汉字 | ? |
释义 |
Englisha kind of insect, (non-classical form of 珧) scallops, found in abundance in the China Sea; the shells contain mother-of-pearl, and the compressor muscle or ligament is dried and imported into China as Compoy ( 干貝); also called ( 江瑤柱) it is highly esteemed as an article of food, both in China and Japan 康熙字典【申集中】【虫字部】? ·康熙筆画:12 ·部外筆画:6 《集韻》餘招切,音餆。《類篇》蟲名。 又《正字通》同珧。引《六書故》:似蚌,其柱最珍。別見玉部。 ?的意思、基本信息
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