单词 | authentic |
释义 | authentic [英 [?:?θent?k] 美 [??θ?nt?k] ] authentic的意思、解释 authentic 基本解释 authentic 形容词真的,真正的; 可信的,可靠的; 有根据的; [法]认证了的 authentic 同义词 形容词actuallegitimategenuinetruereliablereal authentic是什么意思 authentic 反义词 形容词spuriousfictitiousfalse authentic 相关例句 形容词 1. They found this authentic manuscript of the book from an ancient tomb. 他们从一个古墓里发现了该书的真正手稿。 2. 2. The report is authentic. 这个报告是可靠的。 authentic 网络解释 1. 真正的:基于问题式学习是近年来受到广泛重视的一种教学模式,它强调把学习设置到复杂的、有意义的问题情境中,通过让学习者合作解决真正的(authentic)问题,来学习隐含于问题背后的科学知识,形成解决问题的技能,并形成自主学习的能力. 2. 可信的:由于测验的目的,在L2听力测验任务中,通过使用视频材料,包含(inclusion)口语交流的非语言构成,可能是有利的,因为不仅听力任务将更容易模仿可信的(authentic)口语的特征,而且呈现口语输入时,包含视觉通道,可能导致评估中更多的构建相关的不一致, authentic 双语例句 1. No one bother, I only own soul in the night air where folding turn, formed the most authentic text. 没有人打扰,我只属于自己,灵魂在夜气里折转,形成最真实的文字。 2. Do not have relevant file data in authentic attestation only when, ability can ask an user. 只有在可信认证没有相关文件数据的时候,才会询问用户。 3. authentic的解释 3. Can have suppression disturbance and so on combination frequencies disturbance, beat interference, intermodulation interference in the mixing process main methods is enhances the initial segment the selectivity, as well as adjustment mixer active status and authentic choice bias, signal voltage and candid voltage size. 在混频过程中会产生组合频率干扰、交调干扰、互调干扰等抑制干扰的主要方法是提高前节的选择性,以及调整混频器的工作状态并真确选择偏压、信号电压和本真电压的大小。 4. authentic在线翻译 4. Previous studies on the grammaticalization of relative clause structures almost exclusively focus on the postnominal type because of the lack of authentic data on the development of the prenominal type. 以往对关系从句的语法化研究主要是集中在后置型关系从句上,原因在于对前置型关系从句的发展情况缺少真实的语料。 5. Handles are made of wood and have a paint fleabite here and there which gives authentic look. 处理大都以木材、油漆fleabite这里有一个真实的存在,让看。 6. Retro Flour Sifter Ornaments 4.75 - These cute miniature Retro Flour Sifter ornaments are a must for anyone who loves retro. They even have a paint fleabite here and there, and a wood handle which gives it an authentic look. 复古首饰筛粉4.75这些可爱的小饰物都必须加装面粉筛任何一个热爱retro.they甚至有油漆fleabite地躺在那里,一、办理木材赋予它真实面貌。 7. The top half has a large, beautiful reproduction of an artist's drawing of the earliest known coat-of-arms for the name of Macdonald. This entire report is documented, authentic and printed on parchment-like paper suitable for framing. 已知的最源初的那个象征着 Macdonald 的纹章,在被那位艺术家重现了之后,我们那个华丽的纹章的复制品放在了那份报告的前半部分。 8. Introduce you to three on the road near the new UOB Shanghai Road hillo Yang Xiezi pot, the boss from Beijing, very authentic, I was crazy to come back looking for Beijing to find the individual that is the best Shanghai food, Kaka 介绍你去大华三路上靠近新沪路的鑫隆羊蝎子火锅,老板是北京人,很正宗的,我也是北京回来疯狂找寻找到的,个人认为是上海最好吃的,咔咔 9. Histroical narration switchs the expostulation of historical records to ingratiation, switchs the authentic records to narrating, switchs the events to story. 在创作目的上,讲史由史传的垂戒发展为娱人;在虚实处理上,则由史传的实录发展为对史传的敷演;在对象的把握上,它实现了由事件到故事的转向;在这里,角色的塑造受到了前所未有的重视;尤为重要的是,讲史开始有了独立的叙述者。 10. authentic什么意思 10. If only the needs for foreign cash are backed with authentic trade and in accordance with foreign exchange administration regulations, both banks and SAFE will meet them. 只要企业的用汇具有真实合法交易背景并符合外汇管理法规规定,银行和外汇局都会满足企业的需求。 11. Do you want to learn authentic Chinese medicine in native China? 你想学到正本清源的中医吗? 12. Pro-British Pa Spiced rabbit off the bone, delicious, authentic taste with a strong ethnic flavor characteristics. 临英扒兔五香脱骨,味道鲜美,口感纯正,具有浓郁的民族风味特色。 13. authentic的翻译 13. SOD`s desire is to express their music as real life, authentic, and human, a true reflection of who they are as people. SOD渴望通过他们的音乐表现现实生活,真相,人性以及真实反映他们作为人类的存在。 14. A very wide wide beautifully decorated hall, usually only be seen in the cathedral painted glass, but here as lighting; The number of home to the rich and others boast crystal chandeliers, here are four in number, and only illumination; Century painter Langfenai value of a 10, 000 meter gold paintings Surprisingly, in the dorsal horn can be seen on the walls, although not authentic, but the Duke of your family should be absolutely no fake. 极宽极阔的大厅装饰精美,平时只有在大教堂才能见到的彩绘玻璃,在这里只不过做为采光用;多少富豪之家用以向旁人夸耀的水晶吊灯,在这里就有四盏之多,而且只是照明;世纪大画家米开朗芬奇价值万金的画作,居然在背角的墙壁上可以见到,虽然不知真伪,但公爵府上应该绝对没有赝品。 15. Hooley's Irish Pub brings an authentic slice of Irish culture to Guangzhou. 胡利的爱尔兰酒吧给广州带来了真正的爱尔兰文化片。 