单词 | carefully |
释义 | carefully [英 ['ke?f?l?] 美 [?k?rf?l?] ] carefully的意思、解释 carefully 基本解释 carefully的反义词 副词仔细地; 小心谨慎地; 警惕地; 周密地 carefully的近义词 carefully 相关例句 副词 1. Now listen carefully everybody. 请大家仔细地听。 carefully 网络解释 1. 副词后缀:8.名词后缀 -ful handful | 9.副词后缀 -ly finally,probably,immediately,carefully, | 10.副词后缀 -ward upward 2. 小心地:quick (快速的) | carefully (小心地) | slowly (慢慢地) carefully 双语例句 1. 1. Language differs in this respect from mathematics, which is carefully constructed so that each symbol or sequence of symbols has only one meaning. 语言在这方面不同于数学,数学是被仔细认真地构建的,以使每一个符号或符号序列只有一个意思。 2. carefully 2. Article said that the real estate market should be carefully managed to sustain the entire country`s economic development. 文章说,房地产市场应认真加以管理,以维持整个国家的经济发展。 3. Don't be tension, please take it easy2.If without ther help, we will dead.3.The only important way what you lawing.4.Must be carefully when you use these radioactivity things.5.This matter will be make the price of per tank suddenly rise to $50, then last on several months. 如果中国能提高比黄金还珍贵的信用度和连接度,如果中国能像大海胸心宽广,包容万象,如果中国能广交朋友,而不是很自我,如果中国能有比山还高的道德水平,我深信中国能得到很多道义上的支持,文化水平也将得到很大的进步。 4. Started exploring carefully, peering, poking, and tapping around the complex maze of pipes that fed the engine. 他来到之后立即开始仔细地查找、凝视、拨弄、轻敲那些像迷宫一样围绕着发动机的管子。 5. When workers carefully and reverently took it out of the box, the eagle owl constantly thumped its wings. 工作人员小心翼翼地将其从箱子里拿出来时,雕枭不停地扑腾着翅膀。 6. In addition to a new white house and a fancy jet, one of the perks of Barack Obama's new job is a brand new black limousine, carefully appointed and armoured for his comfort and protection. 除了白宫和昂贵的飞机以外,另一项给新总统的福利就是一辆全新的黑色卡迪拉克豪华轿车,其舒适性及安全保护性能都是经过严格设计的。 7. DLA-EIAV can be served as the animal model for studying on human immunodeficiency virus. The vaccine was developed in two stages. A carefully selected field isolate, EIAV LN, was passaged 133 times in vivo in donkeys to generate the highly virulent and pathogenic strain D510, which kills animals within a few weeks. D510 went through 135 passages in vitro to obtain vaccine strains DLV. In order to investigate the molecular mechanism of the attenuation and protection of donkey leukocyte attenuated equine infectious anemia virus, we investigated the evolution of LTR of 24 out of 110 passages during Chinese EIAV attenuation. 马传贫弱毒疫苗致弱路线是:将一株来源于马体的EIAV 超强毒力的辽毒株经过驴体连续传代100 余代使病毒毒力增强后获得了驴强毒株(对马和驴均100%致死),然后将DV 株连续通过驴白细胞进行体外培养驯化,使其病毒毒力完全丧失,而保持了良好的免疫原性,最终培育成功EIAV 驴白细胞弱毒疫苗(沈荣显等,1979),DLA进一步通过驴胎皮肤细胞培养驯化,又获得了皮肤细胞弱毒疫苗株。 8. carefully的解释 8. Create Jinfeng 62 (1.2MW) temperature model of mathematics and physics about permanent magnent synchronous generator in wind power, present basic hypothesis and boundary condition. select area that one slot opposite to calculate, utilize FEM calculate roter and stator temperature field. bring forward actual method, carefully analyse the result to generator temperature field, for example reduce coil insulation thickness, decrease conduction coefficient because insulation aging between circle, increase iron-core anisotropism conduction coefficient. 建立了金风62型(1.2MW)永磁同步风力发电机的二维温度场的数学和物理模型,给出了计算边界条件和分析假设条件,以一个槽所对应的电机计算区域,利用有限元方法计算发电机的定、转子温度场,详细分析了绕组线棒绝缘厚度减小、匝间绝缘老化致使导热系数减小、铁心各向异性导热系数提高等参数改进对于发电机温度场的影响。 9. 