单词 | at the same time |
释义 | at the same time [英 [?t e? seim taim] 美 [?t ei sem ta?m] ] at the same time的意思、解释 at the same time 基本解释 同时; 一起; 但是; 然而 at the same time 相关例句 ph. 1. He may be very rude sometimes but at the same time he is very kind. 有时候他可能很粗鲁,然而他还是很善良。 at the same time 网络解释 1. 同时:与此同时(At the same time),大将赵云怀抱刘备的幼子阿斗,在曹营中单骑纵横,毙敌无数,终于杀出重围. 此时,溃败到夏口的刘军与曹军仅一江之隔. 刘备明白,仅凭长江天险阻拦强大的曹军并非长久之计,曹操早晚会打过长江,届时百姓必将尽遭涂炭. 2. 与此同时:与此同时(At the same time),仍在法国多尔登山谷继续工作(从事体力或脑力劳动,也泛指机器工具)的小组其他成员在遗址里发现了一间濒临崩塌的密室,并在里面找到了一个600多年前不可能存在的双焦透镜,最不可思议的是, 3. 同时,然而,不过:at the moment此刻,目前 | at the same time同时;然而,不过 | at the sight of一看见......就 4. 但是,然而:at one time 同时,曾经,从前曾 | at the same time 但是,然而 | at times 有时 at the same time 双语例句 1. Kg-1.d-1 for 70 days. At the same time, the model rats treated with drugs were orally given 20.5mg. kg-1.d-1, 41.0 mg. kg-1.d-1 RS extract and 144.0 mg. kg-1.d-1 ibuprofen suspension respectively. 玄参低剂量组和高剂量组分别每天灌服玄参提取物20.5 mg·kg-1·d-1和41.0 mg·kg-1.d-1,布洛芬组每天灌服布洛芬混悬液144 mg·kg-1·d-1,正常组和模型组每天灌服等量蒸馏水。 2. at the same time的意思 2. Champa Dorje boarded the shuttle and said to them, Usually, when we`re out and about they don`t dare present a plea. They don`t know which lama can help them with their problems. At the same time, we don`t like to show ourselves on purpose. 协巴多杰上了梭,对二人说:「我们平时出来,他们不敢求情,谁也不知道哪位喇嘛能帮他们解决问题。 3. As the origin and foundation of the commercial bank, intermediary business is the core business through coin identity and exchanging, storing during the early stage of the commercial bank`s development. When the money-exchanging businessman became the commercial banker which regard asset and liability business as the core business, intermediary business, the core business at one time, changed to sideline occupation. Although it always exists, it was actually unimportant. In the later period 20th`s, there was a intensely competition between commercial banks, and when each commercial bank maintained its asset and liability business, at the same time, they began to attach importance to intermediary business being neglected, and run it in an innovative way. 中间业务是银行的起源和基础,在银行发展的早期曾经将铸币的鉴定和兑换、货币的保管、兑换作为其主营业务,但是,当货币兑换商演化为以存贷业务为主的银行之后,它赖以发家的主业----中间业务,就变成了副业,虽然这些业务一直都存在,但的确已经显得不重要了。20 世纪后期,商业银行之间的竞争异常激烈,各大银行在保持自己存贷业务的同时,开始重视一度被忽视了的中间业务领域,并开始用创新的方式去从事中间业务。 4. at the same time的近义词 4. Moreover, it will re-examine the traditional three monopoly behaviors, stress their regulatory system standards, and discuss whether they are conducive to economic and social development, whether they can co-ordinate better balance between kinds of interests, in particular the human rights and consumer care. At the same time, it will make analysis regulations and countermeasures. 并以现代理念重新审视三大传统经济性垄断行为,强调对其规制的标准,即是否有利于促进经济和社会两方面的发展,能否更好地兼顾和统筹好各种需要法律保护的利益,特别是对消费者权益的人文关怀;同时,逐个分析了三大传统经济性垄断行为具体的规制对策。 5. At the same time, a person and then good friends, the power can never be underestimated. 同时,一个人再优秀,朋友的力量,永远不能小觑。 6. At the same time I can also meet the Secretary for customers, according to the customer requirements, development of other shoulder strap width and thickness, and the shoulder strap on the printing, iron flower, flower nails, coloring, such as product development, new fashion design so charming woman from a more glorious. 同时我司还可以配合客户,根据客户所需,开发其它宽度和厚度的肩带,并且在肩带上印花,烫花,钉花,着色等产品开发,新颖时尚的设计让女人从此更加光彩迷人。 7. at the same time是什么意思 7. This would encourage homeownership and eliminate speculation at the same time. 这将鼓励住房产权,同时根除投机活动。 8. This article makes a comprehensive and profound study on relations between Modern Lex Mercatoria and international business arbitration law, and concludes that development in international business arbitration institution had accelerated the shaping of a relatively and autocephalous system of Modern Lex Mercatoria. At the same time, international busine... 本文探讨和研究了现代商人法与国际仲裁法的关系问题,认为国际商事仲裁制度的发展推动了现代商人法作为一个相对独立的法律体系的形成,而国际商事仲裁制度也因为现代商人法的运用,从中获取了新的活力,并在这种新的法律体系或法律部门的影响下,逐渐趋向于完善。 9. It was to be just a small change, but would at the same time allow the company to freshen its look and ignite some marketing buzz. 