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词语 跸路

跸路(bì lù)

Pronunciation: /bi? lù/

Basic Meaning: Clear the way

Detailed Explanation: The idiom "跸路" originated from ancient China and refers to the act of clearing the way for an important person or event. It signifies the importance of making preparations and removing obstacles to ensure a smooth and successful outcome.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to describe the actions of someone who takes the initiative to clear obstacles or make preparations for an important task or event. It can also be used metaphorically to encourage others to make necessary preparations in order to achieve their goals.

Story Origin: The idiom "跸路" is derived from an ancient practice in China where officials would clear the way for the emperor or other high-ranking officials during their travels. This practice symbolized respect and reverence for the authority figures, as well as ensuring their safety and smooth passage.

Structure of the Idiom: The idiom "跸路" is composed of two characters - "跸" and "路". "跸" means to clear the way or pave the way, while "路" means road or path.

Example Sentences:

1. 在重要客人到来之前,我们需要提前跸路,保证一切准备就绪。

Translation: Before the arrival of the important guest, we need to clear the way in advance to ensure everything is ready.

2. 他积极跸路,为公司的新项目做好了充分准备。

Translation: He actively cleared the way and made thorough preparations for the company's new project.

Memory Techniques: To remember the idiom "跸路", you can visualize a road full of obstacles, and then imagine someone clearing the way, removing all the obstacles to create a smooth path. This mental image can help you associate the meaning of the idiom with its characters.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of clearing the way, you can explore other related idioms such as "开道" (kāi dào), which means to open up a path, and "除旧布新" (chú jiù bù xīn), which means to get rid of the old and bring in the new.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 我们要跸路,让老师顺利过马路。

Translation: We need to clear the way for the teacher to cross the road safely.

2. Teenagers: 要想成功,就要学会跸路,为自己的梦想做好准备。

Translation: If you want to succeed, you need to learn how to clear the way and prepare for your dreams.

3. Adults: 在组织大型活动之前,我们需要跸路,确保一切顺利进行。

Translation: Before organizing a large-scale event, we need to clear the way to ensure everything goes smoothly.





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