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词语 蓝本

蓝本(lán běn)

Pronunciation: lán běn

Basic Meaning: blueprint, original plan

Detailed Explanation: 蓝本 refers to the original plan or blueprint for something, often used to describe a plan or design that serves as a model or reference for future development or construction.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is commonly used in the context of architecture, engineering, and planning, but can also be used metaphorically to describe a plan or strategy in various fields.

Story Origin: The term "蓝本" originates from the practice of using blue-colored prints to reproduce architectural or engineering plans. In the past, these blueprints were made by using a special process that involved coating the original plan with a photosensitive material and then exposing it to light. The exposed areas would turn blue, while the unexposed areas remained white. These blueprints were commonly referred to as "蓝本" due to their distinctive blue color.

Structure of the Idiom: 蓝本 is a compound word formed by combining the characters "蓝" (lán) meaning blue, and "本" (běn) meaning original or main.

Example Sentences:

1. 这个项目的蓝本已经完成,接下来我们可以开始实施了。

Translation: The blueprint for this project has been completed, and we can now proceed with the implementation.

2. 这部电影的成功很大程度上要归功于导演的出色蓝本。

Translation: The success of this film is largely attributed to the director's excellent blueprint.

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 蓝本, you can associate the word "蓝" (lán) with the color blue, and imagine a blueprint being printed in blue color. This visual image can help you connect the word with its meaning.

Extended Learning: To further deepen your understanding of 蓝本, you can explore its usage in different fields such as architecture, engineering, and planning. You can also research famous examples of blueprints or study the history and development of blueprint technology.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 我画了一张蓝本,准备建造一个城堡。

Translation: I drew a blueprint and am ready to build a castle.

2. Teenagers: 我们需要制定一个蓝本来改善学校的教育体系。

Translation: We need to develop a blueprint to improve the education system in our school.

3. Adults: 这个商业计划的蓝本已经通过了高层的审查。

Translation: The blueprint for this business plan has been approved by senior management.





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