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词语 劝善戒恶



quàn shàn jiè è ㄑㄨㄢˋ ㄕㄢˋ ㄐㄧㄝ ˋ ㄜˋ


见“ 劝善惩恶 ”。


劝善戒恶 (quàn shàn jiè è)

Pronunciation: quàn shàn jiè è

Basic Meaning: Encourage good, discourage evil

Detailed Explanation: 劝 (quàn) means to advise or persuade, 善 (shàn) means goodness or virtue, 戒 (jiè) means to warn or abstain, and 恶 (è) means evil or vice. This idiom encourages people to promote and practice virtuous behavior while avoiding and abstaining from evil deeds.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to remind and encourage individuals to choose the right path and to discourage them from engaging in immoral or unethical behavior.

Story Origin: This idiom originates from the teachings of Confucius, a renowned Chinese philosopher. Confucius emphasized the importance of cultivating virtues and warned against the dangers of indulging in evil deeds.

Structure of the Idiom: 劝善戒恶 follows the structure of "verb + noun + verb + noun," representing the action of advising or persuading others to practice goodness and abstain from evil.

Example Sentences:

1. 作为家长,我们应该时刻劝善戒恶,引导孩子走上正确的道路。

(As parents, we should always encourage our children to do good and discourage them from engaging in evil, guiding them onto the right path.)

2. 这个社会需要更多的人去劝善戒恶,共同营造一个和谐的环境。

(This society needs more people to encourage virtuous behavior and discourage evil, creating a harmonious environment together.)

Memory Techniques: To remember this idiom, you can create a mnemonic by associating each character with a vivid image or story. For example, imagine a wise person advising others to choose the path of goodness while warning them to avoid the path of evil.

Extended Learning: To further explore the concept of encouraging good and discouraging evil, you can study related philosophical teachings, such as Confucianism and Buddhism, which emphasize moral values and ethical conduct.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 我们应该劝善戒恶,不欺负别人,互相帮助。

(We should encourage good and discourage evil, not bully others, and help each other.)

2. Teenagers: 在面对诱惑时,我们要劝善戒恶,坚守自己的原则。

(When faced with temptation, we should encourage good and discourage evil, sticking to our principles.)

3. Adults: 作为社会的一员,我们要积极劝善戒恶,为社会的进步贡献力量。

(As members of society, we should actively encourage good and discourage evil, contributing to the progress of society.)





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