9. The optimal value of the input power, which should be carefully chosen due to the interaction among nonlinearity, fiber loss and the noise, was found to optimize the performance of the optic fiber transmission system. 由于非线性效应、传输损耗及噪声的综合影响,应当选取合适的入纤功率以使得系统获得最佳的传输性能,本文找到了其中最优系统的最佳入纤功率。 10. carefully的翻译 10. She carefully rubbed finger mark from paint. 她小心地把油漆上的指印擦掉。 11. Under this kind of stern situation, the future development direction of fuel gas enterprise should be carefully considered. 在这种严峻的形势下,燃气企业不得不慎重考虑未来的发展方向。 12. 12. Hand it to her carefully and as she smells the rose, she'll see the ring. 当她接过来闻的时候就能看见了。 13. 13. Note: Before completing this notice, please read carefully the Notes on Completion of Notice of Revocation of 备注:在填写此通知书前,请阅《填写撤销委任代人通知书明》。 14. Maybe you do not remember me, 凡 no matter. When you carefully look at me, 刅 you will one see clock. 也许你不记得我,减没有关系,分当你仔细看著我,冻你就会一见钟情。 15. Record of inspection: wire rope should be inspected regularly, and all the records should be kept carefully. 3检查记录:使用钢丝绳必须定期检查,并做好记录,定期检查的内容除了上述清洗加油外,还应 16. Please read the hotel information and notice carefully when fill in this reservation form. 请于天之内将此预定表格回传至万耀企龙,以便进行酒店预定的工作。 17. The paper carefully analyzes tightener material Fatigue Examination. A stat analyze based on the data mining. As the number of data in the tightener Fatigue Examination is enormously and Data Processing will be realized in the automotive industry. 文章对紧固件材料疲劳试验进行了详细分析,针对疲劳试验过程中数据剧烈增长以及汽车工业数据统计分析的需要,基于数据挖掘的基本思想进行了统计分析。 18. Carefully mix the inoculum and the medium. 仔细混合接种物和培养基。 19. carefully的反义词 19. But when he was come to Rome, he carefully sought me, and found me. 而且他一到了罗马,便急切地访寻我,也找到了我。 20. 20. At the time we made clear that we will carefully monitor conditi** in China, including new laws and other restricti** on our services. 当时,我们曾明确表示,我们将密切注视中国的情况,包括新的法律和其他对我们服务的限制。 carefully 单语例句 1. Even if the group had done its homework carefully, the business of its Silver World restaurant wasn't so satisfactory. 2. " I decided to calm down and carefully think about what my best business opportunity was, " he said. 3. But the problem is that people are so busy throughout the year that reports are neither written seriously nor read carefully. 4. He reads travel books carefully, draws a map and plans the route by himself. 5. He said he has read the letter from the students carefully and was moved by the warm and kind feelings expressed in the letter. 6. Their attempt to maintain market share by further increasing manufacturing capacity must be weighed carefully in view of their real competitive edge in the market. 7. By carefully researching pecuniary options, you can protect yourself from making a money decision that you will later regret. 8. All cabinet members must come here regularly to deal with local problems carefully. 9. Policymakers must calculate carefully how much of a premium villagers should pay into the social security fund and how much they will get from it. 10. Early disclosures of IPO information will enable both public investors and securities authorities to scrutinize the candidate companies more carefully and comprehensively. carefully 英英释义 adv 1. taking care or paying attention e.g. they watched carefully 2. as if with kid gloves with caution or prudence or tact e.g. she ventured cautiously downstairs they handled the incident with kid gloves Synonym: cautiously |
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