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词语 狼贪

狼贪(láng tān)

Pronunciation: láng tān

Basic Meaning: greedy like a wolf

Detailed Explanation: 狼贪(láng tān)is an idiom that describes someone who is extremely greedy, just like a wolf. It implies that the person's greed is insatiable and they are willing to do anything to satisfy their desires.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to criticize people who are greedy and selfish, especially those who are willing to harm others for their own gain. It can be used in various situations, such as describing a corrupt official who takes bribes or a person who cheats others for personal profit.

Story Origin: The idiom comes from a story in the ancient Chinese book "Shuo Yuan" (说苑), which tells the story of a man who was extremely greedy and would do anything to fulfill his desires, just like a wolf. The story serves as a warning against the dangers of greed and selfishness.

Structure of the Idiom: 狼贪 (láng tān) is a compound word made up of two characters. 狼 (láng) means "wolf" and 贪 (tān) means "greedy". When combined, they create the meaning of "greedy like a wolf".

Example Sentences:

1. 他的狼贪行为导致他失去了许多朋友。 (Tā de láng tān xíngwéi dǎozhì tā shīqùle xǔduō péngyǒu.) - His greedy behavior has caused him to lose many friends.

2. 这个官员因为狼贪而最终被判刑。 (Zhège guānyuán yīnwèi láng tān ér zuìzhōng bèi pàn xíng.) - This official was sentenced because of his greed.

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 狼贪, you can imagine a hungry wolf that is constantly searching for food and never satisfied. This image can help you associate the idiom with greed and insatiability.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of greed and its consequences, you can explore other related idioms and stories in Chinese culture, such as "饮鸩止渴" (yǐn zhèn zhǐ kě) meaning "to seek temporary relief at the cost of future harm" and the story of the "Greed of the Fisherman" in the book "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" (聊斋志异).

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children (6-12 years old): 小明非常狼贪,他总是抢着吃别人的零食。(Xiǎo Míng fēicháng láng tān, tā zǒngshì qiǎngzhe chī biérén de língshí.) - Xiao Ming is very greedy, he always snatches other people's snacks.

2. Teenagers (13-18 years old): 这个人为了钱可以不择手段,真是狼贪无比。(Zhège rén wèile qián kěyǐ bùzé shǒuduàn, zhēnshi láng tān wúbǐ.) - This person can do anything for money, he is incredibly greedy.

3. Adults (19 and above): 那个商人因为狼贪的本性最终破产了。(Nàgè shāng rén yīnwèi láng tān de běnxìng zuìzhōng pòchǎnle.) - That businessman went bankrupt in the end because of his greedy nature.





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