16. All authentic Certificates of Analysis, including those of the original manufacturer 所有手续完备的分析报告单,包括原始制造商的分析报单 17. Finally, it fills the interspace between them to make the diffusion effect more natural and authentic. 为了方便用户进行艺术创作,本文提出了建立毛笔笔划库的概念,并建立了基于自回归模型的计算机书法模型。 18. That's fish shop in the ice sheet, white jade, and we teach according to Zhang great-grandfather, down 67 drops of pure fresh fragrant peanut oil, soy sauce Liang, adding the lemon leaf silk, ginger, shallots films, sesame, mustard and so on, did not become authentic Shunde Zhang tagaung sashimi. 那铺在冰块上的鱼肉片,洁白如玉,我们依张太公所教,倒六七滴新鲜的纯香花生油、靓豉油,再配上柠叶丝、姜丝、荞头片、芝麻、芥辣等,才成为正宗的顺德张太公鱼生。 19. authentic的翻译 19. Let his free-spirited humor charm you; let his authentic, accessible wisdom engulf you as he unveils the mysteries of life. 让他的自由活泼幽默的魅力你,让他的真实,易于吞噬你的智慧,因为他揭露人生的奥秘中。 20. The mere chatter of these southern-bound birds, their pale and second-hand reports, had yet power to awaken this wild new sensation and thrill him through and through with it; what would one moment of the real thing work in him— one passionate touch of the real southern sun, one waft of the authentic odor? 光是这几只南飞鸟儿的闲谈,他们那并不生动的第二手叙述,就足以撩拨起这种如醉如狂的新感受,激得他浑身上下躁动不已。如果亲自去体验一下,感受南方太阳热情的抚摩,南方香风轻柔的吹拂,那将会是怎样一番滋味? authentic 词典解释 1. 真的;真正的;真实的;真诚的 An authentic person, object, or emotion is genuine. authentic的反义词 e.g. ...authentic Italian food... 真正的意大利食品 e.g. She has authentic charm whereas most people simply have nice manners... 她散发出真正的魅力,而大多数人只是举止优雅。 authenticity There are factors, however, that have cast doubt on the statue's authenticity. 然而,有些因素让人对该雕塑的真伪产生了怀疑。authentically Consumers are increasingly interested in the authentically exotic tastes... 消费者对于真正的异国风味越来越情有独钟。 The enamel gives new brass an authentically tarnished finish. 用瓷釉作末道漆使新的黄铜器看似自然地失去了光泽。 2. (仿制品)能够以假乱真的,逼真的 If you describe something as authentic, you mean that it is such a good imitation that it is almost the same as or as good as the original. e.g. ...patterns for making authentic frontier-style clothing. 制造仿潮流服装所用的图案 authentically The team decided to try and replicate the missing curtains as authentically as possible. 小组决定尽可能照原样重新制作丢失的幕帘。 3. (信息或记述)准确的,可靠的,可信的 An authentic piece of information or account of something is reliable and accurate. authentic什么意思 e.g. I had obtained the authentic details about the birth of the organization. 我已经掌握了有关该组织诞生的可靠的详细资料。 authentically The book authentically and intimately describes the small details of her daily life. 本书翔实地记述了她日常生活中的小细节。authenticity The film's authenticity of detail has impressed critics. 电影在细节上的真实性给影评人士留下了深刻的印象。authentic 单语例句authentic的近义词 1. Behind each authentic ethnic costume is an individual who made it by hand, using techniques passed down by older generations. 2. The Finnish game developer is attempting to further cash in on the Chinese market by selling authentic Angry Birds products rather than simply launching games. 3. There are hundreds of restaurants citywide that cater to all culinary styles, from European specialties to Middle Eastern delicacies and authentic African fare. 4. It is such a nice centennial building with a rare, authentic feel. 5. Soho China Chairman Pan Shiyi on Friday called the allegations " nonsense ", adding that the company cannot tell the difference between authentic and fake ID cards. 6. " Our local partners help educate us on special flavors needed for making authentic Chinese food, " Moss said. 7. For those seeking authentic reflections of the city's life and landscapes, the search can be circuitous. 8. Unjustly confined to the elephant's graveyard of Maoming Nan Lu, this authentic Moroccan restaurant has been thriving on recommendations from its satisfied clientele. 9. A dessert of authentic Quebecois sugar pie with rich cream had me sighing in contentment. 10. For Cyrus, being authentic may be the key to her success as she transitions to adulthood. authentic 英英释义 adj 1. not counterfeit or copied e.g. an authentic signature a bona fide manuscript an unquestionable antique photographs taken in a veritable bull ring Synonym: bona fideunquestionableveritable 2. conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief e.g. an authentic account by an eyewitness reliable information Synonym: reliable |
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