单词 | encircle |
释义 | encircle [英 [?n?s?:kl] 美 [?n?s?:rkl] ] encircle的意思、解释 过去式:encircled; 过去分词:encircled; 现在分词:encircling; encircle 基本解释 及物动词包围; 围绕 encircle什么意思 encircle 相关例句 及物动词 1. 1. The lake was encircled by trees. 该湖泊被树林环抱。 2. Rebel forces had encircled the airport. 叛军包围了机场。 3. encircle的解释 3. It takes the earth one year to encircle the sun. 地球绕太阳运行一周需要一年。 encircle 网络解释 1. 环绕:encipher 译密码 | encircle 环绕 | encirclement 环绕 2. 包围:encirclement 包围圈 | encircle 包围 | engagement 交战,(打)仗 3. 环绕,包围:encasement 装箱,包装 | encircle 环绕,包围 | encirclement 包围 4. 环绕、围绕:14. amphitheater 圆形竞技场 | 15. encircle 环绕、围绕 | 16. gallery 看台 encircle 双语例句 1. The city changed a climax to come, should avoid to encircle ground motion again, barytic, heavy city does not weigh city, small town old strategy, put through big question. 城市化高潮来了,应避免再来一次圈地运动,重土、重城不重市,把小城市大战略,搞成了大问题。 2. During the second stage, divide and encircle the enemy and bring a section of the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway under our absolute control in order to cut off the enemy's retreat and, during the third stage, wipe out the encircled enemy forces one by one to bring the campaign to a close. 第二阶段,达成割裂和包围敌人之任务,并确实控制浙赣线一段,断敌退路;第三阶段,分别歼灭包围之敌,完成全战役。 3. Sitting-encircle lactation conduce to wound-ache lightly? decrease the occurrence of cracked nipple and lacto-deposit? rise the level of nursing care and the rate of breast feeding. 结论坐位环抱哺乳法哺乳时伤口疼痛轻,减少乳头皲裂和乳汁淤积的发生,有效地提高护理水平,提高母乳喂养率。 4. encircle 4. Their branches encircle it gently, as if protecting it from rain and sun. 他们的树枝轻柔地环绕着它,就像要帮它遮雨蔽日。 5. Sliding clamps are ring-shaped proteins that encircle DNA and confer high processivity on DNA polymerases. 过去,对一眼油井,石油公司只开采其中50%的石油就会另寻更容易开采的油井。 6. The degree of pigment loss can also vary within each vitiligo patch, and a border of abnormally dark skin may encircle a patch of depigmented skin. 色素损失的程度也有所不同每个白癜风补丁,以及不正常的皮肤黝黑的边框可能包围了depigmented皮肤。 7. If the bricks and stones that went into the construction of the Great Wall were used to pave a road five metres wide and 35 centimetres thick, it would encircle the globe three to four times. 成语指我国长城。也比喻国家所依赖的大将。现也比喻人民的军队。例句吞珪既丧,坏了~,国中精锐已尽,如何是好?(清·陈忱《水浒后传》第十二回 8. Make temporarily the experiment of load, the experimental step that takes → of the drop that brush →→ to exhibit → to build → to catch first is written on blackboard, let a student see a book understand the meaning of each pace, encircle crucial term, the meaning of each pace reachs pedagogic retell watchful problem, the edge calls a student to imitate an operation by the side of the operation. 制作临时装片的实验,先将擦→滴→取→展→盖→染的实验步骤写在黑板上,让学生看书了解每一步的涵义,圈上关键的词语,教师再讲每一步的涵义及注重的新问题,边操作边叫学生模拟操作。 9. encircle是什么意思 9. This became horse race of company of the department in A to encircle the killer mace of the ground. 这成了阿里系公司跑马圈地的杀手锏。 10. Has three above the arch dometo encircle the porch, highest is an exhibition room, here wasdemonstrating concerns the Arc De Triomphe each kind of historicalrelics as well as the Napoleon life story picture; Second iscollecting each kind of French medal, the medal; Lowest is Arc DeTriomphe's security guard place and the counting house. 在拱形圆顶之上有三层围廊,最高一层是陈列室,这里展示着有关凯旋门的各种历史文物以及拿破仑生平事迹的图片;第二层收藏着各种法国勋章、奖章;最低一层则是凯旋门的警卫处和会计室。 11. 11. This muscular humanoid is formed from glimmering bluegreen water; polished brass bracers encircle its hefty arms and two glowing blue eyes shine from a featureless head. 这些壮实的人形生物由发出微光的蓝绿色水流构成;精美的黄铜护腕环绕着他肌肉发达的臂膀,平凡的脑袋上长着一双散发着蓝色光芒的眼睛。 12. 12. It is regarded that water treatment chemicals should encircle the goals of environment, performances and economy, the design of their molecula... 认为水处理化学品应围绕环境、性能和经济为主要目标,设计化学品的分子结构,建立合理的环境评价体系。 13. Mature gametophytes, wrapped by a transparent membrane, contained spermatozoids and spiral-shape bodies composed of ring-shape organelles that encircle themselves in 3~4 folds; the ring-shaped organelles included multi-layer structures, microtubule ribbon, megamitochondria, flagellum bands, a long dolichomorphic concentrated nucleus. 