这无非只是个小小的改变,公司也同时将其产品的外观进行更新,同时大力开展市场宣传。 10. At the same time, the newmodel is used to analyze the effect of ratio of prestressing to axial force on thelining structure. According to the probability-based limit state design method and the concept ofprestressing degree, the design method of prestressed lining has been discussed. 结合算例给出预应力衬砌理论计算的过程并与数值模拟结果进行比较;随后利用连续非均匀刚度模型分析了不同预应力轴力比对衬砌结构的影响。 11. You are home decorations, gifts or relatives and friends, let us link the products on your relatives and friends at the same time also convey the imprint of the era with nostalgia complex and profound significance. 你是家居装饰,还是馈赠亲友,让我们的产品在您联结亲情、友情的同时也传递着带有时代印记的怀旧情结而意味深长。 12. at the same time的近义词 12. At this time, loosen the connection screw of standard section with spanner, hang the shaft of hand crane on the upper angle bar, sway the shaft of hand crane upward, separate this standard section from the next section, and lay it in the suspension coop, dismantle the other standard section for the same method, and turn the shaft to another direction, draw the lifting wire rope tightly, the operation staff leave the suspension coop, open the lock stopping instrument, fall the suspension coop to next position and lock the brake instrument, the operation staff return to the top of suspension coop, continually dismantle note: forbid the staff leave on the top of suspension coop or in the coop when the suspension coop is running 8.1折除时,首先将吊笼用停层装置停靠在待拆除的标准节的下两节上,操作人员上到吊笼顶,卷扬机松绳,用小吊杆将顶梁略向上提起,拔出顶梁横销,使顶梁值得徐徐降下,降到拆除节下一节中间框架角处,并重新穿上横销,这时用板手将标准节连接螺栓松开,将手摇起重机小吊杆钩挂在待拆节上框架用钢土,到吊笼内,用同样的方法拆下另一节标准节,然后将吊杆转向不影响升降机运行的方向,收紧起升钢丝绳,操作人员离开吊笼,打开锁止机构,使吊笼下降到下一个拆除位置,并将锁止机构锁死,人员重返笼顶,进行下一拆除循环注意:在吊笼运行时绝不允许有人员留在吊笼顶部或吊笼内 13. 13. When dismantle the machine, firstly, stop the suspension coop on the lower 2 sections of the standard sections, the operation staff go on the suspension coop top, the hoisting machine loosen rope, lift the pillar with small shaft, pull out the horizontal pin of pillar, let the pillar fall slowly to thedismantled section's middle angle bar, insert the horizontal pin again. At this time, loosen the connection screw of standard section with spanner, hang the shaft of hand crane on the upper angle bar, sway the shaft of hand crane upward, separate this standard section from the next section, and lay itin the suspension coop, dismantle the other standard section for the same method, and turn the shaft to another direction, draw the lifting wire rope tightly, the operation staff leave the suspension coop, open the lock stopping instrument, fall the suspension coop to next position and lock the brakeinstrument, the operation staff return to the top of suspension coop, continually dismantle note: forbid the staff leave on the top of suspension coop or in the coop when the suspension coop is running 8.1折除时,首先将吊笼用停层装置停靠在待拆除的标准节的下两节上,操作人员上到吊笼顶,卷扬机松绳,用小吊杆将顶梁略向上提起,拔出顶梁横销,使顶梁值得徐徐降下,降到拆除节下一节中间框架角处,并重新穿上横销,这时用板手将标准节连接螺栓松开,将手摇起重机小吊杆钩挂在待拆节上框架用钢土,到吊笼内,用同样的方法拆下另一节标准节,然后将吊杆转向不影响升降机运行的方向,收紧起升钢丝绳,操作人员离开吊笼,打开锁止机构,使吊笼下降到下一个拆除位置,并将锁止机构锁死,人员重返笼顶,进行下一拆除循环(注意:在吊笼运行时绝不允许有人员留在吊笼顶部或吊笼内 14. At the same time moral pressure is brought to bear. 在这同时道德的压力也开始呈现。 15. at the same time的解释 15. Records sincerely with the customer contact in does. 2nd, thought win-win the customer thought that seeks the benefit sincerely and honestly for the customer, at the same time enables us to have the progress enhancement. 和客户交往中谨记言出必行。2、双赢想客户之所想,实心实意为客户谋利益,与此同时使我们得到进步提高。 16. 16. At the same time, we must look out the bad influence of capital in our socialist construction. 同时,我们要警惕资本在社会主义经济实践中的负面影响。 17. In the electromagnetic field that countercurrent inductor produces, the metal droplet that melts gets the role suspension of electromagnetism force in quartz pipe center and had been heated up continuously. When metal droplet of melting have been heated up certain temperature surface beginning gasification, metal vapor tension will raise follow temperature go up, is heated continuously can have plenty of metal atoms overflow metal ball liquid surface, at the same time, as the inert gas of cooling medium, all along with certain current velocity, sideswipe the metal droplet surface that melts. Metal atoms fly out liquid surface according to certain way form the atom cluster by the condensing of inert air current, merger and the collision between crystal nucleus pellet and atom cluster form the smoke flame of nanoparticle pellet eventually. 