单词 | asparagus |
释义 | asparagus [英 [??sp?r?g?s] 美 [??sp?r?ɡ?s] ] asparagus的意思、解释 asparagus 基本解释 名词天冬; 芦笋,芦笋的茎 asparagus 网络解释 1. 芦笋:可是,我看到的一切,很难描写出来;这里有大规模的果园,满是各种各样英格兰的果树和蔬菜,其中很多是属于比较温暖的地区的,例如:石刁柏(芦笋,(Asparagus)、菜豆(kidney bean)、黄瓜、大黄(rhubarb)、苹果、无花果、桃、杏、葡萄、齐墩果(olive)、醋栗(刺李, 2. 石刁柏:大多数都很快地沉下去了,但是有些在新鲜时只能漂浮一个短时间,干燥后却能漂浮很长的时间;例如,成熟的榛子即刻便会沉下,但干燥后却能漂浮90日,而且这些种籽以后还能发芽;带有成熟浆果的石刁柏(asparagus)能漂浮23日,干燥后却能漂浮85日, 3. 3. 文竹:接触性刺激(CONTACT ITTITANTS)文竹(Asparagus) 盐肤木(Poison sumac) 荨麻(Nettles) 凌霄花(trumpet-creeper) 咬人猫、咬人狗等 这些植物会因为接触造成刺激,而有皮肤炎、口舌炎的现象. asparagus 双语例句 1. Wild rice, roasted asparagus and salmon en croute. 菰米饭、烤芦笋和鲑鱼面包丁 2. Later I see Denise cook green and white asparagus, so it is. 后来看Denise做饭,她用青白两种芦笋,我问为什么有白芦笋,她说就是芦笋一直盖在土里长的,感觉有点象我们的韭黄。 3. asparagus是什么意思 3. I like that they do not just like them but prefer the aroma of their quality: like the lotus nose clean, not colluding with the noble virtues; like raw asparagus quite Lingyun Festival, off the body rather proudly unyielding integrity; like plum fear power, fair, soak into the depths heart, subtle fragrance to independence, without fear of harm to evil world, was the sole reported to the clank of justice spring steel-framed; Lansheng Glen prefer not to no one and not fang, not to shortage of Ridge and inferior origin, not due to raw cold and wilt Suo, willingness to keep company with the plain, non-vulgar, and the company of the noble qualities. 我喜欢她们不只是喜欢她们的香气而是喜欢她们的品质:喜欢莲花的洁身自好、不同流合污的高尚品德;喜欢文竹的生挺凌云节,宁折身不屈的傲然气节;喜欢梅花不畏权势、刚正不阿、沁人心扉、暗香独来、无惧恶世伤害、独报正义春来到的铮铮铁骨;更喜欢兰生幽谷不以无人而不芳,不以出身荒岭而自卑,不因清寒而萎琐,甘与平淡做伴,不和庸俗为伍的高贵品质。 4. Oysters and asparagus are assumed to be aphrodisiacs, but this is only because of visual or olfactory associations. 牡蛎和芦笋常被当成壮阳药,但是这只是因为他们引发的视觉或嗅觉上的联想。 5. asparagus的翻译 5. The company has operated varieties: black beans Huang, Ching-jen, Dan spinach beans, peas, single, double green, big grain soybeans, mung beans, red beans and kidney beans and other types of dozens ofand garlic, onion, great burdock, asparagus and other merchandise business has its own cold storage warehouses. 公司主要经营的品种有:黄仁黑豆、青仁乌豆、丹菠豆、单青豆、双青豆、大粒黄豆、绿豆、红小豆及各种类芸豆等几十种杂豆,并在大蒜、圆葱、牛蒡、芦笋等商品经营中有自己的冷藏仓库。 6. Granville, asparagus Liu, Wu. Gives a long association. 龙柏、龙须柳、龙爪槐,给人以龙的联想。 7. Relatively good results have asparagus fern plants, Chlorophytum, money, orange 较好的结果,芦笋蕨类植物,吊兰,金钱,橙色 8. The window of the asparagus fern basin, fall into a Seed. 窗前的文竹盆里,落入了一棵草籽。 9. They have never lived in asparagus fern bearing with dignity aside and enjoy every inch of the sun, every drop of rain to nourish. 它们从来都不卑不亢地生活在文竹一旁,享受着每一寸阳光,每一滴雨露的滋养。 10. asparagus的反义词 10. Carnation is the excellent cut-flower varieties, beautiful patterns, with fragrant, long flowering period, the demand for a variety of flower arrangements, often with Gladiolus, asparagus, Asparagus, fern bouquet and beautiful composition. 康乃馨是优异的切花品种,花色娇艳,有芳香,花期长,适用于各种插花需求,常与唐菖蒲、文竹、天门冬、蕨类组成优美的花束。 11. Perhaps the character dictates, in many flowers, the favorite flower is also a few, has been particularly love the lotus out of dirt instead of dye, indifferent bloom asparagus fern, stout ourselves up, Seclusion indifferent fragrance of plum and quietly, quietly withered orchids. 也许是性格的使然,在诸多花卉中,喜爱的花也是寥寥无几,一直特别钟爱出污而不染的荷花,淡然绽放的文竹,坚贞自守、隐逸淡泊的梅花与默默飘香、默默凋零的幽兰。 12. L The Chinese type classicism, this kind of style living at home by fresh is elegantly simple primarily, the broken flowers window blind, the insightful antependium, rich green plants and so on reel calligraphy and painting as well as narcissus, asparagus fern have become the Chinese type classicism indispensable soft decoration. l 中式古典主义,这种风格的家居以清新淡雅为主,碎花的窗帘、通透的帷幔、书香浓郁的卷轴字画以及水仙、文竹等绿色植物已成为中式古典主义不可或缺的软装饰。 