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词语 漂浪

漂浪(piāo làng)

Pronunciation: piao1 lang4

Basic Meaning: To drift or wander aimlessly

Detailed Explanation: The idiom "漂浪" consists of two characters: "漂" means "to float" or "to drift," and "浪" means "waves." Together, it conveys the idea of drifting or wandering aimlessly, just like a piece of debris carried by the waves.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to describe someone who is without a clear direction or purpose in life, or someone who is wandering from place to place without settling down.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to an ancient Chinese poem called "离骚" (Li Sao) written by the poet Qu Yuan during the Warring States period. In the poem, the poet expresses his feelings of sorrow and despair due to his political exile and the chaotic state of the country. The phrase "漂流散处" (piāo liú sàn chǔ), which means "drifting and scattering everywhere," is used to describe the poet's own situation.

Structure of the Idiom: 漂浪 is a verb-object idiom, where "漂" is the verb and "浪" is the object.

Example Sentences:

1. 他的人生一直都在漂浪,没有找到自己的方向。

(His life has been drifting aimlessly without finding his direction.)

2. 这个年轻人漂浪多年,终于在外地找到了一份稳定的工作。

(This young man has been wandering for many years, and finally found a stable job in another city.)

Memory Techniques:

To remember the idiom "漂浪," you can visualize a person floating on the waves, aimlessly drifting with no clear destination in sight. This mental image can help you associate the idiom with its meaning.

Extended Learning:

If you are interested in exploring more idioms related to drifting or wandering, you can look up other idioms such as "流连忘返" (liú lián wàng fǎn), which means "to linger and forget to return," or "飘飘然" (piāo piāo rán), which means "to be in high spirits."

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 我们在海边漂浪,玩得很开心!

(We had a great time drifting and playing at the beach!)

2. Teenagers: 大学毕业后,我打算漂浪一段时间,去探索世界各地的文化。

(After graduating from college, I plan to wander for a while and explore the cultures around the world.)

3. Adults: 他一直漂浪,没有固定的工作和住所。

(He has been drifting without a stable job or place to live.)





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