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词语 设饰

设饰(shè shì)

Pronunciation: shè shì

Basic Meaning: To make up, to adorn

Detailed Explanation: 设饰 means to decorate or adorn something, usually referring to adding embellishments or decorations to enhance its appearance. It can also be used metaphorically to describe someone who tries to make themselves appear better or more impressive than they actually are.

Usage Scenarios: 设饰 is often used in a negative context to criticize someone for putting on a false appearance or pretending to be something they are not. It can also be used to describe the act of embellishing or beautifying something.

Story Origin: The origin of 设饰 is not clear, but it is believed to have originated from ancient Chinese culture where people would decorate their homes and themselves with various ornaments and accessories to enhance their appearance.

Structure of the Idiom: 设饰 is a compound word made up of two characters: 设 (shè) meaning "to set up" or "to arrange" and 饰 (shì) meaning "decoration" or "adornment".

Example Sentences:

1. 她总是喜欢设饰自己的过去,让人很难相信她说的话。 (She always likes to embellish her past, making it hard to believe what she says.)

2. 这幅画的设饰十分精美,每一个细节都被精心雕琢。 (The decoration of this painting is exquisite, with every detail carefully crafted.)

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 设饰, you can think of it as "setting up decorations". Imagine yourself arranging and decorating a room with beautiful ornaments, or think of someone who is trying to make themselves appear better by adding embellishments.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of 设饰, you can explore other related idioms such as "花枝招展" (huā zhī zhāo zhǎn) which means to dress up or show off, or "美化" (měi huà) which means to beautify or embellish.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children (age 8-12): 妈妈为了庆祝生日,设饰了整个房间,让我们感到很开心。 (Mom decorated the whole room to celebrate her birthday, and it made us very happy.)

2. Teenagers (age 13-18): 他总是设饰自己的成绩,让别人以为他很聪明。 (He always embellishes his achievements, making others think he is very smart.)

3. Adults (age 30+): 她虽然设饰了自己的外表,但内心却充满了不安和不自信。 (Although she adorns her appearance, she is filled with insecurity and lack of confidence on the inside.)





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