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词语 边马


(1).车驾两侧的马。《楚辞·远游》:“僕夫怀余心悲兮,边马顾而不行。” 朱熹 集注:“边,旁也;谓两驂也。” 清 姚元之 《竹叶亭杂记》卷二:“军行至 红花埠 遇雨泥泞,边马倒毙一头。”
(2).边地的马。 汉 蔡琰 《悲愤诗》之二:“胡笳动兮边马鸣,孤鴈归兮声嚶嚶。” 南朝 陈 沉炯 《赋得边马有归心》诗:“穷秋边马肥,向塞甚思归。” 清 黄景仁 《顺昌刘武穆祠》诗:“不教长驱得留镇,边马谁敢窥 淮西 ?”
(3).捻军中的先锋或侦察部队。捻军后期,全部成为骑兵,出军前,先派出数百人的精锐马队,在前侦察,一旦发现敌人大队,立即向主力部队报告,如遇小股敌人,即加以歼灭。 清 王定安 《求阙斋弟子记·剿捻上》:“贼忽分股,一窜 阜阳 三河尖 ,一窜 新蔡 、 汝阳 ,边马至 西华 、 邓城 等处。” 凌力 《星星草》第二一章:“这功夫, 罗立海 来了。他禀告了边马打探的最新军情。”

边马 (biān mǎ)

Pronunciation: biān mǎ

Basic Meaning: a horse at the border

Detailed Explanation: The idiom "边马" refers to a horse that is stationed at the border. It implies the idea of being vigilant and alert, as border horses are always on high alert to protect the border.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to describe someone who is always on guard and ready to face challenges.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient times when horses were used to patrol the borders of the country. These horses were specially trained to be alert and responsive to any signs of danger.

Structure of the Idiom: This idiom is a combination of two characters: "边" meaning "border" and "马" meaning "horse."

Example Sentences:

1. 他像边马一样,时刻保持警惕。

(He is like a border horse, always vigilant.)

2. 这支队伍像边马一样训练有素。

(This team is well-trained like border horses.)

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of this idiom, you can imagine a horse standing at the border, watching attentively for any signs of danger. Visualizing this scene can help you associate the idiom with its meaning.

Extended Learning: To deepen your understanding of this idiom, you can explore other idioms related to horses, such as "千里马" (a horse that can travel a thousand miles) or "马到成功" (success comes immediately). This will give you a broader perspective on idioms involving horses.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children (6-12 years old): 我们要像边马一样勇敢地面对困难。

(We should bravely face challenges like border horses.)

2. Teenagers (13-18 years old): 在考试前,我总是像边马一样保持警惕。

(Before exams, I always stay alert like a border horse.)

3. Adults (18+ years old): 这个项目需要有像边马一样的团队,才能应对各种挑战。

(This project requires a team that is as vigilant as border horses to face various challenges.)





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