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词语 外辞


(1).泛指显豁之辞。《穀梁传·隐公三年》:“其日有食之何也?吐者外壤,食者内壤。闕然不见其壤,有食之者也。有内辞也,或外辞也。” 锺文烝 补注:“‘有’之疑为内辞,其辞最微……‘或’之疑为外辞,其辞较著。”
(2).对外的言词。《礼记·曲礼下》“内事曰孝王某,外事曰嗣王某” 唐 孔颖达 疏:“是在内从内辞,在外从外辞。”

外辞(wài cí)

Pronunciation: wài cí

Basic Meaning: leaving one's post or position without permission

Detailed Explanation: "外辞" refers to the act of leaving one's post or position without permission. It implies that someone abandons their responsibilities or neglects their duties. This idiom is often used to criticize someone for being irresponsible or unreliable.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom can be used in various situations where someone is not fulfilling their responsibilities or obligations. It can be used to describe a person who quits their job without notice, a student who skips classes without permission, or a government official who neglects their duties.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient China. In ancient times, government officials were required to be loyal and dedicated to their duties. Leaving one's post without permission was considered a serious offense and was heavily criticized. The idiom "外辞" was used to describe such behavior.

Structure of the Idiom: The idiom "外辞" consists of two characters. "外" means "outside" or "leave," and "辞" means "resign" or "quit." Together, they form the meaning of leaving one's post without permission.

Example Sentences:

1. 他突然外辞了公司,让我们很失望。(He suddenly quit the company without notice, which disappointed us.)

2. 这位官员被指责外辞职责,对公众失去了信任。(This official was criticized for abandoning his responsibilities and losing the trust of the public.)

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of "外辞," you can imagine a person leaving their post or position without permission. Visualize someone walking away from their job or school without notifying anyone. This image can help you associate the idiom with its meaning.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of responsibility, you can explore other related idioms and expressions, such as "失职" (shī zhí, dereliction of duty) and "推卸责任" (tuī xiè zé rèn, shirk responsibility). These idioms can help you deepen your understanding of the importance of fulfilling one's obligations.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children (ages 8-12): 他没有完成作业就外辞了学校。(He left the school without completing his homework.)

2. Teenagers (ages 13-18): 她经常外辞家务,让家人很生气。(She often neglects her household chores, which makes her family angry.)

3. Adults (ages 19+): 这位政府官员外辞职责,对公众的信任已经丧失了。(This government official has abandoned his responsibilities, and the public's trust in him has been lost.)





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