单词 | avarice |
释义 | avarice [英 [??v?r?s] 美 [??v?r?s] ] avarice的意思、解释 avarice 基本解释 名词贪婪 avarice是什么意思 avarice 网络解释 1. 1. 贪婪:如,等,对罪的具体内容都有纲目式的规定.七宗死罪是:懒惰(Sloth),忿怒( Anger),好欲(Lust),饕餮(Gluttony),骄傲(Pride),贪婪(Avarice),妒忌( Envy 2. 贪财:avant-garde 先锋派 | avarice 贪财 | avaricious 贪财的 3. avarice 3. 守财:arrangement 整理/协议 | avarice 守财 | bon emploi 好职业 4. 贪婪 我爱你就象老鼠爱大米:catalog 目录 | avarice 贪婪 我爱你就象老鼠爱大米 | avalanche 雪崩 (出现了)老鼠拦车现象 avarice 双语例句 1. Thoughtless of money or the accumulation of material possessions, he is none the less defeated in the end by his own greed — a greed that makes the avarice of King Midas seem paltry by comparison. 在钱财和物质财富积累方面没有规划,最终还是自己的贪婪打倒了自己——即便是得米达斯国王的欲望与其相比也显得无足轻重。 2. Avarice is growing with him a besetting sin. 贪婪跟着他成长起来,成了易犯的罪恶。 3. Why? Buddha said that avarice, wrath and obsession are main obstructs to live such a life. 为什么呢?世尊说贪、瞋、痴就是执行这样生活的主要障碍。 4. It will be found that it is our ambition, our avarice, our cupidity that have wrought all these evils on the people of God. 这将是发现,这是我们的野心,我们的贪婪,我们的贪婪已经造成所有这些罪恶的人的上帝。 5. Could he, for an instant, have supposed that, i n my admonisher at Eton -- in the destroyer of my honor at Oxford, -- in him w ho thwarted my ambition at Rome, my revenge at Paris, my passionate love at Na ples, or what he falsely termed my avarice in Egypt, -- that in this, my arch- enemy and evil genius, could fall to recognise the William Wilson of my school boy days, -- the namesake, the companion, the rival, -- the hated and dreaded rival at Dr. Bransby's? Impossible! 难道一时间,他还以为在伊顿书院忠告我的——在牛津大学毁了我的——在罗马不让我称心,在巴黎不让我报仇,在那不勒斯不让我热恋,在埃及不让我那被他诬称做贪心的欲望满足的——我的心腹之患,附在我身上的魔鬼,我认不出这人就是我小学时代的威廉·威尔逊——那个同名同姓的人,那个伙伴,那个对头——勃兰斯比博士的书院中那可恨又可怕的对头冤家么? 6. The problem is that people can`t desert avarice and face, they don`t have firm confidence, and they can`t neglect other`s views but to execute the ideas. 老子的三宝:慈、俭、不敢为天下先,都不是大家知不知的问题,而是能不能摆脱贪念,摆脱面子,能不能坚定自信心,不理会别人的看法,勇敢的去执行的问题。 7. avarice什么意思 7. Some are consumed with avarice all the day, but the just man gives unsparingly. 贪婪的人,终日贪婪;正义的人,广施不吝。 8. His pay is beyond the dreams of avarice--is so enormous that he can afford to save and scrape in a way that would almost discredit a Member of Council. 他们的薪金大大超过了最贪心的人的奢望----那是非常大的一笔钱,足以容许他们用一种几乎会叫市参议员丢面子的办法去进行节约。 9. The development of wisdom of man is something such as avarice, wrath, obsession and presistiveness, which cause pain and hurt. 天之天惮扬就是德,人之天如贪、瞋、痴、执着等惮扬拓展就会产生痛苦,就会带来伤害。 10. avarice是什么意思 10. Avarice or incorruption derives from the inner heart, and not from the temptation and stimulation of material. 因此廉或贪等欲念的控管,必须自个人内心做起才有效。 11. Amidst the avaricious men we dwell free from avarice. 在众贪欲之中,我们无贪无欲;在众贪欲者之中,我们住于无贪无欲。 12. Columbus was known for his avarice, ruthlessness and insidiousness as characteristic of a conqueror. He maltreated the aborigines, traded in black slaves, committed genocide and used hounds to hunt down living beings. 至于哥伦布的贪婪、残虐、阴险,那更是征服者显著的罪恶,他虐待土人,贩卖黑奴,施行灭种的方法,以野狗去猎取生人。 13. It is certain that when money clinks in the money chest, greed and avarice can be increased; but when the church intercedes, the result is in the hands of God alone. 可以肯定,当金钱clinks在金钱的胸部,能增加贪婪和私心;但当教会进行干预,其结果是在上帝手中。 14. However, he is a man who has much avarice for acting. 但他其实是一个在演艺方面精益求精的人。 15. avarice 15. Avarice and injustice are always short-sighted, and they did not foresee how much this regulation must obstruct improvement, and thereby hurt, in the long-run, the real interest of the landlord. 贪婪和不公正总是目光短浅的,他们没有预见到,这种规定会在多大程度上阻碍土地的改良,因而在长期会损害地主的真实利益。 16. When the Empire splintered after the death of Emperor Palpatine, boundless avarice among the competing warlords hastened the decay of the New Order. 当帝国在皇帝白卜庭死后四分五裂之际,心怀无穷贪婪的军阀们加速了「新秩序」的衰败。 17. 17. Avarice and happiness never saw each other, how then shou, d they become acquainted. 贪婪与幸福从不相见,它们怎能相互了解? 18. Man of perfect practice only conserves Tao of nature by practice. When they desert most parts of consciousness, without emotions, desires, avarice, wrath, obsession, and seeking no fame and interest, at that time, the man of perfect practice contacts with objective environment is the same as our contact with stone and sword. There is naturally no entanglement. 修行完备的人通过长期修练,他们舍弃了绝大部份人所信赖的意识,转而只存自然之道,这时候的他们,没了七情六欲、没了贪、瞋、痴,没了追求名利之心,修行者与客观环境之间的关系,就变得我们与刀剑、顽石之间的关系一样,没有了利害冲突,纠纷自然也就没了。 19. avarice的近义词 19. A man without desire, love, avarice, flirt, suspecting and slumber, he certainly would become tranquil. 而人没了欲、没了爱、没了贪嗔、调戏、疑法之心、睡眠等,其内心平静无波亦自不待言。 20. Greed and avarice should not be once named among Christians; rather, self-immolation should be a rule of life. 贪婪在基督徒中不可在提;相反,抹杀自我要成为生命的准则。 avarice 词典解释 1. 贪财;贪婪;贪得无厌 Avarice is extremely strong desire for money and possessions. e.g. He paid a month's rent in advance, just enough to satisfy the landlord's avarice. 他预交了一个月的房租,正好满足房东的贪心。 avarice 单语例句 1. As this folktale illustrates, we are even ready to die for our avarice. 2. But lawmakers themselves have been reluctant to expose their sometimes lavish spending, and Martin's defenders said he was taking the fall for their avarice. 3. The involvement of teachers raises deeply disturbing questions about morality and ethics but also their lack of scruples and avarice. 4. We used to point the finger at the avarice of private mine owners seeking profits at the sacrifice of miners'safety. 5. I'm always looking for ways to dissociate my cosmetic cravings from avarice and extreme vanity. avarice什么意思avarice 英英释义 avarice是什么意思 noun 1. reprehensible acquisitiveness insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins) Synonym: greedcovetousnessrapacityavaritia 2. extreme greed for material wealth Synonym: avariciousnesscovetousnesscupidity |
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