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词语 劝告


(1) (动)用道理劝人;使人改正错误或接受意见。劝告喜欢坐在办公室发号施令的人;还是走出办公室好。(作谓语)
(2) 希望人改正错误或接受意见而说的话。要接受别人的劝告。(作宾语)






1.advise; urge; exhort


劝告 quàngào
[advise;urge;exhort] 拿道理劝人
(1).拿道理劝人。《新唐书·崔日用传》:“会帝诞日, 日用 采《诗》大小雅二十篇及 司马相如 《封禪书》献之,借以讽諭,且劝告成事。” 沉从文 《阿金》:“但是禁不住地保用他的老友资格一再劝告。” 巴金 《秋》五:“ 觉民 放下 淑华 的辫子,拉着她的一只手,半劝告,半开玩笑地说。”
(2).指劝人的话。 孙犁 《澹定集·同口旧事》:“他的这一劝告,我一直记在心中,受到益处。”

劝告(Quàn Gào)

Pronunciation: quàn gào

Basic Meaning: to advise; to exhort

Detailed Explanation: "劝" means to advise or persuade, and "告" means to inform or notify. Together, the phrase "劝告" refers to the act of advising or exhorting someone.

Usage Scenarios: 劝告 is often used when someone gives advice or offers guidance to another person. It implies a sincere intention to help and guide others towards making better decisions.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius. Confucius emphasized the importance of moral cultivation and believed in the power of education and guidance to influence people's behavior. He frequently used the phrase "劝告" to emphasize the importance of offering sincere advice to others.

Structure of the Idiom: 劝告 consists of two characters, "劝" and "告," which together form a compound word to convey the meaning of advising or exhorting.

Example Sentences:

1. 他劝告我要好好学习,不要浪费时间。

Translation: He advised me to study hard and not to waste time.

2. 她劝告他要多锻炼身体,保持健康。

Translation: She advised him to exercise more and stay healthy.

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of "劝告," you can break down the characters. "劝" sounds similar to the English word "quant," which can remind you of the idea of persuading or advising. "告" sounds like the English word "goal," which can remind you of the intention to inform or notify others. So, "劝告" can be remembered as advising or persuading someone towards a goal.

Extended Learning: To further explore the concept of 劝告, you can read books or articles on the importance of giving and receiving advice in different cultures. You can also practice using the idiom in various sentences to deepen your understanding and improve your language skills.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 妈妈劝告我要多吃蔬菜,这样才能长大得更高。

Translation: Mom advised me to eat more vegetables so that I can grow taller.

2. Teenagers: 我的朋友劝告我不要跟坏孩子一起玩,以免被他们影响。

Translation: My friend advised me not to hang out with bad kids to avoid being influenced by them.

3. Adults: 我的老板劝告我要提升自己的技能,这样才能在职场中更有竞争力。

Translation: My boss advised me to enhance my skills so that I can be more competitive in the workplace.





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