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词语 括集

括集(kuò jí)

Pronunciation:kuò jí

Basic Meaning:to include or gather together

Detailed Explanation:括集 means to include or gather together. It is often used to describe the act of gathering or collecting various things or ideas into a single entity or category.

Usage Scenarios:括集 is commonly used in formal or academic contexts, such as research papers, presentations, or discussions. It can also be used in everyday conversations to express the idea of gathering or collecting.

Story Origin:The origin of 括集 can be traced back to ancient China. In ancient times, people used to gather or collect various things, such as books, artworks, or knowledge, into a single place for easy access and reference. This practice eventually gave rise to the term 括集.

Structure of the Idiom:括集 is a compound word composed of two characters: 括 (kuò) and 集 (jí). 括 means "to include" or "to gather", while 集 means "to collect" or "to gather together".

Example Sentences:

1. 他把各种各样的观点都括集在一起,形成了一个完整的理论体系。

Translation: He gathered together various viewpoints and formed a complete theoretical system.

2. 这本书括集了许多不同时期的文学作品。

Translation: This book includes a collection of literary works from different periods.

Memory Techniques:To remember the meaning of 括集, you can associate it with the image of gathering or collecting various objects into a basket (括). Imagine yourself picking up different items and putting them into the basket, symbolizing the act of 括集.

Extended Learning:To further understand the concept of 括集, you can explore related topics such as data collection, categorization, or information organization. You can also learn more about other idioms that involve the idea of gathering or collecting, such as 汇集 (huì jí) or 聚集 (jù jí).

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children (age 8-12): 我括集了各种各样的石头,然后用它们建了一个小房子。

Translation: I gathered various stones and built a small house with them.

2. Teenagers (age 13-18): 在我的研究报告中,我括集了不同的实验数据来支持我的观点。

Translation: In my research paper, I included various experimental data to support my argument.

3. Adults (age 25+): 我喜欢括集各种不同的菜谱,然后根据自己的口味进行调整。

Translation: I like to gather different recipes and adjust them according to my own taste.





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