在逆流感应器产生的电磁场中熔化的金属液滴受电磁力的作用悬浮于石英管中央并继续被加热,当金属熔球被加热到一定温度时表面开始气化,金属蒸气压随温度的升高而升高,继续受热会有大量的金属原子飞出熔球液面,与此同时,作为冷却介质的惰性气体始终以一定的流速掠过熔化的金属液滴表面,原子飞出液面受冷后就按照一定的方式凝聚成原子簇,在惰性气流中形核并随之长大,颗粒、原子簇间的碰撞与合并,最终形成金属纳米颗粒的烟焰。 18. As the economic construction develops and the industrial structure continuously optimizes and adjusts itself, a series of newly professions have emerged, such as electronics, information technology, new materials, etc. And traditional agriculture has been transforming into modernized. At the same time, the production of all trades and all professions has been gradually transforming from labor-intensive to technology-intensive, and the personnel demands from skilled worker or primary professionals to secondary or senior professionals. Just can Higher Vocational Education supply those qualified manpower resources. Since 1990s, Higher Vocational Education in our country has made rapid progress, and it has presented an unprecedented scene of prosperity. 随着经济建设的发展和产业结构的不断优化调整,出现了一系列新兴行业,如电子、信息、新材料等,传统农业也向现代农业的道路转化;各行各业生产由劳动密集型逐渐向技术型转化,由对熟练劳动者和生产初级人才的需求,转化为对中高级应用人才的需求,这种高素质人力资源,需要通过高职教育来提供。90年代以来,我国高职教育有了很大的发展,出现了前所未有的繁荣景象,为社会主义现代化建设事业培养了大批急需的各类专门人才,提高了劳动者的素质。 19. at the same time在线翻译 19. Our products and services are designed to benefit people and improve their quality of life. At the same time we want to create value through innovation, growth and high earning power. 我们坚持以人为本,以自身产品与服务提升人类生活品质;同时致力于以创新、成长与高盈利能力创造更多价值。 20. In alkaline environment (minerals, the relative composition of inorganic salts, and organic components of relatively small) in the red-brick building, as a result of capillary action, up to the surface of the water absorption of the salts dissolved in water at the same time increase in deposition from ground range of 0.5m-1.5m, the formation of a salt-rich region, the red brick of which are physical and chemical corrosion, combined with the expansion of water ice, weathering, such as the role of rain, the course of time will form a red brick Fan zone as early as in the failure of other parts of the body. 摘 要:处于碱性环境(矿物质,无机盐类成分相对多,有机物成分相对少)中的红砖建筑,由于毛细作用,将地表的水分往上吸收,溶解在水中的盐类同时上升,沉积在离地面0.5m-1.5m的范围内,形成一个盐类富集区域,其中的红砖受到物理和化学腐蚀作用,再结合水分结冰膨胀,风化,雨淋等作用,日久会形成一个红砖粉化带,早于其他部位的失效。 at the same time 单语例句 1. At the same time, it adds uncertainty and risks to company's business operation. 2. At the same time, the Greek government has increased the business tax. 3. Giving birth to one baby is wonderful, but what about four at the same time? 4. This improves the chance of getting assistance, while at the same time provides protection against any unreasonable bystander action. 5. At the same time children lucky enough not to have been affected by the calamity can learn to care about others. 6. Yu uses mainly calligraphy and ink on rice paper in his works, paying homage to the ancient masters and at the same time exploring modern presentation style. 7. Bill Richardson, also were holding their own campaign schedules around Florida at the same time. 8. At the same time, changes in international capital flows have affected China's usage of foreign capital. 9. At the same time, the city is taking active measures to build up concentrated outsourcing zones. 10. Water can keep a boat floating and can also capsize it at the same time. at the same time 英英释义 adv 1. at the same instant e.g. they spoke simultaneously Synonym: simultaneously 2. overlapping in duration e.g. concurrently with the conference an exhibition of things associated with Rutherford was held going to school and holding a job at the same time Synonym: concurrently |
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