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词语 穷冗

穷冗(qióng rǒng)

Pronunciation: qióng rǒng

Basic Meaning: poor and barren

Detailed Explanation: The idiom "穷冗" refers to a situation or place that is impoverished and desolate, lacking in resources and vitality. It describes a state of extreme poverty and barrenness.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to describe a place or situation that is economically backward, lacking in development, or lacking in resources.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient times. It was first recorded in the book "Shuo Wen Jie Zi" during the Han Dynasty. The idiom is derived from the combination of the characters "穷" and "冗". "穷" means poor or impoverished, while "冗" means barren or desolate. Together, they depict a scene of extreme poverty and barrenness.

Structure of the Idiom: The idiom "穷冗" is a compound idiom composed of two characters.

Example Sentences:

1. 这个山区地势险峻,土地贫瘠,真是个穷冗的地方。

Translation: This mountainous area has a steep terrain and poor soil. It is truly a poor and barren place.

2. 那个地方经济发展缓慢,一直处于穷冗的状态。

Translation: The economic development of that place is slow, and it has been in a state of poverty and barrenness.

Memory Techniques: To remember the idiom "穷冗", you can associate the character "穷" with poverty and the character "冗" with barrenness. Visualize a desolate and impoverished place, and connect it with the meaning of the idiom.

Extended Learning: To further understand the meaning of "穷冗", you can explore related idioms and phrases that describe poverty and barrenness, such as "一穷二白" (extremely poor and plain) and "贫瘠" (barren).

Example Sentences from Students of Different Ages:

1. Elementary school student: 这个村庄没有水源,是个穷冗的地方。

Translation: This village has no water source. It is a poor and barren place.

2. Middle school student: 这个国家经济发展缓慢,一直处于穷冗的状态。

Translation: This country has slow economic development and has been in a state of poverty and barrenness.

3. High school student: 在那个穷冗的地方,人们生活艰苦,缺乏基本的生活资源。

Translation: In that poor and barren place, people live a difficult life and lack basic resources for living.





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