13. The best vegetables: sweet potato and vegetables for all of the first, followed by the asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, eggplant, beets, carrots, shepherd's purse, mushrooms, Xueli Hong, and Chinese cabbage. 最佳蔬菜:红薯(既含丰富维生素,又是抗癌能手)为所有蔬菜之首。其次是芦笋、卷心菜、花椰菜、芹菜、茄子、甜菜、胡萝卜、荠菜、苤兰菜、金针菇、雪里红、大白菜。 14. Freddie loves shrimps, so i always fry shrimps with his favorite vegetbles. the vegetable i usually use is Brocolli, this time i used Asparagus. very delicious! of course i used garlic to fry shrimp. and i suggest you use shrimps with shells on, i feel shrimps without shells taste not that delicious. Freddie非常喜欢吃虾,所以我经常用虾搭配蔬菜炒给他吃,最经常的搭配是和花椰菜,这次用了我们都喜欢的芦笋,也非常好吃,当然一定要用蒜蓉炒,而且一定要用带皮的虾,没有皮的虾我吃起来觉得一点都不鲜。 15. West of the pine barrens, the sandy soil s give way to finer textured loams, and the empty forests yield to fields of alfalfa and corn, of tomatoes and asparagus. 松树瘠地以西的地方,纹理细腻的沃土取代了沙质的土壤,种植着苜蓿、玉米、番茄和芦笋的田地取代了空旷的森林。 16. West of the pine barrens, the sandy soils give way to finertextured loams, and the empty forests yield to fields of alfalfa and corn, of tomatoes and asparagus. 在松树瘠地西部,贫瘠的多沙土壤被沃土所取代。森林里树木稀疏,长满了苜蓿庄稼番茄和芦笋。 17. The dinner included a cold dish, a chicken and soft tofu soup and 3 hot dishes-Chinese style beef steak, sautéed wild rice shoots and asparagus, and roast sea grouper. 宴会菜单中西合璧,正餐包括一道冷盘,一份汤和一道热菜:翠汁鸡豆花汤、中式牛排、清炒茭白芦笋、烤红星石斑鱼。 18. The dinner included a cold dish, a chicken and soft tofu soup and 3 hot dishes - Chinese style beef steak, sautéed wild rice shoots and asparagus, and roast sea grouper. 宴会菜单中西合璧,正餐包括一道冷盘,一份汤和三道热菜:翠汁鸡豆花汤、中式牛排、清炒茭白芦笋、烤红星石斑鱼。 19. asparagus的解释 19. Factors Affecting the Effect of Hydrocooling Asparagus Spears 影响芦笋嫩茎水冷效果因子之研究 20. 20. In another aspect, the invention provides a pharmaceutical composition ha ving cognitive function enhancing properties which comprises an effective amount of smilagenin in the form of an extract derived from a plant of the genus Smilax, Asparagus, Anemarrhena, Yucca or Agave. 同时,高发明也提供了用从菝葜属植物和芦笋,丝兰或龙舌兰等植物的提取物中开发具有提高和增强认知能力的功能的药物的可能。 asparagus 词典解释 1. 芦笋;龙须菜 Asparagus is a vegetable that is long and green and has small shoots at one end. It is cooked and served whole. asparagus的翻译 asparagus 单语例句 1. The Sofitel Shanghai Hyland believes there is no substitute for the earthy and naturally sweet taste of asparagus. 2. Asparagus tea is said to have high nutritional value and is being bought as a gift for Spring Festival. 3. He will make a trilogy of lobster, white asparagus and heirloom tomato. 4. Braised prawns are shaped like fire on a torch, while abalone and asparagus are made to look like dragon boats. 5. Aria at China World Hotel Beijing cooks crisp white asparagus from France for a succulent start to summer. 6. And IF you eat enough asparagus, will it make your pee smell weird? 7. There's also a romantic mixture of quail's egg, asparagus and mushrooms in it. 8. Snap off the tough ends of the asparagus spears and rinse quickly. 9. The Rare Mushroom Soup and Asparagus with Green and Red Tea Dipping Sauce is a take on the traditional Chinese tea set. 10. The set menu starts with salmon timbale with avocado salad and salmon roe, followed by cream of asparagus and capsicum soup with focaccia mushroom toast. asparagus 英英释义 noun 1. edible young shoots of the asparagus plant 2. plant whose succulent young shoots are cooked and eaten as a vegetable Synonym: edible asparagusAsparagus officinales |
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