成熟的精子细胞外被1层透明的薄膜,里面为游动精子,螺旋状,由环状细胞器环绕3~4圈构成,这些环状细胞器包括多层结构、微管带、巨大线粒体、鞭毛带和1个长形浓缩的细胞核。 14. We should encircle the enemy forces completely and let none escape from the net. 我们应该四面包围敌人不使一人漏网。 15. In every battle, concentrate an absolutely superior force (two, three, four and sometimes even five or six times the enemy's strength), encircle the enemy forces completely, strive to wipe them out thoroughly and do not let any escape from the net. 每战集中绝对优势兵力(两倍、三倍、四倍、有时甚至是五倍或六倍于敌之兵力),四面包围敌人,力求全歼,不使漏网。 16. encircle 16. Measures 4 by 3 inches plus 33 foot cord (to encircle twin, full or queen size bed), or 40 feet of cord. 措施4年半的3年半英寸加33英尺线,或40英尺脐血。 17. 17. The narrow wall which encloses it above, the tall trees which encircle the spot, and the coolness of the place itself, -- everything imparts a pleasant but sublime impression. 那绕井而筑的矮墙,那浓荫匝地的大树,那井泉周围的清凉,这一切都有一股诱人的力量,令人怦然心悸。 18. Bush designated as national monuments encircle the Northern Mariana Islands (including the Mariana Trench, the deepest canyon on Earth) and parts of a sprawling collection of reefs and atolls known as the Line Islands. 布希在西太平洋指定为国家名胜古迹的保护区环绕北马里亚纳群岛(包括世界上最深的海底凹地马里亚纳海沟),以及名为莱恩群岛的一部分绵延的暗礁与环礁。 19. Look at getting beautiful lovely good tea this in the cup, I produce difficult feeling that express in the one suddenly, this feeling made me unable to bear to drink down this tea table of mouths, though I just came to this to encircle the fascinating tea of floating in the fragrant mountain village by one pile of peaks of heavy hill in a hurry to departly at that time, dog-tired, the mouth dry tongue is dry. 看着杯中这美得可爱好茶,我忽然产生了一中难以表达的感觉,这感觉使我不忍心把这茶几口就喝下去,虽然当时我刚行色匆匆地来到这被重峦叠峰环抱着飘着醉人茶香的山村,疲惫不堪,口干舌燥。 20. As the British and Canadians picked up the attack on their front, Patton had open roads ahead of him, inviting his fast-moving armored columns to cut across the rear of the German—whose horse-drawn artillery and transport precluded rapid movement—encircle them and destroy the German army in France, then end the war with a triumphal unopposed march across the Rhine and on to Berlin. 当英、加军也从各自战线发起进攻时,巴顿面前道路全部敞开,可以发挥其快速装甲兵团抄断德军后路——德军之马挽火炮,以及运输方面障碍重重,令其无法快速运动——在法国合围并摧毁德军,然后以凯旋式进军越过莱因河,直抵柏林,结束这场战争。 encircle 词典解释 1. 包围;环绕 To encircle something or someone means to surround or enclose them, or to go round them. encircle e.g. A forty-foot-high concrete wall encircles the jail... 监狱周围有一圈40英尺高的混凝土墙。 e.g. By 22nd November the Sixth Army was encircled. 到11月22日,第六军被包围了。 encircle 单语例句 1. Some of the trees are over 500 years old with a circumference so great that it requires seven people to join hands to encircle them. 2. The barrier is to extend along the length of the West Bank, dipping into the territory to encircle the settlements Olmert listed and others. 3. Meanwhile, the Abe administration is working with the ROK and Southeast Asia to encircle China. 4. But it was also slated to encircle settlement blocs deep in occupied land, a path opposed by the United States and seen by Palestinians as a land grab. 5. The fighting in Nablus was some of the fiercest in weeks in the West Bank, where Israeli forces encircle most major Palestinian towns and cities. 6. But the incursion scared many of the city's Arab and Turkomen residents, who thought it was a thinly veiled attempt to encircle the city with Kurdish forces. 7. China's late leader Mao Zedong attributed the CPC's course to national power to a strategy of " using the rural areas to encircle the cities ". 8. Moscow sees the plans for new US missile defence facilities in central Europe as part of an effort to encircle Russia. 9. Neat rows of white tower blocks encircle parks with neatly manicured lawns. 10. Vested interests'attempt to " encircle " China to " contain " its rise does not conform to the trend of the changing times. encircle的翻译encircle 英英释义 encircle verb 1. bind with something round or circular Synonym: gird 2. form a circle around e.g. encircle the errors Synonym: circle |
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