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词语 外裔


谓边远的地方。 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷十:“ 铁云 年十四,随父官 粤 西,与 安南 贡使赋《铜柱诗》相赠答,传诵外裔。”

外裔(wài yì)

Pronunciation: wài yì

Basic Meaning: descendants of foreigners

Detailed Explanation: The term "外裔" refers to people who are descendants of foreigners, often used to describe individuals or groups who have foreign ancestry or heritage. It emphasizes the cultural and ethnic background of these people, indicating that they have a connection to a foreign country or culture.

Usage Scenarios: This term is commonly used in discussions about multiculturalism, immigration, and diversity. It is often used in a respectful and inclusive manner to acknowledge and celebrate the diverse backgrounds of individuals or communities.

Story Origin: There is no specific story origin for this term, as it is a modern term that reflects the increasingly diverse and multicultural society in China.

Structure of the Idiom: "外裔" is a compound word formed by the characters "外" (wài, foreign) and "裔" (yì, descendant).

Example Sentences:

1. 他是外裔华人,祖籍是英国。

(He is a Chinese descendant of foreigners with British ancestry.)

2. 这个城市有许多外裔社区,各种文化交相辉映。

(This city has many communities of foreign descent, where various cultures come together.)

Memory Techniques: To remember the term "外裔," you can associate it with the idea of "foreign descendants." Imagine a family tree with a foreign flag on one side and a Chinese flag on the other, symbolizing the connection between foreign ancestry and Chinese heritage.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of "外裔" and its implications, you can explore related topics such as multiculturalism, immigration policies, and the history of foreign influence in China.

Example Sentences from Students of Different Age Groups:

1. Primary school student: 我的同学是外裔,他们会说两种语言。

(My classmate is of foreign descent, and they can speak two languages.)

2. Middle school student: 外裔文化的传统节日很有趣,我很想去参加。

(Traditional festivals of foreign descent cultures are fascinating, and I would love to participate.)

3. High school student: 中国越来越多的外裔人士为社会带来了新的文化和观念。

(The increasing number of people of foreign descent in China brings new cultures and perspectives to society.)





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