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词语 悔愆

悔愆(huǐ qiān)

Pronunciation: huǐ qiān

Basic Meaning:

悔愆 (huǐ qiān) can be translated as "remorse" or "regret for one's mistakes". It refers to the feeling of remorse or guilt that one experiences after making a mistake or committing a wrongdoing.

Detailed Explanation:

悔愆 (huǐ qiān) is a compound word made up of two characters: 悔 (huǐ) and 愆 (qiān). 悔 means "to repent" or "to regret", while 愆 means "fault" or "mistake". Together, they convey the idea of feeling remorseful or regretful for one's mistakes.

Usage Scenarios:

悔愆 (huǐ qiān) is often used to describe the feeling of regret or guilt after making a mistake or committing a wrongdoing. It can be used in various contexts, such as personal relationships, work, or moral dilemmas.

Story Origin:

There is no specific story origin for the idiom 悔愆 (huǐ qiān). However, the concept of regret and remorse for one's mistakes has been present in Chinese culture for centuries. The idiom encapsulates the importance of acknowledging and reflecting upon one's mistakes in order to learn and grow from them.

Structure of the Idiom:

悔愆 (huǐ qiān) is a compound word consisting of two characters: 悔 (huǐ) and 愆 (qiān).

Example Sentences:

1. 他对自己的过失感到悔愆。

(Tā duì zìjǐ de guòshī gǎndào huǐ qiān.)

He feels remorseful for his mistakes.

2. 她深感悔愆,决定改正错误。

(Tā shēn gǎn huǐ qiān, juédìng gǎizhèng cuòwù.)

She deeply regrets and decides to correct her mistakes.

Memory Techniques:

To remember the idiom 悔愆 (huǐ qiān), you can create a mnemonic device by associating the characters with their meanings. For example, you can imagine feeling deep regret (悔) after making a mistake (愆). Visualizing this image can help reinforce the meaning of the idiom in your memory.

Extended Learning:

To further your understanding of the concept of 悔愆 (huǐ qiān), you can explore related topics such as forgiveness, self-reflection, and personal growth. Additionally, you can learn more idioms and expressions that convey similar meanings, such as 自责 (zì zé, self-blame) or 忏悔 (chàn huǐ, repentance).

Example Sentences by Students of Different Age Groups:

1. Elementary School Student: 我做错题的时候,感到很悔愆。

(Wǒ zuò cuò tí de shíhòu, gǎndào hěn huǐ qiān.)

When I make mistakes in my homework, I feel very remorseful.

2. Middle School Student: 我对我的不良行为感到很悔愆,决定从现在开始改正。

(Wǒ duì wǒ de bùliáng xíngwéi gǎndào hěn huǐ qiān, juédìng cóng xiànzài kāishǐ gǎizhèng.)

I feel very remorseful for my bad behavior and have decided to correct it from now on.

3. High School Student: 在面对考试作弊的事实时,我感到了巨大的悔愆和自责。

(Zài miànduì kǎoshì zuòbì de shìshí shí, wǒ gǎndào le jùdà de huǐ qiān hé zìzé.)

When faced with the fact of cheating in the exam, I felt immense remorse and self-blame.





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