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单词 at risk
    at risk [英 [?t risk] 美 [?t r?sk] ]
    at risk的意思、解释
    at risk 基本解释
    at risk的反义词
    at risk 相关例句
    1. The disease is spreading, and all children under 5 are at risk.
    at risk 网络解释
    1. 冒险:(At Risk),派特莉西娅.康威尔(Patrica Cornwell)著,帕特南姆(Putnam)出版社2006年5月出版,21.95美元创作警匪打斗小说的女作家比较少,但是在美国却比较多,比如伊娃.亨特(Eva Hunter)、玛丽.辛格斯.克拉克(Mary HigSins Clark)等,
    2. 有危险:risk)、有危险(at risk)、理想风险(optimal risk)(见表2). 修改的理由为:(1)在女性,心血管疾病平均终生危险是很高的,每2人就有1人,因此有必要在所有妇女进行预防;(2)绝大多数临床研究数据表明女性是心血管疾病高危,
    3. 在危险中:9、有害物质 hazardous material | 10、在危险中 at risk | 11、被耗尽 be exhausted
    at risk 双语例句
    1. If you choose to download and use it, you do so at your own risk.
    2. Your use of the service is at your sole risk.
    3. You expressly agree that your use of the service is at your sole risk.
    4. at risk
    4. You acknowledge that any reliance on material posted via the Service will be at your own risk.
    5. On the other hand, if women ate at least one serving of high-fat dairy food a day, they reduced their risk of anovulatory infertility by more than a quarter (27%) compared to women who consumed one or fewer high-fat dairy serving a week.
    在另一方面,如果妇女吃了至少一名在职的高脂肪食物奶牛每天,他们减少了它们的风险,无排卵性不孕症的四分之一以上( 27 %)相比,女性消费的一个或更少高脂肪奶制品服务一个星期。
    6. Aimed at PPP projects` risk distribution problem, cooperative game theory is introduced. Some of the PPP project risks can be taken alone, the others need two or more partners` cooperative effort. For the latter, shapley value method is used to determine the income of interested parties from shared risk. The income is normalized to obtain weights of interested parties. Then the risk value which each partner should undertake is determined. And an example is given to illustrate this method.
    7. at risk的意思
    7. World Cup soccer gambling for real money Texas Holdem Poker 365 with the same level of CRV Nissan X-Trail, the present pre-holiday discount rate once reached 10, 000 yuan, is also several thousand dollars; a level slightly lower than the CRV KIA Lions running, the current 2, 000 yuan decorating shops Maijiu Song, 3 months ago, under orders, you can also enjoy the strong to the equipment, insurance and expand community activities, including cross-thousand strong value at risk, while the extension sector, equipment includes front and rear protection bar and the left and right sides The Welcome pedal.
    真钱德州扑克世界杯赌球 365扑克跟CRV同一级别的东风日产奇骏,目前的优惠幅度节前一度达到10000元,目前也有数千元;比CRV稍低一个级别的东风悦达起亚狮跑,目前店家买就送2000元装潢,3月前下订单,还可以享受送交强险和拓界装备的活动,其中交强险价值千元,而拓界装备包括前后保护杆和左右两边的迎宾踏板。
    8. And because Windows is not capable of deleting information beyond recovery, you are at risk!
    9. It is important to remember that everyone who takes Nsaids is at some risk of developing stomach ulcers.
    10. at risk的近义词
    10. This means that a considerable number of outbreaks in patients with hypertension at any time the risk of cardio-cerebral vascular diseases.
    11. Recent studies suggest that macrolides may have beneficial effects for patients at risk for certain infections.
    12. In the second part, the paper studies how to use the VaR method to measure and control credit risk in terms of default rate and ranks of credit.
    13. Pull sb`s chestnuts out of the fire (亦作pull the chestnuts out of the fire for sb)— to help sb out of a difficulty at one`s own risk; to assure another`s burden or hardship代某人火中取栗, 替某人冒险; 为某人挑重担 I had pulled the chestnuts out of the fire for him on several occasions and was unwilling
    to do it again。我已经替他冒险过好几回,我不愿意再干了。
    14. Risk measures differing only in the scaling parameter were significantly correlated at the 0.001 level, with a correlation coefficient greater than 0.96 in all four periods studied.
