraft artillery because its task is hunting, tracking and computing firing data of antiaircraft artillery, but the firepower control system of medium or minor-caliber antiaircraft artillery that is equipped in our army widespread exists some problems that are follow-up system function badly, the system response slowly and low accuracy and hit probability of whole systems. 高炮火控系统是高炮部队作战的核心,担负着搜索、跟踪、计算高炮射击诸元的目的。但目前我军列装的高炮火控系统普遍存在着随动系统性能差、系统反应时间长、精度以及整个系统的命中概率低的问题,这就需要对火控系统的关键技术进行系统、深入的研究,研制出包含有新的射击体制和射击理念的火控技术,以适应未来作战的需要。 20. This article is started from the coordinates system in the fire control system of antiaircraft artillery, and then emphasized the analyzing the equation result for fire control system of antiaircraft artillery, the equation result for firing data of antiaircraft artillery and the firing effect, modeling shooting error potently, making use of least-squares procedure analysis and resulting the error function. 文中主要采用优化方法对高炮火控系统求解命中问题中的迭代算法进行了比较和选择。 artillery 词典解释 1. 火炮;大炮 Artillery consists of large, powerful guns which are transported on wheels and used by an army. e.g. Using tanks and heavy artillery, they seized the town. 他们倚仗坦克和重型火炮占领了这个镇。 e.g. ...the sound of artillery fire. 炮火声 2. 炮兵(部队) The artillery is the section of an army which is trained to use large, powerful guns. e.g. At some stage he left the Artillery to command a radar unit. 有段时间他离开了炮兵部队去指挥一支雷达小分队。 artillery 单语例句artillery是什么意思 1. The Second Artillery Corps currently has 300 electronic engineers repairing the transmission line in the central Hunan Province. 2. The chain of command runs from the CMC, the Second Artillery Force and missile bases to missile brigades. 3. The Chinook helicopter is widely used by the military to transport troops and artillery supplies. 4. The operations of the Second Artillery Force must follow the orders of the CMC in the strictest and most precise manner. 5. They used a smokescreen device to conceal their movements, and their assault was supported by remote artillery fire. 6. So they set up fire nets round the building and disposed artillery and missiles there. 7. Grad rockets, artillery and tank fire rained down on Gadhafi positions in the center of the town. 8. US artillery and aircraft pounded southern sectors of the Sunni Arab insurgent enclave of Fallujah, residents said. 9. The Second Artillery Force Reserve mainly consists of the specialized missile support force and special equipment maintenance force. 10. Ethiopia deployed 21 artillery guns and several mortars in the zone around the same time, the report said. artillery什么意思artillery 英英释义 noun 1. large but transportable armament Synonym: heavy weapongunordnance 2. a means of persuading or arguing e.g. he used all his conversational weapons Synonym: weapon 3. an army unit that uses big guns Synonym: artillery unit |
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