单词 | endemic |
释义 | endemic [英 [en?dem?k] 美 [?n?d?m?k] ] endemic的意思、解释 复数形式:endemics; endemic 基本解释 endemic的翻译 形容词某地特有的; (尤指疾病)地方性的; 风土的; (动,植物)某些特产的 名词地方病; 某地特产的植物[动物] endemic endemic 反义词 形容词exotic endemic 网络解释 1. 地方病:至于犬心丝虫是否已成为地方病(endemic),端赖下述三要件是否齐备. (1)保虫者(reservoir of infection):意指携带犬幼丝状虫(Microfilaria)者;犬心丝虫症(heartworm disease)临床症状影响程度依是否出现临床症状有所不同, 2. 2. 地方性的:拿DAVIS的话来说,行政裁量就如光谱一般,一端是理想状态的规则,一端是理想状态的裁量,而一般的行政裁量处于两者之间,同时行政裁量是地方性的(endemic). 3. 特有种:小叶鱼藤为台湾特有种(Endemic)植物,目前台湾仅产於佳乐水(Chialoshui)一带,数量极为稀少!在国内属严重濒临绝灭之物种之一!与老茎藤同属的蝶形花冠,唯一不同的是叶子不同,鱼藤的小叶较多,约9~13枚,叶背被绒毛;老荆藤小叶较少, 4. 地方性:根据地理分布可分为地方性(endemic)和散发性(sporadic)两种. 地方性甲状腺肿以远离海岸的内陆山区和半山区多见,人群中约有10%以上的人患有该病,其发病人数是散发性的10倍以上. 地方性甲状腺肿的主要病因是缺碘,由于饮水及土壤中缺碘, endemic 双语例句 1. Due to the exploitation and utilization of deep groundwater in northern Shandong plain, a lot of environmental problms have been occurred, such as, the regional deep groundwater depression is continuously enlarging, in some area, deep groundwater exhausted and water quality is becoming more and more saltish, as well as land subsidence was aggravated and endemic appeared in some major towns. The reason is that the groundwater exploitation is most concentrated in towns areamabd tge exploiting methods is much more irrational. 摘 要:鲁北平原在深层地下水开发利用过程中,由于开采地段过于集中在城镇,加上不合理开采等因素,出现了区域性深层地下水超采漏斗不断扩大、部分地段地下水资源枯竭和水质咸化问题严重、重点城镇地面沉降加剧及饮用高氟高碘地下水引发的地方病呈上升趋势等诸多水环境问题。 2. Two subgenera and ca. 130 species: Asia, Australasia, Europe, Madagascar, North America; 90 species (50 endemic, one introduced) in China. 2亚属和约130种:亚洲,澳大拉西亚,欧洲,马达加斯加,北美洲;中国有90种(50特有种,1种为引进栽培)。 3. 3. In order to explore the effects of maternal iodine deficiency during pregnancy on the nervous system of the infants. an epidemiological survey of pregnant women in the endemic region was carried out. They were divided into three groups: treatment group. placebo group and normal group. 为了进一步探讨孕妇缺碘对婴儿神经系统的伤害,本研究通过流行病学调查对缺碘地区孕妇作了筛选,分成补碘组、安慰剂组和正常组,然后采取双盲对照法对其所生育的婴儿(月龄2~10个月)开展脑干听觉诱发电位检测。 4. Vitex negundo L. var. heterophylla is one large shrub and, being an endemic species to China. It is distributed widely in Shanxi, especially in the Cayon district of Taihang Mountains. The community of Vitex negundo L. 荆条Vitex negundo L.var.heterophylla(Franch,为大型灌木,在我国某些地方是特有种,在山西太行山峡谷区和中条山西部分布较为集中。 5. Siniperca scherzeri Steindachner, a high-valued freshwater fish, is endemic in East Asia. 斑鳜(Siniperca scherzeri Steindachner)为东亚地区特有的淡水名贵经济鱼类。 6. A high percentage of New Guinea's species are endemic, and thousands are still unknown to science: probably well over 200, 000 species of insect, between 11, 000 to 20, 000 plant species; over 650 resident bird species, including most species of birds of paradise and bowerbirds, parrots, and cassowaries; over 400 amphibians; 455 butterfly species; marsupials and monotremes including Bondegezou, Goodfellow's Tree-kangaroo, Huon Tree-kangaroo, Long-beaked Echidna, Tenkile, Agile Wallaby, Alpine Wallaby, cuscuses and possums; and various other mammal species. 高比例的新几内亚物种是只有当地特有,那里可能有远远超过 200,000种昆虫,是科学仍然未辨认的:亦有 11,000至20,000之间的植物物种;超过 650的留鸟种,包括大部分园丁鸟,鹦鹉,cassowaries;超过 400个两栖动物,455种蝴蝶,有袋动物和单孔类,包括 Bondegezou ,古德费洛的树袋鼠,翁树袋鼠,长吻针鼹,Tenkile ,敏捷袋鼠,高山袋鼠,负鼠和 cuscuses;和其他各种哺乳类动物。 7. 7. The high degree of polymorphism in glycophorin B found in malaria-endemic regions suggests that it also may be a receptor for Plasmodium, but, to date, none has been identified. 在疟疾流行地区血型糖蛋白B的高度多态性提示,血型糖蛋白B也可能是一种疟原虫受体,但是,迄今为止,无一血型糖蛋白B被确定为疟原虫受体。 8. 8. The likelihood of C. pneumoniae endemic among medical staffs who care for respiratory illnesses is very low. 结论接诊呼吸道疾患的医务人员和医院,发生CP局部流行的机会可能不大。 9. endemic的解释 9. Results The management of Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances was more standardized in endemic area. The abusage and loss of those drugs did not appear even if they were not well managed. 结果病区麻醉药品和精神药品管理工作逐步走上正轨,管理日趋规范,未出现因管理不善而导致的滥用和流失现象。 10. Images of Zygophyllum dumosum Boiss, an endemic plant of Israel, Jordan, and Sinai, do not need any verification of pollen grains, although they are present in Frei's list. 裹尸布上另一种植物的影像,Zygophyllum dumosum Boiss,是以色列,约旦和西奈特有的,不需要任何的花粉的证实,尽管弗雷的花粉粒子列表中也可以见到它们。 11. 11. Lassa fever is endemic to West Africa, the virus kills thousands of people each year. 