    财经 在所有四个研究过的时期内,风险量测质不同仅当定比参数有显著的相互关连在0.001的标准,且一个相关联的系数大於0.96时。
    15. In cases with extreme fetal hydrops, the mother may be at risk for maternal mirror syndrome, which is a condition where the mother`s condition mimics that of the sick fetus.
    16. at risk的解释
    16. Please note that all luggages are stored at the owner's risk. The hotel will not accept liability for any luggage
    17. at risk
    17. While the studies are in the early stages, the findings suggest that thymoquinone could eventually have some use as a preventative strategy in patients who have gone through surgery and chemotherapy or in individuals who are at a high risk of developing cancer.
    18. at risk的意思
    18. Noncompliance with these requirements put the supplier at the highest risk of violating the Purchase Order Terms and Conditions.
    19. at risk的近义词
    19. Po turns to pick up the Dragon sword while Doug springs at him and tries to risk her life to hold him. Nevertheless, Po highly jumps up and actually over Doug`s head to stab Xue swiftly. Xue, who is injured, is hardly able to dodge this one. Just when she is about to be pierced through, a man throws himself on her to block this fatal attack for her!
    20. A USD100.00 fee will be deducted from each presentation of discrepant documents under this documentary credit this charge shall be for the account of the beneficiary +in accordance with the provisions of article 16C III B of UCP600, if we give notice of refusal of documents presented under this credit we shall however retain the right to accept a waiver of discrepancies from the applicant and, subject to such waiver being acceptable to us, to release documents against that waiver without reference to the presenter provided that no written instructions to the contrary have been received by us from the presenter before the release of the documents. any such release prior to receipt of contrary instructions shall not constitute a failure on our part to hold the documents at the presenter's risk and disposal, and we will have no liability to the presenter in respect of any such release.
    登录后回答可以获得经验值奖励,并可以查看和管理所有的回答。登录|+ 1 USD100.00费将被扣除根据本信用证从每本收费不符单据应为受益人的帐户根据第16C条+与第三期UCP600 B的规定,如果我们发出通知的文件拒绝本信用证下提交但我们会保留权利,接受了来自申请人放弃和差异,但这种放弃被接受的我们反对,放弃要求释放文件没有提及主持人只要没有相反的书面指示,已收到来自各主办单位在我们面前的文件释放。任何这类释放之前,收到相反的指示,不得构成失败我们的一部分举行的主持人的风险和处置的文件,我们将在任何方面不释放这些演示责任简单说就是每个不符点是USD100,且从受益人账户支付。对方客户如果接受不符点(你们修改单据比客户接受不符点晩),对方银行有权直接放单给你客户让他们去提货。
    at risk 单语例句
    1. Farmers belonging to no organizations risk buying fake seeds and fertilizers at a higher price.
    2. Some issues raised by MF Global and sovereign debt defaults are already hinting at an expansion of systemic risk.
    3. Critics question whether taxpayers are being put at risk and if expanded safety nets will encourage financial companies to act more recklessly in the future.
    4. People who subscribe to cable or satellite services or have a newer television with a digital tuner are not at risk of losing their programming.
    5. But scientists also have been examining DNA maps to find genes that may also put people at higher cardiovascular risk.
    6. Kong says investment should possibly be secondary when looking at a painting, because " there is always a certain degree of risk in any investment activity ".
    7. The article suggested the exchange will offer risk securitization products, catastrophe bonds and insurance derivatives at a later date.
    8. The aid groups were only challenging provisions that put them at risk of being prosecuted for talking to terrorist organizations about nonviolent activities.
    9. Analysts said Abdullah's political future remained at risk and the measures announced yesterday did not add up to much.
    10. Team boss Ron Dennis justified it as normal strategy at a circuit where overtaking is extremely difficult and there is a constant risk of crashing.




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