词语 | 没搭煞 |
释义 | 没搭煞(Méi dā shà) Pronunciation: méi dā shà Basic Meaning: To not interrupt or disturb someone; to not be able to make any sound or movement due to shock or surprise. Detailed Explanation: "没搭煞" is a Chinese idiom that is used to describe a situation where someone is so shocked or surprised that they are unable to make any sound or movement. The idiom emphasizes the idea of being completely stunned or speechless in the face of something unexpected or astonishing. Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to describe someone's reaction to a shocking or surprising event or news. It can also be used more figuratively to convey the idea of being completely speechless or unable to respond to a situation. Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to an ancient Chinese tale. It is said that there was once a scholar who was known for his quick wit and sharp tongue. One day, the emperor invited him to a banquet and deliberately set up a trap to embarrass him. However, the scholar was so astounded by the emperor's unexpected kindness and generosity that he was left speechless and motionless throughout the entire event. This incident gave rise to the idiom "没搭煞". Structure of the Idiom: The idiom consists of three characters: "没" (méi), "搭" (dā), and "煞" (shà). Each character contributes to the overall meaning of the idiom. Example Sentences: 1. 他听到这个消息后,没搭煞地愣在那里。 Translation: He stood there, completely stunned, after hearing the news. 2. 她的表演太出色了,观众们都被她的才华没搭煞了。 Translation: Her performance was so outstanding that the audience was left speechless by her talent. Memory Techniques: - Associate the characters with visuals: Imagine someone trying to speak (没), but their mouth is blocked by a hand (搭) and they are unable to make any sound (煞). - Create a story: Imagine a person walking along a road when suddenly they see something incredible, like a UFO. The person is so shocked that they stop in their tracks, unable to move or speak. Extended Learning: - Explore other idioms related to surprise or shock, such as "大吃一惊" (dà chī yī jīng) and "目瞪口呆" (mù dèng kǒu dāi). - Research the cultural significance of being speechless or stunned in different countries or cultures. - Learn more about the history and traditions of the Chinese imperial court, where etiquette and protocol often led to surprising and unexpected situations. Example Sentences from Different Age Groups: Child: 他看到怪兽时,吓得没搭煞。 Translation: When he saw the monster, he was so scared that he couldn't make a sound. Teenager: 我听到她的演唱会门票已经卖光了,真是没搭煞。 Translation: I was completely stunned when I heard that her concert tickets were sold out. Adult: 老板突然宣布公司要倒闭了,大家都没搭煞。 Translation: When the boss suddenly announced that the company was going bankrupt, everyone was left speechless. |
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