拉沙热在西非流行,该病毒每年可杀死成千上万的人。 12. endemic的解释 12. It is very important that fever s of unknown origin in people coming from these endemic areas beinvestigated for the possibility of Lassa fever. 对来自地方性流行区,出现不明原因发热的人进行检查,确定是否感染拉沙热是很重要的。 13. It is very important that fevers of unknown origin in people coming from these endemic areas beinvestigated for the possibility of Lassa fever. 对来自地方性流行区,出现不明原因发热的人进行检查,确定是否感染拉沙热是很重要的。 14. endemic 14. Formosan serow is an endemic subspecies to Taiwan and the major prey for hunters. 台湾山羊则为台湾特有亚种,为狩猎者主要的猎物之一,大量被捕杀之后,今已不多见了。 15. endemic的近义词 15. Many of the remaining species are endangered, including 71 of the 96 known endemic vertebrates. 包括96种已知本地物种中的71种,大量的现存物种正在遭到灭绝的威胁。 16. It also reflects a particular worry in a country where bird flu is endemic in many regions. 10月补记:现在都担心秋季猪流感再来,地方政府正在积极准备疫苗。 17. endemic的反义词 17. Forclose to a decade, Fang, who goes by the pen name Fang Zhouzi, hasbeen using the site to battle academic corruption, which, some say, has become so endemic on the mainland, it poses a threat to thecountry's development. 近十年来,以笔名方舟子创作的方是民一直用这个网站在与学术腐败作战。有些人认为,学术腐败在大陆如此猖獗,已经构成了对国家发展的威胁。 18. In areas where endemic goitre highly prevailed, 16 cases with chondralloplasia were encountered. 在地方性甲状腺肿严重流行区,发现软骨发育障碍患者16例,患者无明显智力障碍,平均身高1.25水,其中8例1.1米。 19. Re-cosmetic, it is endemic to the feeling of a face-lift. 重新装点门面,令人有种改头换面的感觉。 20. The prevalence of mercury in our society is endemic in nature. 汞中毒的盛行率在我们的社会是一种地区流行病。 endemic 词典解释 1. (疾病)地方性的,流行的 If a disease or illness is endemic in a place, it is frequently found among the people who live there. endemic的翻译 e.g. Polio was then endemic among children my age. 那时小儿麻痹症在我这个年纪的孩子中很常见。 2. (情况、问题)常见的,流行的 If you say that a condition or problem is endemic, you mean that it is very common and strong, and cannot be dealt with easily. e.g. Street crime is virtually endemic in large cities. 街头犯罪近乎是大城市的通病。 e.g. ...powerful radicals with an endemic hatred and fear of the West. 普遍仇恨又惧怕西方世界的势力强大的激进分子 endemic 单语例句endemic的解释 1. Speculation pointed to recently arrived peacekeepers from Nepal, a South Asia nation where cholera is endemic. 2. Each note and coin features a flora or fauna design that is virtually unique or endemic to Fiji. 3. Endemic and contagious diseases that afflicted people of all ethnic groups in the past have been basically wiped out. 4. Pan has said repeatedly that the pollution level in China has reached a " critical point ", and lashed out at " endemic protectionism ". 5. The makeshift camp has virtually no toilets and aid workers are warning that diarrhoea could become endemic within days. 6. The unique species is endemic to China's Bohai and Yellow seas. 7. The virus is now endemic in poultry across much of the world despite widespread culling of birds and mass vaccinations of fowl. 8. Experts say the insect has moved farther north due to global warming, and bluetongue may now be endemic in northern Europe. 9. Egypt responded similarly a few years ago to an outbreak of bird flu, which is endemic to the country and has killed two dozen people. 10. It is no longer endemic to the United States, but every year cases enter the country through foreign visitors or Americans returning from abroad. endemic 英英释义 endemic在线翻译 noun 1. a plant that is native to a certain limited area e.g. it is an endemic found only this island 2. a disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location Synonym: endemic disease adj 1. originating where it is found e.g. the autochthonal fauna of Australia includes the kangaroo autochthonous rocks and people and folktales endemic folkways the Ainu are indigenous to the northernmost islands of Japan Synonym: autochthonalautochthonicautochthonousindigenous 2. native to or confined to a certain region e.g. the islands have a number of interesting endemic species 3. of or relating to a disease (or anything resembling a disease) constantly present to greater or lesser extent in a particular locality e.g. diseases endemic to the tropics endemic malaria food shortages and starvation are endemic in certain parts of the world Synonym: endemical |
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