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词语 夸骜

夸骜(kuā guào)

Pronunciation: kuā guào

Basic Meaning: To boast or brag excessively

Detailed Explanation: The idiom "夸骜" is composed of two characters: "夸" means to boast or exaggerate, and "骜" means arrogant or proud. When used together, it refers to someone who brags excessively and is arrogant in their speech.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to describe people who constantly brag about their achievements, skills, or possessions without any modesty or humility.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD). There was a famous poet named Cao Cao, who was known for his military achievements and literary talent. However, he was also known for his arrogance and tendency to boast about his accomplishments. As a result, the idiom "夸骜" was created to describe someone who behaves like Cao Cao.

Structure of the Idiom: 夸 + 骜

Example Sentences:

1. 他总是夸骜自己的智商有多高,让人很难接受。

(He always boasts about how high his IQ is, which is hard for people to accept.)

2. 别夸骜你的成绩,谦虚一点才能得到别人的尊重。

(Don't brag about your achievements, being modest will earn you respect from others.)

Memory Techniques:

1. Associate the characters: Visualize someone boasting excessively while standing on a proud horse.

2. Create a mnemonic sentence: "夸骜的人像高傲的骏马,总是引人注目" (A person who brags excessively is like a proud horse, always attracting attention).

Extended Learning:

1. Explore other idioms related to boasting or arrogance, such as "自吹自擂" (zì chuī zì léi) - to blow one's own trumpet, and "狂妄自大" (kuáng wàng zì dà) - arrogant and conceited.

2. Read stories or fables that teach the importance of humility and modesty.

Example Sentences from Students of Different Age Groups:

1. Elementary School Student: 我不喜欢和夸骜的同学一起玩,他总是说自己最厉害。

(I don't like playing with the classmate who brags, he always says he is the best.)

2. Middle School Student: 那个运动员夸骜自己的实力,但实际上并不那么出色。

(That athlete boasts about his abilities, but in reality, he is not that outstanding.)

3. High School Student: 在社交媒体上,很多人夸骜自己的生活,但我们应该保持真实和谦逊。

(On social media, many people boast about their lives, but we should stay true and humble.)





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