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词语 太容


人名。传说为 黄帝 乐师。《文选·张衡<思玄赋>》:“素女抚絃而餘音兮, 太容 吟曰念哉。”旧注:“ 太容 , 黄帝 乐师也。” 晋 陆机 《前缓声歌》:“ 太容 挥高絃, 洪崖 发清歌。”

太容(tài róng)

Pronunciation: tài róng

Basic Meaning: to be extremely easy

Detailed Explanation: 太容(tài róng)is an idiom in Chinese that means something is extremely easy or simple to do. It implies that the task at hand requires little effort or skill.

Usage Scenarios: 太容(tài róng)is often used to describe tasks or activities that are effortless or require minimal effort. It can be used in both formal and informal situations.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to the story of a famous Chinese philosopher, Zhuangzi. According to the story, Zhuangzi once dreamt that he had transformed into a butterfly. When he woke up, he couldn't tell whether he was originally Zhuangzi who had dreamt of being a butterfly, or if he was a butterfly dreaming of being Zhuangzi. This story conveys the idea that sometimes things can be so easy or simple that it becomes difficult to distinguish reality from imagination.

Structure of the Idiom: The idiom 太容(tài róng)is composed of the adverb 太(tài)meaning "extremely" and the verb 容(róng)meaning "to be easy".

Example Sentences:

1. 这个问题对他来说太容了,他几乎不用思考就能回答。

Translation: This question is too easy for him, he can answer it without much thought.

2. 这道数学题对我来说太容了,我只用了一分钟就解答完毕。

Translation: This math problem is too easy for me, I solved it in just one minute.

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 太容(tài róng), you can associate it with the image of a butterfly (蝴蝶) flying effortlessly in the air. This image can remind you that 太容(tài róng)means something is extremely easy.

Extended Learning: To further explore the concept of ease or simplicity, you can learn related idioms such as 一帆风顺 (yī fān fēng shùn) meaning "smooth sailing" or 轻而易举 (qīng ér yì jǔ) meaning "a piece of cake".

Example sentences from different age groups:

1. Children: 我的数学作业太容了,我只用了几分钟就完成了。

Translation: My math homework was so easy, I finished it in just a few minutes.

2. Teenagers: 这个游戏太容了,我已经通关了三次。

Translation: This game is too easy, I've already completed it three times.

3. Adults: 这个任务对我来说太容了,我只需要一天就能完成。

Translation: This task is too easy for me, I can finish it in just one day.





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